水獺和獾向來各據河岸一方,不相往來,沒想到一隻水獺為尋找食材誤闖禁地。究竟牠的魯莽之舉會為兩方的緊張關係火上加油,還是那雙小小的烘焙巧手能帶來和平共處的契機?童趣畫風描繪友愛與包容,以及很多、很多可愛的水獺與獾。The otters and the badgers live on either side of the river, but they have never seen eye to eye. Neither group can cross to the opposite riverbank. But one day shy otter-baker Francie accidentally ventures into the badger lands in search of a new ingredient.As the two sides begin arguing again, she has unwittingly set off a new chapter in their ongoing feud. But maybe Francie's stunning new cookies-otter-baked but with badger-territory ingredients-may finally helpthem learn to get along. A funny and heartfelt story of tolerance, compromise and finding common ground.Anya Glazer's detailed artwork will immerse readers in the rich world of otters and badgers, and reward multiple readings. Provides a fun-packed introduction to conflict resolution ... and cookery!