News under Fire: China’s Propaganda against Japan in the English-Language Press, 1928–1941 is the first comprehensive study of China’s efforts to establish an effective international propaganda system
※請確定您所選購之期刊正確無誤,本期為2025年3月號 NO.294 ※※因雜誌到貨日期不一,請於下單時在備註欄填上您欲購買之期號(過期雜誌恕不接受訂購)※※本期號上架時間至2025/3/12※★適合使用者 ‧主要對象:英檢初級 ‧字彙程度:500~2000字自2022年7月起,空中美語旗下雜誌《A+English 空中美語》《English 4U 活用空中美語》《English Digest 實用空中美語》每逢寒、暑假月份將改發行雙月刊。封面故事--人物介紹 歌手Keshi單元 英文標題 中文標題Unit 01 Miss Rumphius 《花婆婆》Unit 02 Dealing with Appearance Anxiety 擁抱獨一無二 拒絕容貌焦慮Hot News 1 A Green Solution for Coastal Protection 海沙通電防侵蝕 天然防波堤取代消波塊Unit 03 Think Before You Speak: Microaggressions Can Hurt 什麼是微歧視?當心成為無心的加害者Unit 04 Reading Comprehension ExerciseMaking Your Search Easier with Simple Keywords 素養 Ready GO!關鍵字搜尋撇步大公開!找資料不再如大海撈針Unit 05 Evelyn and Ethan Learn about Lunar Eclipses 天文奇景血月傳說 ── 揭祕「月食」之謎Hot News 2 Makeup at Ten: The Sephora Kids Trend and Its Impact 美妝小網紅崛起:Sephora Kids 風潮背後的隱憂Unit 06 Garbage or Recycling? A Helping GuideGrammar 牙膏、收據怎麼丟?回收實用指南攻略文法島:特殊動詞:連綴動詞和感官動詞Unit 07 Volunteer, Learn, Grow: Four Popular Volunteer Jobs
《English for Everyone》英語自學用書。套書分級落在多益考試500-900分之間,插圖輔助原意簡單不複雜的例句,更以顏色、方塊分解文法結構、時態變化,搭配母語者標準發音之音檔及多樣化練習題,突破牢記死背的學習法。Our Intermediate to Advanced Box Set is a great bundle of supportive reference guides and practice books to introduce English language rules, grammar, and vocabulary at an advanced level.Ideal for English test preparations or ESL lesson plans, the Course Books use visual teaching methods to introduce the English language, reinforced through a variety of exercises and examples when used alongside the bundled Practice Books.In Level 3, expand your English conversational topics by increasing the detail around your interests, life stories, and achievements, as well as being able to give instructions, advice, or solutions to problems. Continue to an advanced understanding in Level 4 and cover topics such as family life, careers and business, news and media, and even laws, rules, and regulations. Whether you are looking for ESL teaching resources, or a structured program for adu
A new novel from celebrated British novelist Jon McGregor—twice longlisted for the Man Booker Prize—Reservoir 13 tells the story of a whole English village haunted by one family's loss.Midwinter in an English village. A teenage girl has gone missing. Everyone is called upon to join the search. The villagers fan out across the moors as the police set up roadblocks and a crowd of news reporters descends on what is usually a place of peace. Meanwhile, there is work that must still be done: cows milked, fences repaired, stone cut, pints poured, beds made, sermons written, a pantomime rehearsed.As the seasons unfold and the search for the missing girl goes on, there are those who leave the village and those who are pulled back; those who come together and those who break apart. There are births and deaths; secrets kept and exposed; livelihoods made and lost; small kindnesses and unanticipated betrayals. An extraordinary novel of cumulative power and grace, Reservoir 13 explores the rhythms
本書三大特色:一、世界聞名的BBC Worldwide所授權出版的專業新聞英語教材。二、學習最新的新聞英語:專業、正確、有效率。三、凸顯內容的深度、廣度,增廣國際視野。本書共分為33單元。每個單元內容為:三至四段短文:皆取自BBC World News,並附有實況CD供練習聽力。習題:每個單元皆有10至12個TOEIC(多益)式的習題,可練習聽力、理解力、閱讀和寫作能力。專欄:包括「你知道嗎?」:
Chen Shui-bian is one of the most consequential -- and controversial -- politicians in Taiwan’s modern history. He broke the political grip of the ruling Kuomintang (Nationalist Party), winning the presidency in 2000 and paving the way for the first peaceful transfer of power to the opposition – the Democratic Progressive Party.But he was also convicted in four corruption-related criminal cases, and his actions inflicted great political harm on a young democracy. Ultimately, Chen will be remembered as the first president of Taiwan to be sentenced to jail.Chen’s intriguing story deserves retelling, and veteran journalist Osman Tseng is uniquely suited to the task. Tseng’s journalistic career spanned more than four decades with the Chinese language China Times as well as English media outlets, the China Post, and the China Economic News Service (CENS). This gave him a choice vantage point for observing Chen’s political ascent and the dramatic legal battles of his eventual downfall.◎代理經銷:
※請確定您所選購之期刊正確無誤,本期為2025年3月號 NO.440 ※※因雜誌到貨日期不一,請於下單時在備註欄填上您欲購買之期號(過期雜誌恕不接受訂購)※※本期號上架時間至2025/3/12※★適合使用者‧主要對象:英檢中級/中高級;新多益750分‧字彙程度:3500~6000字自2022年7月起,空中美語旗下雜誌《A+English 空中美語》《English 4U 活用空中美語》《English Digest 實用空中美語》每逢寒、暑假月份將改發行雙月刊。封面故事--電影介紹: 美國隊長:無畏新世界單元 英文標題 中文標題Unit 01 Taking a Bite into the Rich History of Taiwanese Bawan 南蒸北炸 各有一片肉圓天!Unit 02 News Watch: Taiwan Ends Dolphin Shows for Marine Conservation A Rare Sight: Saturn’s Rings Set to Disappear 新聞剪影: 海豚秀再見 邁向海洋生物保育的新時代 土星環的短暫消失 2025年的天文奇觀Unit 03 The Hidden Trap of Survivorship Bias 別被成功學騙了!揭開「倖存者偏差」的真相Unit 04 Picture Writing 看圖寫作Unit 05 Find Peace in Nature with Forest Bathing 森林浴:讓心靈重歸自然的療癒之旅Unit 06 Indonesia’s Quest for a Sustainable Capital 逃離沉沒之都!印尼啟動史上最大遷都計畫Unit 07 Translation 中譯英Unit 08 TOEIC: Lost Laptop Bag: A Request for HelpLost & Found: Our New System 多益專欄: 東西弄丟?失物招領對話這樣說重要通知:失物招領系統全面升級Unit 09 The Unique Lives of Au
Newsy news is not just regular news. It's news that's interesting and exciting. Nikki and Deja know that there's plenty of newsy news happening on their block and at Carver Elementary, just waiting to