新冠肺炎疫情持續延燒,歐美疫情嚴峻,為了讓大家了解新冠肺炎並一起為防疫努力,以《古飛樂》、《皮皮與波西》系列享譽國際的繪本大師薛弗勒(Axel Scheffler),應知名英國童書出版社Nosy Crow之邀,與疾病學家、醫師合力策畫防疫繪本Coronavirus: A book for Children,供大眾免費下載閱讀並轉發分享。同時授權三民書局出版其中文版《病毒來了,我該怎麼辦?——新冠病
The hotly anticipated sequel to the erotic sensation S.E.C.R.E.T.., where women’s sexual fantasies become reality Still wounded from a recent heartbreak, Cassie Robichaud throws herself into service w
That’s not fair! It’s mine! For toddlers, sharing can be a hard concept to grasp, but with the help of this book, they’ll learn that sharing can also be fun! Featuring simple, repetitive text and ador
'A stunningly illustrated recipe book for kids (or anyone, really). It tells the story of different residents of a house cooking foods from around the world. Simply sweet.' - Yotam OttolenghiIn each a
Everyone is getting ready for a party down at No. 10 Pomegranate Street!In each apartment, someone is preparing a special dish to share with their neighbours. There’s black bean soup, meatballs, cocon