An all-new supernatural light novel series that inspired a hit anime!What happens when eight eccentrics cross paths on a paranormal blog run by a high school NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Tra
An all-new supernatural light novel series that inspired a hit anime! What happens when eight eccentrics cross paths on a paranormal blog run by a high school NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Tr
An all-new supernatural light novel series that inspired a hit anime!What happens when eight eccentrics cross paths on a paranormal blog run by a high school NEET? A whole lot of weird! Gamon Yuta run
〈協會〉與〈螺旋之蛇〉的最後王牌激烈衝突!第三組織一方企圖發動行星魔法改變世界,一方企圖阻止。強大的魔力互相衝突,咒力暴風席捲肆虐布留部市。大魔法決鬥進入佳境,樹等〈阿斯特拉爾〉成員集結最後的力量,挑戰起死回生的大戰!誰能夠抓住各自夢想中的「魔法師的未來」?暢銷輕小說系列作,終於迎接最後高潮! c Makoto SANDA 2012★獨特個性的人物角色,集結古代居爾特魔法、黑魔術、神道教等世界各地