This early graphic novel chapter book based on the #1 New York Times bestselling Grumpy Monkey is perfect for children who love the original picture books and are ready for the next step. A longer storyline, multiple panels per page, and hilarious dialogue will keep kids laughing all the way to the end, when Jim Panzee learns an important lesson about apologies.Jim Panzee is demonstrating a new magic trick when he’s interrupted by two oxpeckers cooing over each other. Annoyed, he tosses a banana peel from his branch and, even worse, denies doing it! Now the real trouble begins when Jim Panzee is banished from the jungle. Best friend Norman joins him and they end up in the desert. But the desert isn’t a happy place for them, especially Norman. Too much heat in the daytime, too much cold at night, and the lack of bananas are big problems. In order to help his best buddy, Jim agrees to return to the jungle. But the only way he will be welcomed back is if he apologizes. Will gru
In the first book in this new young graphic novel series, Jim Panzee, star of the #1 New York Times bestseller Grumpy Monkey, searches for the perfect orange stress ball.It's Wednesday! Which means it
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