THE RIGHT PHRASE FOR EVERY SITUATION . . . EVERY TIMEIn today’s fast-moving economy and competitive climate, developing a creative, innovative workforce is absolutely essential for success.Perfect Phr
This book describes both traditional and experimental teaching strategies, including some suitable for a single session and others designed to cover an entire semester. Seven chapters provide advice o
Beyond the DSM Story presents challenges to the Diagnostic Statistical Model (DSM) system from ethical and cultural perspectives, critically evaluating its fit with other professional and theoretical
The Handbook of Preparing Counselors and Other Helping Professionals is the first single volume text to guide faculty, counselor educators, and supervisors in training on how to teach and develop cou
McAuliffe (counseling, Old Dominion U., VA) and Eriksen (counseling, Radford U.) build on their previous text on counselor education, Preparing Counselors and Therapists: Creating Constructivist and D
Climate change poses multiple challenges to development. It affects lives and livelihoods, infrastructure and institutions, as well as beliefs, cultures and identities. There is a growing recognition
Climate change poses multiple challenges to development. It affects lives and livelihoods, infrastructure and institutions, as well as beliefs, cultures and identities. There is a growing recognition