WILD FOX RIDGE的中文名是《野狐嶺》。該書講述了失蹤了百年的兩支西部駝隊,在神秘的野狐嶺重又出現,一個跨越陰陽、南北、正邪、人畜兩界的故事,揭開了序幕……自出版以來,《野狐嶺》多次登上當當網的新書排行榜和熱賣榜,並被評為「五星圖書」;入圍第九屆茅盾文學獎,榮獲第八屆敦煌文藝獎一等獎。《野狐嶺》是上海書展的明星、北京書展的寵兒、南國書香節的亮點,已入藏世界館藏,進入全球圖書館系統;入選大學本科教材《大學語文》閱讀推薦書目。《野狐嶺》英文版由著名漢學家、翻譯家葛浩文、林麗君夫婦翻譯。
White Tiger Pass revolves around the miserable experiences of three young villagewomen, Lanlan, Ying’er, and Yue’er, as they navigate life with its ups and downs,joys and sorrows, loves and hatreds.This staggering story offers a lifelike portrayal of the pains and hardships facedby Chinese peasants especially women amidst the social changes. The writing ofsurvival suffering and tenacious vitality in this naturalist book features rich details,authentic experiences and compact structure, and examines fundamental themes such as life and death, love and eternity.
當行者遇見女神,當愛情遇見信仰,究竟會有怎樣的故事,又有怎樣的情愛糾葛?打開本書,讓生命因愛而改變。Love Letters from the Goddess原中文名為《見信如面——莎爾娃蒂的情書》,由中國大百科全書出版社出版。《見信如面——莎爾娃蒂的情書》中有世上最偉大的愛情,兒女情長,英雄膽肝。此書一經面世,即受到都市白領及大學生的熱捧。在這個缺乏真愛和信仰的時代,莎爾娃蒂的三十六封情書,浪漫而富有詩意,契合了很多人對真愛的一種追求。這是最真誠的靈魂傾訴。
System Simulation Techniques with MATLAB and Simulink comprehensively explains how to use MATLAB and Simulink to perform dynamic systems simulation tasks for engineering and non-engineering applicati
Building upon their earlier studies that explored the development of China's military technologies and their influence on the People's Liberation Army's plans and objective, Lewis (emeritus, Chinese p
A bear cub braves the wintry forest and a frozen river to gather chestnuts for his father during a long hibernation. Once spring arrives, the father bear learns his cub had to battle an injured leg from a hunter’s trap in order to help him survive the winter. Now the cub has traveled far across the river to join his mother before the father bear can thank him.