新冠肺炎疫情持續延燒,歐美疫情嚴峻,為了讓大家了解新冠肺炎並一起為防疫努力,以《古飛樂》、《皮皮與波西》系列享譽國際的繪本大師薛弗勒(Axel Scheffler),應知名英國童書出版社Nosy Crow之邀,與疾病學家、醫師合力策畫防疫繪本Coronavirus: A book for Children,供大眾免費下載閱讀並轉發分享。同時授權三民書局出版其中文版《病毒來了,我該怎麼辦?——新冠病
The COVID-19 pandemic was a global crisis that affected millions of lives and brought mental health challenges to the forefront. In Hong Kong, the situation was worsened by uniquely strict COVID-19 regulations, quarantine measures, and travel restrictions. The mental health issues associated with the pandemic did not end with the lifting of the mask mandate. On the contrary, the repercussions are only just beginning to surface and their impact will be felt for years to come.This eye-opening book tells the stories of ordinary Hongkongers who faced extraordinary challenges during the pandemic. Through a blend of first-person accounts, psychological insights, and hard data, it offers a compelling and accessible exploration of the toll that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken on mental health in Hong Kong.However, this book is not only a chronicle of suffering; it is also a guide to healing and hope. It offers practical advice on how to overcome the mental health issues caused by the pandemic,
健康是幸福的契機,建築是實現幸福的橋樑。隨著全球陷入能源危機,地球永續已成為國際重視的議題,同時也因為疫情的衝擊,讓人們更加重視健康這項議題。在這場大變局中,「建築」扮演著塑造我們生活環境的關鍵角色。建築不僅是提供我們居所的空間,更是影響生活品質、身心健康的元素。而這種影響力,需要以更專業、深度的角度來理解。▶何謂健康建築?健康建築的概念由國際健康建築研究所(International WELL Building Institute簡稱IWBI)於2004年推出一套健康建築標準,提出全球不同類別的健康建築設計準則,以醫學研究為準則,從人的健康系統需求對應建築物設計來提升空間舒適感。本書由健康建築發展內涵到國際發展趨勢,再延伸至健康建築的相關領域,最後邁向幸福健築,完整介紹健康建築的發展與趨勢。