Mark Wreford examines the reasons that prompted the New Testament writers to create the texts which would become the formation of the Christian religion, exploring the possibility that certain religio
This volume examines the reasons that prompted the New Testament writers to create the texts which would become the formation of the Christian religion, exploring the possibility that certain religious experiences were understood as revelatory, and consequently inspired the writing of texts which were seen as special from their inception. Mark Wreford uses Luke-Acts and Galatians as test-cases within the New Testament, reflecting both on the stated importance of religious experiences – whether the author’s own or others’ – to the development of these texts, and the status the texts claim for themselves. Wreford suggests that Luke-Acts offers a helpful example of the relationship between religious experience and the creation of Scripture, as an extensive narrative which reflects on early Christian claims to Spirit-inspired witness and which begins with an explicit authorial statement of purpose. Similarly, in Galatians, Paul’s autobiographical account of God’s revelation of Christ to
In the current model of health dispensation in South Africa there are two major paradigms, the spirit-inspired tradition of izangoma sinyanga and biomedicine. These operate at best in parallel, but mo
適用對象:國中8~9年、高中1~3年級的學生或想加強英語閱讀的社會人士作者:Neille Grant 輕鬆閱讀、快樂學習 你是否有過這種經驗,想找一本有趣且能適合自己英語程度的書籍,但到了書店時看到琳瑯滿目的閱讀叢書,一時間卻不知該從何下手尋找的經驗呢? 教育測驗推薦 「Pep Up Your English」英語閱讀叢書系列 這本書中作者期許學生在學習中能夠找到興趣及自信,所以在題
While Dorothy Draper championed pink as the color choice of style, Paula Pryke has perfected the use of pink in floral displays as the surest way of creating atmosphere in a room. The mood-enhancing p