An examination of the Counter-Enlightenment movement in China. In Modern Chinese Counter-Enlightenment, Peng Hsiao-yen argues that a trend of Counter-Enlightenment had grown from the late Qing to the May Fourth era in the 1910s to the 1920s and continued to the 1940s. She demonstrates how Counter-Enlightenment was manifested with case studies such as Lu Xun's writings in the late 1900s, the Aesthetic Education movement from the 1910s to 1920s, and the Science and Lifeview debate in the 1920s. During the period, the life philosophy movement, highlighting the epistemic debate on affect and reason, is connected with its counterparts in Germany, France, and Japan. The movement had a widespread and long-term impact on Chinese philosophy and literature. Using the transcultural lexicon as methodology, this book traces how the German term Lebensanschauung (life view), a key concept in Rudolf Eucken's life philosophy, constituted a global tide of Counter-Enlightenment that influenced the though
從論述(莎)戲曲而思考莎能樂和莎新劇,不但開創戲曲研究的新視野,也是跨文化劇場別開生面的重要著作!附36張精彩劇照。本書乃作者嘗試超越傳統戲曲考述格局,修正較具系統性的理論,以分析戲曲的內涵。同時在「莎戲曲」(Shake-xiqu)已有的研究成果上,進一步思考臺灣跨文化劇場的發展。全書有三個重點:一是運用布魯姆(Harold Bloom)「影響的焦慮」(the anxiety of influence)和詩學誤讀理論,結合高友工「抒情美典」(Lyrical aesthetics)理論,探討戲曲的互文與抒情呈現。期能以紅樓戲為例,建構經典的意義。二是以弘彼(Richard Hornby)的後設戲劇(metadrama)理念為基礎,重新評量自宋、元至今的戲曲作品,為何及如何表現後設的視域。三是從「莎戲曲」出發,觀察「莎能樂」(Shake-noh)及「莎新劇」(Shake-shingeki)的文本結構與表演特色。借鑑他山之石,以展望臺灣傳統戲曲的未來。庶幾可以提供戲曲研究與跨文化劇場創作之參考。※36張精彩劇照:上田(宗片)邦義教授、栗田芳宏導演、末松美知子教授、Li Lan Yong(楊麗蘭)教授、國立傳統藝術中心國光劇團、當代傳奇劇場吳興國老師與林秀偉老師、榮興客家採茶劇團等提供劇照(特別致謝)