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平裝 (8)
精裝 (12)
硬頁書 (9)
布書 (3)

嬰幼兒 (4)
學齡前 (11)

Edward Underwood (7)
Nosy Crow (COR)/ Lisa Jones (ILT)/ Edward Underwood (ILT) (4)
Edward Underwood(ILT) (3)
Caryl Hart, Edward Underwood (2)
Caryl Hart/ Edward Underwood (ILT) (2)
Caryl Hart; Edward Underwood (2)
Lisa Jones; Edward Underwood (2)
Reginald Edward Underwood (2)
愛德華‧安德伍德 (Edward Underwood)―文圖 (2)
Edward L. Underwood/ Karen J. Underwood/ John Pinney (CON) (1)
Edward L. Underwood/ Karen Underwood/ John Jones/ Sherry Jones (1)
Edward Mark Underwood (1)
Lisa Jones, Edward Underwood (1)
Nosy Crowl;Edward Underwood (1)
愛德華‧安德伍德(Edward Underwood)、希維爾‧密西琳(Sylvie Misslin)/文;愛德華‧安德伍德(Edward Underwood)、史黛妃‧柏克利(Steffie Brocoli)/圖 (1)

Nosy Crow UK (8)
Nosy Crow US (7)
Bloomsbury Childrens Books (4)
History Pr (3)
小山丘 (3)
Bloomsbury UK (2)
Independently published (1)
Archway (1)
Candlewick Entertainment (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

全臺第一套中英雙語點讀翻翻書 互動雙語教學 X 遊戲式學習 X 手腦協調 Listen & Learn & Play 貫徹玩中學的理想育兒法! 把握 0-6 歲學習黃金期,培植孩子英語實力! 超過 4000 句角色對話,加上豐富情境音效,開口說英文 so easy! 來自英法知名童書出版社暢銷幼兒書,深獲家長信賴的優質內容! 翻一翻、找一找、聽一聽,孩子自主學習、家長免煩惱! l 超值寶盒內含— 2 本大開本點讀翻翻硬頁書(中英100單字書+數字翻翻書)、1 支小山丘點讀筆、2 本自製點讀故事書、50 張中英點讀單字閃卡、1 張點讀數字海報、 700 張小山丘點讀錄音貼紙 ★ 內容簡介 ★ 【小山丘點讀筆系列】100 First Words 給小小孩的第一本中英 100 單字書 圓角大開本 X 7大生活情境 X 繽紛大翻頁 X 超萌插圖 X 趣味問答 英國知名童書出版社 Nosy Crow 的暢銷力作,由得獎設計師繪製色彩繽紛又活潑可愛的內頁插畫,搭配美籍人士所錄製的道地音檔,這本小小孩探索世界必學的 100 個中英常見字彙點讀單字書,即將擄獲小寶貝的心!內容以 7 大日常情境主題分類,帶領孩子一一認識戶外、動物、交通工具、身體部位和溫馨的家中環境。除了基礎的單字與圖像認知,每個主題精心編排可以和孩子互動問答的小遊戲,還有市面上認知學習書籍少見的趣味翻頁小機關,讓每個小孩都能玩得不亦樂乎! 【小山丘點讀筆系列】數字馬戲團:給小小孩的第一本點讀數字翻翻書 逗趣角色大集合 X 超過 4000 句豐富對話 X 數數學習 X 英文語感 X 找找看遊戲 在數字馬戲團裡,數字一到十輪番登場表演──快來看看它們精采絕倫的華麗演出!內頁繽紛多彩的逗趣插畫不僅吸睛,更埋藏了豐富的細節等待小讀者一一探索!各個人物角色的精彩對話音檔,更是怎麼玩都玩不膩!每個跨頁都含有六個翻翻機關的小問題,孩子能用最有趣的方式學會數數,還能
庫存 > 10
定價:3200 元, 優惠價:63 1999
My First ABC (with Big flaps to lift!)(英國版)
作者:Edward Underwood  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/08/03 裝訂:硬頁書
A stunning gift board book with BIG flaps on every page! Toddlers and preschoolers will adore learning their letters as they search for objects and characters behind the shaped flaps, name what they can see, and begin learning the letter names and sounds of the alphabet.With a vibrant, clear design and illustrations from stationery and homeware designer Edward Underwood, this beautiful title is the perfect first words book for little ones. A brilliant tool for building vocabulary, exploring letters and sounds, stimulating speech, and securing the foundations of reading, this delightful book is really just full of flaps and FUN!
定價:714 元, 優惠價:75 536
100 First Words: City (硬頁書)
作者:Edward Underwood  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2021/06/03 裝訂:硬頁書
Super-stylish gift board book with BIG flaps to lift on every page!All toddlers will adore searching for the colourful characters behind the shaped flaps, then naming the animals, objects and people you might find in a city. Arranged by theme, with stunning artwork from homeware designer Edward Underwood, this beautiful book is a celebration of city life in all its vibrancy and diversity. A brilliant tool for building vocabulary and stimulating speech, this delightful title is also just a whole lot of FUN!Also available: 100 First Words
庫存 > 10
定價:714 元, 優惠價:56 399
My First 123 (Count from 1 to 20 in this big lift-the-flap gift book!)
作者:Edward Underwood  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2025/01/16 裝訂:硬頁書
Count from 1 to 20 in this big lift-the-flap gift book!Preschoolers will love to learn their numbers with this sturdy board book filled with beautiful pictures by award-winning stationery illustrator Edward Underwood. Look at the numbers, point to the objects as you count them up and peek underneath each flap to find even more things to count.Collect the titles in the series: My First ABC, 100 First Words, 100 First Words: City and 100 First Words: Nature
定價:714 元, 優惠價:75 535
100 First Words: Nature
作者:Edward Underwood(ILT)  出版社:Nosy Crow US  出版日:2023/03/07 裝訂:硬頁書
A nature-based title in this prize-winning lift-the-flap series With bold, easy-to-lift card flaps, this stylish first words book is full of objects for children to recognize in nature. Every word is brought to life with charming artwork by home-ware designer Edward Underwood. And with flaps to lift on every page, little ones will enjoy exploring this book over and over.
庫存 > 10
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
Big Box Little Box
作者:Caryl Hart; Edward Underwood  出版社:Bloomsbury UK  出版日:2017/08/10 裝訂:平裝
Big box, little boxHey, that's not a bed box.My box, your box,Snore box How many ways can a cat interact with a box? This cat will entrance young readers as it investigates every box it can – and make
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
A Tiny Little Story: Christmas (布書)
作者:Lisa Jones; Edward Underwood  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2018/10/01 裝訂:布書
It's Christmas time for Baby Boo and the snow is falling outside. Join him as he makes a snowman, decorates the Christmas tree and looks out for Santa! 商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
庫存 > 10
定價:604 元, 優惠價:75 453
My First 123
作者:Edward Underwood(ILT)  出版社:Nosy Crow US  出版日:2025/04/29 裝訂:硬頁書
定價:494 元, 優惠價:1 494
One Shoe Two Shoes (精裝本)
作者:Caryl Hart; Edward Underwood (ILT)  出版社:Bloomsbury Childrens Books  出版日:2019/07/09 裝訂:精裝
With bright, bold illustrations, this stylish picture book features lots of shoes, ten white mice, and one adorable dog.One shoe, two shoes.Red shoes, blue shoes.Two shoes make a pair.Who's that hidin
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
100 First Words給小小孩的第一本中英100單字書
作者:愛德華‧安德伍德 (Edward Underwood)-文圖  出版社:小山丘  出版日:2021/11/19 裝訂:精裝
給 0~5 歲小小孩的中英點讀翻翻識字書──亮眼登場! 英美媽媽們討論度爆表的超可愛單字書! ──孩子人生中的第一本書,給寶貝最美最優的認知閱讀體驗── 引進英國知名童書出版社 Nosy Crow 的暢銷力作,由得獎設計師繪製色彩繽紛又活潑可愛的內頁插畫,搭配美籍人士所錄製的道地音檔,這本小小孩探索世界必學的 100 個中英常見字彙點讀單字書,即將擄獲小寶貝的心! 內容以 7 大日常情境主題分類,帶領孩子一一認識戶外、動物、交通工具、身體部位和溫馨的家中環境。除了基礎的單字與圖像認知,每個主題精心編排可以和孩子互動問答的小遊戲,還有市面上認知學習書籍少見的趣味翻頁小機關,讓每個小孩都能玩得不亦樂乎! 翻一翻、找一找、聽一聽,透過給小小孩的第一本中英 100 單字書,啟蒙孩子的英語耳,開啟雙語學習精采人生! ★ 讀者好評推薦 ★ 「這本書不僅圖大、畫風可愛,插圖上會附單字,而且每一頁都有小翻頁,我兒子超喜歡!明明家裡有其他單字書,他對這本卻情有獨鍾!推薦給家裡正在學新字的小小孩,還有希望擴充孩子詞彙量的家長!」 「我的孫子超愛這本書,尤其是可以打開來的小翻頁!他常會把書撕的一蹋糊塗,但還好這本書夠強韌也夠有趣!」 \\本書特色// l 【插圖繽紛吸睛】在幼兒世界,圖像色彩明亮又大才是王道! 大開本編排簡單明瞭、方便操作,單字圖像大且整體用色明亮鮮豔,吸引幼兒目光,主動發掘閱讀的樂趣。 l 【優良選品】引進英國知名出版社 Nosy Crow 暢銷幼兒書,讓孩子享有高規格的設計質感與閱讀體驗! 設計感的童趣插畫,結合精選100個寶寶必學的中英生活常見字彙,打造出寶寶學習認字的啟蒙世界。內頁紙材使用加厚紙板及圓角軋型,翻閱時不易傷手,更不怕撕壞書本。 l 【獨家點讀單字翻頁】坊間唯一點讀翻翻單字書,互動性高,趣味十足! 好玩又有趣的翻翻機關是每個孩子的最愛!不僅強化幼兒手部小肌肉的發展,更進一步提升閱讀與探索興致。 l 【沉浸式全英語環境】道地英文音檔與活潑音效,英語聽力從小培養起! 美籍錄音員錄製的道地英文發音,搭配擬真趣味音效,輔助孩子有效理解、記憶單字!
庫存 > 10
定價:700 元, 優惠價:79 553
100 First Words給小小孩的中英100單字書:城市篇
作者:愛德華‧安德伍德 (Edward Underwood)-文圖  出版社:小山丘  出版日:2023/01/04 裝訂:精裝
給0~5歲小小孩的中英點讀翻翻單字書 ──第二彈矚目登場!── 邊玩邊讀,整座城市都是寶寶的啟蒙遊樂場 繼前作《100 First Words給小小孩的第一本中英100單字書》後,家長最愛的100 First Words中英點讀翻翻系列第二彈【城市篇】好評出版! 維持該系列鮮明活潑的圖像設計與幼兒易操作的硬頁圓角大開本,此次主軸將幼兒認知學習環境從家中熟悉的場景擴大到整座城市生活!帶領孩子認識充滿生命力又繽紛熱鬧的街道、超市、博物館等豐富場所,每幅主題跨頁也有孩子最愛的翻翻機關,搭配豐富擬真音效與點讀互動遊戲,讓孩子邊玩邊讀,替小小心靈擴充更廣大的英文認知視野! 翻一翻、找一找、聽一聽,透過給小小孩的中英100單字書【城市篇】,帶孩子用英文探索整座城市,開啟雙語學習精采人生! ★書籍特色★ 【精美設計感插圖,注重幼兒美感養成】 大開本跨頁編排簡單明瞭、方便操作,單字圖像大且整體用色明亮鮮豔,輕鬆擄獲寶寶的目光,從小培養孩子對於美的感知力。 【引進國外暢銷書,打造高規格閱讀體驗】 引進英國知名出版社Nosy Crow暢銷幼兒書,以具有設計感的童趣插畫,結合精選100個寶寶必學的中英生活常見字彙,打造出寶寶學習認字的啟蒙世界。內頁紙材使用加厚紙板及圓角軋型,翻閱時不易傷手,更不怕撕壞書本。 【獨家點讀有聲翻頁,強化手部小肌肉】 好玩又有趣的翻翻機關是每個小寶貝的最愛!不僅強化幼兒手部小肌肉的發展,更進一步提升閱讀與探索興致。親子共讀時還能一起享受打開翻頁的尋寶樂趣! 【沉浸式全英語環境,在家就能享有互動雙語教學】 美籍錄音員錄製的道地英文發音,搭配擬真趣味音效與豐富詞彙,在建構基礎詞彙量的同時,輔助孩子有效理解、記憶單字!每個主題還附有找找看的互動遊戲,有效訓練孩子英語聽力及手眼協調能力。 ★好評推薦★ 「這本書裡除了有 100 個常見單字之外,還有有趣的翻頁小機關設計,讓孩子透過動手翻開的動作玩躲貓貓的遊戲。這樣的設計除了增加互動之外,也讓孩子學習到裡與外、前與後的概念。用點讀筆點一下插圖裡的單字,不但會聽到字的唸法,還可以聽到動物的叫聲或車子發出的聲音,增加閱讀的趣味。」──周婉湘(《一起讀、一起玩:11個遊戲陪孩子玩出繪本文學力》作者) 「《100 First Words給小小孩的第一本中英100單字書:城市篇》是優良
庫存 > 10
定價:700 元, 優惠價:79 553
Time Watcher
作者:Edward Underwood  出版社:Archway  出版日:2017/09/12 裝訂:平裝
定價:494 元, 優惠價:1 494
Forgotten Tales of Arkansas
作者:Edward Underwood  出版社:History Pr  出版日:2012/10/16 裝訂:平裝
Take a journey through Arkansas’ forgotten past and find the colorful characters, unusual stories and strange occurrences left out of conventional history books. Authors Edward and Karen Underwood wea
定價:570 元, 優惠價:1 570
100 First Words: Nature (硬頁書)
作者:Edward Underwood  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/05/05 裝訂:硬頁書
Super-stylish gift board book with BIG flaps to lift on every page!All toddlers will adore searching for the colourful characters behind the shaped flaps, then naming the animals and plants that you might find in the garden, countryside, forest, jungle and arctic. Informative and engaging, this is the perfect introduction to the natural world for little ones.A brilliant tool for building vocabulary and stimulating speech, this delightful book is also just a whole lot of FUN!Also available: 100 First Words and 100 First Words: City
定價:714 元, 優惠價:75 536
100 First Words (硬頁書)
作者:Edward Underwood  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2019/07/04 裝訂:硬頁書
First word books tend to be either informative but unattractive, OR super-stylish but completely un-child-friendly! Unusually, this gorgeous new board book is both informative AND super-stylish! It's all down to Edward Underwood's gorgeous artwork, of course, which has an edgy mid-century cool as well as a warmth, which lends the book an appeal that's hard to achieve.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:75 536
作者:Reginald Edward Underwood  出版社:LEGARE STREET PR  出版日:2022/10/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:948 元, 優惠價:1 948
One Shoe Two Shoes
作者:Caryl Hart; Edward Underwood  出版社:Bloomsbury Childrens Books  出版日:2018/08/23 裝訂:精裝
Shoes, shoes and more shoes ... this book is bursting with them. From party shoes and flip-flops to cowboy boots and clogs, there's a pair here to suit everyone. There's even a shoe house for a little
定價:659 元, 優惠價:79 521
One Shoe Two Shoes
作者:Caryl Hart; Edward Underwood  出版社:Bloomsbury Childrens Books  出版日:2018/08/23 裝訂:平裝
Shoes, shoes and more shoes ... this book is bursting with them. From party shoes and flip-flops to cowboy boots and clogs, there's a pair here to suit everyone. There's even a shoe house for a little
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Big Box Little Box
作者:Caryl Hart; Edward Underwood  出版社:Bloomsbury UK  出版日:2017/08/10 裝訂:精裝
Big box, little boxHey, that's not a bed box.My box, your box,Snore box How many ways can a cat interact with a box? This cat will entrance young readers as it investigates every box it can – and make
定價:659 元, 優惠價:79 521
Escherichia: Coping with the new normal - Your food poisoning guide to healthy living
作者:Edward Mark Underwood  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2022/09/18 裝訂:平裝
定價:391 元, 優惠價:1 391
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