Jennifer的烘焙圖文筆記、不萊嗯的烘焙廚房、房太廚Nick、甜點架式Jas My Diary.──烘焙達人一致推薦!揭開紐約三大餅乾名店的超人氣祕密,這輩子一定要吃一次的極品甜點!Gucci時裝秀指定、韓國總統選為伴手禮的「精品級餅乾」!成功率100%!從零開始學,烘焙新手也能輕鬆完成。只要做一次麵團,就能變化出8 款不一樣的餅乾,保存期長達一個月,週末做一次,每天都能享用幸福滋味!★沒吃過
你是否想過自己成為全球 TOP 10企業的老闆?當「世界一流企業為你打工」成為一種可能?第一步,思考上面2個問題接下來,閱讀這本書一切將從這裡開始!本書特色★「複利」的起源:現在立馬動作+再投入人生很漫長,但時間卻不斷流失,你每錯過一分一秒,「複利」的增速就少一點,少奮鬥30年的方法,就是把握當下開始投資。「看完這句話又花了2秒,你的複利速度又慢了!」時間滾動產生的獲利拿來再投入,教你滾出「大雪球」。資金多寡不是問題,精華【圖、文、數據】告訴你如何運用「時間」創造奇蹟。★個人條件與理財目標全方面健檢,了解自我定位才出發你認真算過儲蓄、薪水、生活費、娛樂費、緊急預備金等「所有資產」究竟有多少/增多少/花多少嗎?帶你落實「財務健檢」,掌握自己才是第一步,用客觀標準自我檢視,盤點完畢行動更明確。★美股市場全透視,遊戲規則、運用工具、投資語言、長期趨勢一把抓投資工具優缺分析,找出你的最適選擇手續、費用、匯率等小細節大學問,快速認識不吃虧經濟指標成千上萬,只留意關鍵指標,簡化負擔不眼花圖解財報:一秒抓住關鍵數據不混亂★尋找並鑽研你的「能力圈」,進出標的/比重/時間不恐慌也不盲目通膨/通縮、牛市/熊市的通用法則,不再煩惱進場時間與金額問題;【股息×成長】分配方式,幫你找出「保守」、「穩健」、「積極」專屬組合。★洞悉人性考驗,養成健康心態與良好檢視習慣金融危機、金融海嘯、貿易戰與疫情等「重大危機」,是投資者的「檢定考」!教你如何在【自我精進×信心建立×定期檢視】循環中保持正確觀念,不僅可以在市場中「長期生存」,更能享受良好循環帶來的「優質生活」。名人推薦謝晨彥/股怪教授黑媽/黑媽家庭經濟研究所追日Gucci/投資美股.享受生活彭川嘉/食食肉舖共同創辦人丁宇諒/玉山證券資深協理謝晨彥/股怪教授我不諱言,佳文的投資理念和我不謀而合,他的財商觀念與投資實力更是貨眞價實,他透過不斷學習、嘗試所累積出來的「乾貨」,能夠在這邊以文字呈現給各位有緣的讀者,絕對是大家的福氣!黑媽/黑媽家庭經濟研究所美股可能對你來說,是個陌生的投資工具。但是透過這本書,你可以了解美股市場的遊戲規則,更能夠學到以一個創業家的角度來看待投資。追日Gucci/投資美股.享受生活投資在當前這個瘋狂於「新興科技股」與「虛擬貨幣」的時代中,這本書是少數仍願意傳授且提醒人們「資產配置」與「風險意識」的作品。彭川嘉/食食肉舖共同
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 was the single most sweeping change in the history of America's income tax. It was also the best political and economic story of its time. Here, in the anecdotal style of Th
Did Patrizia Reggiani murder her ex-husband, Maurizio Gucci, in 1995 because his spending was wildly out of control? Did she do it because her glamorous ex was preparing to marry his mistress, Paola F
1995年時尚帝國Gucci第三代繼承人當街慘遭槍殺,而他的前妻認定為錢殺人,更稱之為時尚界黑寡婦。事實真相究竟為何?震驚世界的謀殺血案《Gucci:豪門謀殺案》改編電影即將上映。The official movie-tie-in edition of MGM’s blockbuster adaptation starring Lady Gaga, Adam Driver, Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons and directed by Ridley Scott: The House of Gucci is Sara Forden's sensational true chronicle of the murder that rocked the Gucci dynasty. Now updated with a new afterword.On March 27, 1995, Maurizio Gucci, heir to the fabulous fashion dynasty, was slain by an unknown gunman as he approached his Milan office. In 1998, his ex-wife Patrizia Reggiani Martinelli—nicknamed “The Black Widow” by the press—was sentenced to twenty-nine years in prison, for arranging his murder.Did Patrizia murder her ex-husband because his spending was wildly out of control? Did she do it because her glamorous ex was preparing to marry his mistress, Paola Franchi? Or is there a possibility she didn’t do it at all?The Gucci story is one of glitz; glamour; intrigue; the rise, near fall, and subsequent res
The gripping family drama and never-before-told love story surrounding the rise and fall of the late Aldo Gucci, the man who is responsible for making the Italian fashion label the powerhouse it is to
The gripping family drama and never-before-told love story surrounding the rise and fall of the late Aldo Gucci, the man who is responsible for making the Italian fashion label the powerhouse it is to
The gripping family drama--and never-before-told love story--surrounding the rise and fall of the late Aldo Gucci, the man who is responsible for making the Italian fashion label the powerhouse it is