全臺第一套中英雙語點讀翻翻書 互動雙語教學 X 遊戲式學習 X 手腦協調 Listen & Learn & Play 貫徹玩中學的理想育兒法! 把握 0-6 歲學習黃金期,培植孩子英語實力! 超過 4000 句角色對話,加上豐富情境音效,開口說英文 so easy! 來自英法知名童書出版社暢銷幼兒書,深獲家長信賴的優質內容! 翻一翻、找一找、聽一聽,孩子自主學習、家長免煩惱! l 超值寶盒內含— 2 本大開本點讀翻翻硬頁書(中英100單字書+數字翻翻書)、1 支小山丘點讀筆、2 本自製點讀故事書、50 張中英點讀單字閃卡、1 張點讀數字海報、 700 張小山丘點讀錄音貼紙 ★ 內容簡介 ★ 【小山丘點讀筆系列】100 First Words 給小小孩的第一本中英 100 單字書 圓角大開本 X 7大生活情境 X 繽紛大翻頁 X 超萌插圖 X 趣味問答 英國知名童書出版社 Nosy Crow 的暢銷力作,由得獎設計師繪製色彩繽紛又活潑可愛的內頁插畫,搭配美籍人士所錄製的道地音檔,這本小小孩探索世界必學的 100 個中英常見字彙點讀單字書,即將擄獲小寶貝的心!內容以 7 大日常情境主題分類,帶領孩子一一認識戶外、動物、交通工具、身體部位和溫馨的家中環境。除了基礎的單字與圖像認知,每個主題精心編排可以和孩子互動問答的小遊戲,還有市面上認知學習書籍少見的趣味翻頁小機關,讓每個小孩都能玩得不亦樂乎! 【小山丘點讀筆系列】數字馬戲團:給小小孩的第一本點讀數字翻翻書 逗趣角色大集合 X 超過 4000 句豐富對話 X 數數學習 X 英文語感 X 找找看遊戲 在數字馬戲團裡,數字一到十輪番登場表演──快來看看它們精采絕倫的華麗演出!內頁繽紛多彩的逗趣插畫不僅吸睛,更埋藏了豐富的細節等待小讀者一一探索!各個人物角色的精彩對話音檔,更是怎麼玩都玩不膩!每個跨頁都含有六個翻翻機關的小問題,孩子能用最有趣的方式學會數數,還能
新冠肺炎疫情持續延燒,歐美疫情嚴峻,為了讓大家了解新冠肺炎並一起為防疫努力,以《古飛樂》、《皮皮與波西》系列享譽國際的繪本大師薛弗勒(Axel Scheffler),應知名英國童書出版社Nosy Crow之邀,與疾病學家、醫師合力策畫防疫繪本Coronavirus: A book for Children,供大眾免費下載閱讀並轉發分享。同時授權三民書局出版其中文版《病毒來了,我該怎麼辦?——新冠病
Half vampire, half fairy, totally unique! Isadora Moon is special because she is different. Her mum is a fairy and her dad is a vampire and she is a bit of both. Isadora's class are going on a school
Isadora Moon is special because she's different. Her mum is a fairy and her dad is a vampire and she's a bit of both. Isadora loves playing in the snow, especially when her creations come to life! But snow magic can't last forever.Will she be able to save her new friends before they melt away?With irresistible pink and black artwork throughout by author/illustrator Harriet Muncaster and a totally unique heroine with an out-of-this-world family, this is a beautiful, charming, and funny series of first chapter books. Perfect for fans of Claude, Dixie O'Day, and Squishy McFluff, Isadora Moon is the ideal choice for readers who want their magic and sparkle with a bit of bite!
9780192772572 #9 Isadora Moon Makes Winter MagicIsadora loves playing in the snow, especially when her creations come to life! But snow magic can't last forever. Will she be able to save her new friends before they melt away?9780192771643 #10 Isadora Moon Goes on HolidayWhen Isadora wins an amazing holiday for her whole family she's ready for sun, sea, and sand! But there's work to be done when she and her mermaid friend Marina discover a baby turtle in trouble. Can Isadora help the turtle find a way home?9780192777188 #11 Isadora Moon Puts on a ShowIt's almost time for the vampire ball, and Isadora can't wait! There's just one problem: she's got to compete in a talent show with the other vampire children. Isadora's talents aren't very vampire-y, what if the audience laugh at her? The show must go on, but will Isadora be brave enough to perform. . . ?9780192773548 #12 Isadora Moon Meets the Tooth FairyIsadora has a wobbly tooth. Should she give her fang to her dad s
9780192758538 #5 Isadora Moon Goes On School TripHalf vampire, half fairy, totally unique! Isadora Moon is special because she is different. Her mum is a fairy and her dad is a vampire and she is a bit of both. Isadora's class are going on a school trip to an old castle.The castle's a little bit spooky and it doesn't help that there's thunder and lightning outside. While Isadora investigates the castle dungeon she discovers a surprising new friend. He's a little different, like her, so Isadora's going to have to try and find a way of introducing him to her friends without them getting too much of a shock.9780192767103 #6 Isadora Moon Goes To The FairIsadora is excited for her first ever trip to the fun fair, but when she arrives it's not quite as magical as she expected. Luckily, her cousin Mirabelle has a plan to make the fairground rides extra special. What could possibly go wrong?9780192767110 #7 Isadora Moon Has a SleepoverIsadora Moon is special because she's different. Her mum is
Isadora Moon is special because she's different. Her mum is a fairy, her dad is a vampire, and she's a bit of both. When a new girl, Ava, joins her class, Isadora is keen to make friends.But Ava's not interested. She'd much rather be back at her old school, with her old friends, who are much more fun to play with. Isadora's classmates are happy to leave Ava on her own since she clearly doesn't like them, but Isadora figures out that there's something more going on beneath Ava's unfriendly surface.Can Isadora help Ava to let her guard down, and give her new school a chance?A magical story about the power of kindness, inclusivity, and friendship. With irresistible pink and black artwork throughout, Isadora Moon is a unique heroine with an out-of-this-world family!
《Pop! 兒童文學》將亞洲和西方最受歡迎的經典故事,重新改編成易於閱讀的童書系列,為孩子們提供完美的經典故事入門。本套書包含:Malay Annals, The: Attack of the Garfish and Other AdventuresThe Adventures of Sherlock HolmesRamayana: The Quest to Rescue SitaAround t
《Pop! 兒童文學》將亞洲和西方最受歡迎的經典故事,重新改編成易於閱讀的童書系列,為孩子們提供完美的經典故事入門。本套書包含:Malay Annals, The: Attack of the Garfish and Other AdventuresThe Adventures of Sherlock HolmesRamayana: The Quest to Rescue SitaAround t
Half vampire, half fairy, totally unique! Isadora Moon is special because she is different. Her mum is a fairy and her dad is a vampire and Isadora is a bit of both. Isadora loves going to human birth
Half vampire, half fairy, totally unique! Isadora Moon is special because she is different. Her mum is a fairy and her dad is a vampire and Isadora is a bit of both. She loves the night, bats, and the
Half vampire, half fairy, totally unique! Isadora Moon is special because she is different. Her mum is a fairy and her dad is a vampire and Isadora is a bit of both. So when they all go camping at the