Fiction. Art. In 1952 Ben Shahn said to Marian Parry, Marian, make the most beautiful book you can and I'll take it to Curt Valentin. She made THE PARIS BOOK, which she had conceived of sometime prior
Poetry. Edited by Ben Mazer. The first-ever complete edition of the poems of John Crowe Ransom, restoring to the world – in the name not of mercy but of justice – a great many poems that he himself ha
Fiction. Kasia Buczkowska's first book is a collection of "short takes," so named by Rosanna Warren—with a quality of foreignness to the voice that forms quirky folk-tales and vignettes, urb
Poetry. Poems and translations by Greg Delanty chosen and introduced by Archie Burnett. "A sense of vital, actual experience is in fact wonderfully sustained in Delanty's verse in its notable linguist
Poetry. Selected translations by Harry Thomas: Catullus, Li Bai, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Giacomo Leopardi, Salvador Díaz Mirón, Paul Valéry, Antonio Machado, Umberto Saba, Giuse