The Carlyle triplets have made a lot of new friends in Manhattan-and more than a few enemies. O stole his best friend's girlfriend, and Adethroned the queen bee. Now a line has been drawn down Fifth Avenue, and it's all-out war. Only here, the battles are fought with icy glares and vicious rumors. It's the Upper East Side, and all's fair in love and scandal...You know you love me,Gossip Girl
牙科材料學是牙科、牙科公衛或是牙科次專科等專業領域必備的知識。本書亦承襲了at a glance系列一貫的風格:簡單易懂。書中的每個主題皆以雙頁呈現,有系統地編排了:牙科材料與生物材料的主要分類、基礎的化學與物理性質、臨床上操作與運動及關於材料使用的併發症或不良反應。同時,這本中文譯本的專有名詞統一以中華牙醫學會或教育部頒布的名稱呈現,且附上原文以利讀者對照,對於初窺牙科奧堂的學生而言,能輕易地領
Translated by J.J. Graham, revised by F.N. Maude Abridged and with an Introduction by Louise Willmot.On War is perhaps the greatest book ever written about war. Carl von Clausewitz, a Prussian soldier