It's a beautiful snowy day and Pip and Posy can't wait to go out and play. They have all sorts of fun, until they decide to build a snowman, when things start to go a little bit pear-shaped. Pip wants
It's a beautiful snowy day and Pip and Posy can't wait to go out and play. They have all sorts of fun, until they decide to build a snowman, when things start to go a little bit pear-shaped. Pip wants
關於《信誼世界精選圖畫書:下雪天》的成就與讚譽 1963年榮獲久負盛名的凱迪克金獎。 紐約公共圖書館「世紀之書」Books of the Century 紐約公共圖書館「每個人都必須知道的100本圖畫書」入選100 Picture Books Everyone Should Know小男孩彼得,一早醒來發現昨夜下了雪,興奮地跑到雪地里玩各種遊戲,他堆了一個雪人和一個天使。回家前,還把在院