Anna Walsh is officially a wreck. Physically broken and emotionally shattered, she lies on her parents' Dublin sofa with only one thing on her mind: getting back to New York. New York means her best f
“A charming, intriguingly plotted novel . . .”—Washington Post Acclaimed and award-winning author Erin Entrada Kelly’s Hello, Universe is a funny and poignant neighborhood story about unexpected frien
★Dcard、微博討論度破表,中國知名超人氣網紅——蒲熠星,剖開內心,傾情描繪的懸疑大作!★新怪談 X 懸疑冒險,故事懸念層層遞進,小說情節扣人心弦!★既是一場面向世界的奇幻冒險,也是一次對內心的尋找與回歸,一則關於「成長」的現代寓言!★或許每個青年都會經歷這樣的墜落,無論面孔怎麼變換,最初的「我」,不能遺忘,不能遺落……「你會成為你想成為的任何人。」一個訊息,一根燈繩,我進入了不同的世界,身不由己地換了面孔與身分。明明我只是想見到我的爸爸,等待我的卻是無止境的墜落。究竟燈繩拉下的那一刻,我會掉到哪裡?詭譎又怪誕的小城、陰森又奇異的老舊高速休息區、神祕又粗獷的東北採油廠。我站在街角,所有黑洞洞的門窗後面,好像都藏著一雙窺視祕密的眼睛。「咱們宿舍從來都只有二號樓跟三號樓,哪來的一號樓?」這光怪陸離的世界不屬於我,但我知道我來的使命,所以只能想辦法完成任務,找到燈繩——可是等待著我的卻是一場殘酷的真相……「當黑夜在轉瞬之間墜落,人們總會忘記黃昏曾懸置了多久。」
Fridays are different. Every other day of the week, the Colonel and his ailing wife fight a constant battle against poverty and monotony, scraping together the dregs of their savings for the food and