Fiction. Young Adult. JEX BLACKWELL SAVES THE WORLD is a Dadaesque homage to Donald Sobol's Encyclopedia Brown series, or perhaps a Sobolesque homage to the Dada movement. The main character is a sixt
Fiction. Alice, a writer of comic prose, is an elderly widow with no heirs who had kept her wealth a private matter. A HAIRPIECE NAMED DENIAL explores her unique plan to give away seven million dollar
Fiction. The definitive new edition of an underground classic. THE ANARCHIST'S GIRLFRIEND walks the Bowery in early 1980's New York City and absorbs the atmosphere and emotions of those around her. Bo
Literary Nonfiction. On August 1, 1966, after murdering his wife and mother at home, Charles Whitman climbed the clock tower at UT Austin and ordained himself high priest of the first televised mass s
Poetry. The poems in ARIADNE/DARK DARK SHINE are, as the starting poem says, "a lost/found/&repeat narration. The arcing-thread--a-whip/lifeline/way/the-magical-gift-given/odd-bit--discovered in an ol
Poetry. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN is a collection of 66 poems that invite comparisons between seemingly disparate words, ideas, or things. Sparked by the poem "The Importance of the Whale in the Field of
Fiction. These FOOTPRINTS IN WET CEMENT are just that: stories—some experienced, some homespun, some dredged from the fertile detritus of dreams; impressions gathered and ruminations fermented o
Fiction. Most of the pieces in RAIN AFTER MIDNIGHT can be thought of as filmic, as "long story short." The shortness of the form works, like the compression required in a good poem. There are four dis
Fiction. Weinstein's PARADISE GARDENS is an Orwellian speculative fiction set in a near future world, where the Federal government has dissolved amid ecological breakdown. PARADISE GARDENS becomes the
Fiction. Selena Chambers' debut collection guides readers out of space and time and through genre and mythos to explore the microcosmic horrors of identity, existence, and will in the face of the worl
Fiction. An artists community is planning something big for this year's gathering — something to put them back on the map. The sudden influx of capital piques the interest of a couple of investigators
Poetry. The poems in SURF MUSIC are all pretty short, and some of them are funny. Their subjects include being at the beach, believing people, believing things, losing people, encounters with plants &