Bioethics emerged in the 1960s from a conviction that physicians and researchersneeded the guidance of philosophers in handling the issues raised by technological advances inmedicine. It blossomed as
An exploration of moral stress, distress, and injuries inherent in modern society through the maps that pervade academic and public communications worlds.In Ethics in Everyday Places, ethicist and ge
Cartographies of Disease: Maps, Mapping, and Medicine is a comprehensive survey of the technology of mapping and its relationship to the battle against disease. This look at medical mapping advances t
Bioethics emerged in the 1960s from a conviction that physicians and researchersneeded the guidance of philosophers in handling the issues raised by technological advances inmedicine. It blossomed as
In the seventeenth century, a map of the plague suggested a radical idea—that the disease was carried and spread by humans. In the nineteenth century, maps of cholera cases were used to prove its wate
We call it lifeboat ethics: When there is not enough of this or that scarce good, who should die that others might survive? Born in the 19th century, when shipwrecks were frequent and lifeboats scarc