Peace Usccb Department of Justice and Human Development (COR)
Balwant (Institute for Human Development Singh Mehta Delhi),Bharat (University of Delhi Singh India)
Bornstein, Marc H. (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD, USA)
Dev Nathan (Institute for Human Development)
Diana B. (New York University School of Culture Turk Education and Human Development USA),Stacie Brensilver Berman
Jennifer J. (DePaul University Mueller USA),Nancy (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee File USA),Andrew J. (School of Education Stremmel Counseling and Human Development South Dakota State University US
Khalid Arar (Texas State University),Yasar Kondakci,Bernhard (George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development Streitweiser USA.),Anna Saiti
Martha E. Arterberry,Marc H. Bornstein (UNICEF and Institute for Fiscal Studies and National Institute of Child Health and Human Development)
Stanton (Lynch School of Education and Human Development Wortham USA),Briana (University of Pennsylvania Nichols USA),Katherine (Cleveland State University Clonan-Roy USA),Catherine (University of New
;Arndt, Agnes (Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies, TU Dresden, Germany),Pahl, Kerstin Maria (Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Germany)
;Wang, Qi (Professor of Human Development, Psychology, and Cognitive Science, Professor of Human Development, Psychology, and Cognitive Science, Cornell University)
Annyssa (Senior Researcher Bellal Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Switzerland),Stuart (Honorary Professor Casey-Maslen Centre for Human Rights University of Pretoria)
Barbara M. (Professor Emeritus Newman Department of Human Development and Family Studies University of Rhode Island USA),Philip R. Newman (Social Psychologist and Author)
Bauer, Martin W,Pansegrau, Petra (University of Bielefeld, Germany),Shukla, Rajesh (Institute for Human Development, India)
Bryce, India, BEd, MGuidCouns, MSW(Forensic) (Lecturer, Human Development, Wellbeing and Counselling, University of Southern Queensland, Queensland, Australia),Petherick, Wayne (Associate Professor o
Cameron, Noel (Professor of Human Biology, Centre for Global Health and Human Development, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK),Schell, Lawrence (Professor of Anthropology, Epidemiology and
Chief Minister's Office Sikkim Human Development Report Cell (COR)
Gerd Gigerenzer (Max Planck Institute for Human Development)
Hodapp, Robert M. (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA),Fidler, Deborah J. (Human Development and Family Studies, Colorado State University, USA)
Lejano, Raul P. (Professor, Professor, New York University, School of Culture, Education, and Human Development),Nero, Shondel J. (Professor of Language Education, Professor of Language Education, New