1.史詩般經典科幻巨作華麗重現,再度踏上星辰大海的征途。2.銀河帝國與自由行星同盟,專制政治與民主主義,兩方國家勢力僵持150年的宇宙戰爭直到「常勝的天才」萊茵哈特與「不敗的魔術師」楊威利這兩名英雄的出現,人類的命運即將改變。3.《銀河英雄傳說Die Neue These》TV動畫第三季,日本銳意製作中!!! 作戰名「諸神的黃昏」發動!!以銀河帝國的幼帝流亡至自由行星同盟為契機萊茵哈特正式向同盟宣戰!而與其對峙的楊,他們則在帝國唯一能入侵同盟的路徑,伊謝爾倫迴廊裡準備迎擊敵軍,不過……天才與魔術師──由兩位英雄所率領的最大規模對決,如今正式展開!!
ANDREW, JUDY, AND Thudd are still the size of insects. Andrew has invented special bug suits to protect them. But the suits won’t help much when they get lost in a pond full of frogs that love to eat
Jack and Annie are ready for their next fantasy adventure in the bestselling middle-grade series—the Magic Tree House! Hello, buffalo! That's what Jack and Annie say when the Magic Tree House whisks t