Ladybird has published fairy tales for over forty-five years, bringing the magic of traditional stories to each new generation of children. This classic version of "Hansel and Gretel" is based on the
When a brother and sister lost in the woods come upon a tempting gingerbread house, they can't resist entering. Little do they realize that inside lives a witch … and she thinks they'd make a deliciou
First Stories: Hansel and Gretel is the perfect introduction for young children to this classic fairy tale. Push, pull and turn mechanisms bring the story to life and introduce the main characters: Ha
CASE 6:糖果屋密室離奇命案多次躍登各大書局暢銷書榜,備受追捧的本地原創兒童圖書系列。故事簡介:商店街正如火如荼地搭建場地舉辦情人節派對,這是聖迷迭香書院和羅勒葉高校兩校學生會合併之後,首度合作的大型活動,大家通宵達旦忙碌地佈置和張羅。就在眾人疲憊不堪之際,恐怖的事情發生了――反鎖的糖果屋內,竟然有具倒臥在血泊中的屍體!呀,那不是推理三人組的白菲菲嗎?出大事了,原本應該交給警方調查的凶殺案,卻