形影不離的大白鵝與小女孩,演繹朋友間最窩心的陪伴!小朋友,你有去過沙灘嗎?蘇菲很害怕冰冷的海水,跟白鵝小菇和蘇菲一起到沙灘,看看小菇怎樣幫她客服恐懼吧!本系列共6冊,講述小女孩蘇菲與小菇的相遇和生活點滴。故事情節富有幽默感,當中小女孩與小菇展現出朋友間的陪伴、分享和鼓勵,這段刻骨銘心的友誼定能感動小讀者的内心世界。When Sophie meets Goose on a trip to the park, they soon become inseparable!Goose is a series of 6 enchanting story books about an unusual and heart-warming friendship. With concise text and colourful illustrations, this series is stimulating for babies, engaging for toddlers and a great read along book for up to six years.Read with Sophie and Goose to:*build language skills*spark a love of reading*boost social-emotional learning本系列屬「新雅點讀樂園」產品之一,若配備新雅點讀筆,爸媽和孩子可以使用全書的點讀和錄音功能,聆聽粵語朗讀故事、粵語講故事、普通話朗讀故事和英語朗讀故事,並可錄下爸媽和孩子的聲音來說故事,增添親子閱讀的趣味!想了解更多新雅的點讀產品,請瀏覽新雅網頁(www.sunya.com.hk)
I often walked along the shore, and one day I saw something in the sand. I went over to look at it more carefully .It was a footprint - the footprint of a man!' In 1659 Robinson Crusoe was shipwrecked on a small island off the coast of South America. After fifteen years alone, he suddenly learns that there is another person on the island. But will this man be a friend - or an enemy?「我經常沿著海岸散步,有一天,我發現在沙灘上有種不尋常的東西。我慢慢地走過去……那是一個人的腳印!」 1659年,Robinson Crusoe在遠離南美的一座小島上遇上了船難。在這個小島過了15年的孤獨的生活後,他突然發現在這個島上住著另一個人。這個到底是敵還是友呢?