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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Slam Dunk, Vol. 7
作者:Takehiko Inoue; Takehiko Inoue (ILT)  出版社:Viz  出版日:2009/12/01 裝訂:平裝
He tried to slam her with love, but she dunked his heart. R to L (Japanese Style). Though they initially got off to a rocky start, Hanamichi and Ryota Miyagi quickly form a bond based on their mutua
定價:456 元, 優惠價:1 456
Slam Dunk, Vol. 23
作者:Takehiko Inoue  出版社:Viz  出版日:2012/08/07 裝訂:平裝
Get ready for the greatest sports manga of all time!Reads R to L (Japanese Style), for audiences rated teen.Winning isn't everything in the game of basketball, but who wants to come in second? It take
定價:456 元, 優惠價:1 456
Slam Dunk, Vol. 6
作者:Takehiko Inoue  出版社:Viz  出版日:2009/10/06 裝訂:平裝
He tried to slam her with love, but she dunked his heart. R to L (Japanese Style). With just a minute remaining on the game clock, Shohoku still trails Ryonan by four points. Hoping to put this matc
定價:456 元, 優惠價:1 456
作者:灌籃高手研究會  出版社:大風  出版日:2016/07/07 裝訂:平裝
最熱血的青春故事、最驚心動魄的球賽、最憾動人心的經典場面深藏的祕密一舉大公開!漫迷必備的灌籃高手完全研究! 身懷絕世球技的
定價:250 元, 優惠價:9 225
灌籃高手 完全版 21
作者:井上雄彥  出版社:尖端出版  出版日:2023/05/24 裝訂:平裝
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
作者:井上雄彥  出版社:尖端出版  出版日:2023/03/21 裝訂:平裝
「創造出電影的『基礎』,就在這一本!!」原作者井上雄彥編導的 《灌籃高手 THE FIRST SLAM DUNK》,於2023年1月在台上映至今票房已突破4億,廣受粉絲及影迷們喜愛。本次《THE FIRST SLAM DUNK re:SOURCE―灌籃高手電影完全設定集―》完整收錄井上雄彥為電影繪製的草圖、隱藏劇情及長篇專訪,並解析每一幀畫面的製作細節。此外還特別收錄「灌籃高手平行時空」的夢幻短篇漫畫《耳環》。延續原作的熱血與感動,並挹注井上雄彥對灌籃高手粉絲們滿滿的思念,絕對是讓大家更加喜愛「灌籃高手」的珍貴收藏!! ┤必收亮點├✧滿載電影製作過程中所描繪的草圖與文字分析,詳細紀錄井上雄彥首次擔綱編劇及導演的軌跡✦特別收錄從未在單行本登場的夢幻短篇漫畫《耳環》,帶領讀者一窺宮城良田背景的原始設定✧以註譯方式編排,完全保留井上雄彥手寫筆記,深入瞭解老師挑戰電影創作的想法✦收錄井上雄彥15,000字長篇專訪,傾聽老師製作電影的心路歷程✧一次收藏《灌籃高手 THE FIRST SLAM DUNK》電影海報及主視覺
定價:600 元, 優惠價:9 540
作者:井上雄彥  出版社:尖端出版  出版日:2023/11/14 裝訂:精裝
井上雄彥渾身解數的插畫就在這裡--「SLAM DUNK」珍貴插畫集大成!全書在日本合版印刷,日本相同的高品質保證!【內容簡介】狂銷200萬部,2023年憑藉電影重新燃起一陣籃球旋風的青春熱血神作《灌籃高手》,終於在臺推出超經典畫冊《INOUE TAKEHIKO ILLUSTRATIONS 井上雄彥畫冊》。耗時半年,歷經上百封信件來往,以臺日合印進口的超高規格為各位灌籃高手迷最精緻的品質!內容收錄井上老師親自從連載期間的所有插圖中精心挑選,包含CM用彩稿、設定資料集等未公開插圖。除了封面,還收錄多幅特別繪製彩稿!在「SLAM DUNK」以前的,以及「後來的花道等人」,就在這一本裡!!
定價:800 元, 優惠價:1 800
作者:Aska  出版社:創意市集  出版日:2024/05/16 裝訂:平裝
定價:390 元, 優惠價:9 351
作者:林佳瑩; 張志朋  出版社:元照  裝訂:平裝
娛樂產業深入我們的日常生活當中,但您知道娛樂產業所面臨的法律問題嗎? ◎韓劇「魷魚遊戲」有抄襲日本「要聽神明的話」電影嗎?你知道Netflix有就「魷魚遊戲」、「Squid Game」提出商標申請嗎? ◎「刻在你心底的名字」、「目擊者」、「無聲」的電影劇本為什麼都引發著作權的爭議? ◎「刻在我心底的名字」電影主題曲有抄襲英文老歌「Reality」嗎? ◎你知道電影名稱「我的少女時代」,以及樂團名稱「S.H.E」、「五月天」、「F.I.R.」、「蘇打綠Sodagreen」、「茄子蛋」、「草東沒有派對」都是註冊商標嗎? ◎「五分鐘看完一部電影」的二創影片,究竟是構成抄襲?還是合理使用? ◎製作同類型的益智問答或是真人實境秀節目,會構成侵權嗎? ◎知名漫畫Young Guns在改編成電影或電視劇的過程當中,發生了什麼爭議? ◎你知道「灌籃高手」的角色和「布袋戲」的戲偶角色「史艷文」和「二齒」都受到著作權法保護嗎? ◎「安博盒子」機上盒、「追劇APP」、「電話亭KTV」究竟是合法還是非法? ◎改編神曲「帥到分手」,是抄襲?還是合理使用? ◎成人影片有沒有「馬賽克」,權利大不同?成人影片商用著作權和註冊商標保護自己的影片,你也應該學起來! 本書綜覽電影、音樂、遊戲、電視等娛樂產業,蒐集了超過60個台灣的經典判決,從著作權法、商標法等IP及合約多個角度切入,透過深入淺出的案例介紹,帶您一探娛樂產業的法律面貌。 在娛樂產業高度蓬勃發展與變動的現今,「IP開發」已經成了熱門詞彙。您可以透過本書了解如何事前做好「IP布局」,避免不必要的法律糾紛。無論您是娛樂產業從業人員,或是想一探娛樂產業神秘面紗的消費大眾,本書都能讓您收穫滿滿。 ★誰適合這本書? ◎唱片公司、經紀公司、音樂製作公司、音樂版權公司、影視動畫製作公司、投資者、發行商、廣告贊助商、影音串流平台、遊戲開發代理商等娛樂產業的經營者與投資者 ◎詞曲作家、歌手、藝人、影視編劇、導演、製片、演員、漫畫家、動畫師、遊戲設計師等各類娛樂產業從業人員 ◎想一探娛樂法神秘面貌的消費大眾 本書特色 ◎台灣第一本統整娛樂法的書籍 ◎完整蒐集台灣影視、音樂、遊戲等娛樂產業的經典案例 ◎深入淺出的案例分析與介紹 ◎輕鬆了解IP開發與布局
定價:500 元, 優惠價:95 475
作者:阿啾  出版社:布克文化  出版日:2018/04/10 裝訂:平裝
比《灌籃高手》更驚心動魄!比《蠟筆小新》更扣人心弦!比《名偵探柯南》更幽默詼諧!比《航海王》更感人肺腑! 在成功嶺遇見豆腐哥的阿啾,會因此和學長兵變嗎?下部隊後士官長交派長達一年的超級任務,阿啾能順利完成嗎? 小狗子:「因為當兵,讓你有了更多梗可以創作不是嗎?」阿啾:「是這樣沒錯!也多虧國軍讓我更早見識到人性的真相呢!」小狗子:「你到底在裡面發生了什麼恐怖的事情啦!」阿啾:「總之本書就是以阿啾實際
定價:300 元, 優惠價:9 270
作者:陳金山; 徐淑媛  出版社:合記  出版日:2023/01/01 裝訂:平裝
自序 「制霸」一詞源自日本動漫「灌籃高手」,意思是稱霸。亦即,本書的目的是要在考前最後三週,引領考生戰勝解剖學。 從事解剖學教學20年,我常常在想:如果我是一個考生,我要如何準備國考的解剖學? 廣義的解剖學(包括大體解剖學、神經解剖學及組織學)加上胚胎學,是醫師國考基礎醫學中,配分最高的科目(合計46分)。所以,能不能通過國考,解剖學佔有舉足輕重的角色。 所謂「工欲善其事,必先利其器」,如何將厚達兩三千頁的內容,整理成容易消化、吸收和記憶的總複習精華,才是考場決勝的關鍵! 但如果總複習的書只是條列式列出內容,學生依舊不知道重點及考題趨勢在哪裡。即便唸完內容後想要練習考題,又必須另外找題庫或上網下載考題,非常不方便。而題庫最大的盲點是,就算照年度一題一題作,考生也無法精確的掌握各主題的出現頻率及命題方式。本書以截然不同的全新編排方式,一舉解決上述的兩大盲點:一、以表格化的內容取代條列式的文字,讓重點既明確,內容又清晰。再輔以簡明的圖片,可加深圖像記憶。二、主題式的國考試題匯整,將歷屆國考試題分門別類,讓學生在讀完表格內容後,可以馬上知道及練習這個主題歷年考過的題目。在需要複習及練習特定考題時,也不必在茫茫的考題中,「眾裡尋它千百度」!本書最大的期望是試圖用最清爽的版面、最清晰的方式、最簡短的時間及最整合的主題,來協助學生通過國考的解剖學。本書從發想、構思到完成歷經數年,期間受到不少朋友和學生的鼓勵與支持,我才能下定決心完成。在此必須特別感謝張峻瀚先生在我不厭其煩的要求下,精心繪製書中的圖片。衷心感謝台北醫學大學吳慶祥博士在百忙之中抽空逐一校對內容,這也讓本書的精準度更加提升。感謝在過程中給予建議和意見的所有朋友,是你們的想法讓這本書更精彩!陳金山2023年
定價:1050 元, 優惠價:1 1050
Slam Dunk, Vol. 14
作者:Takehiko Inoue; Takehiko Inoue (ILT)  出版社:Viz  出版日:2011/02/01 裝訂:平裝
Reads R to L (Japanese Style) T audience. Winning isn't everything in the game of basketball, but who wants to come in second? It takes dedication and discipline to be the best, and the Shohoku High
定價:456 元, 優惠價:1 456
Slam Dunk, Vol. 16
作者:Takehiko Inoue  出版社:Viz  出版日:2011/06/07 裝訂:平裝
Get ready for the greatest sports manga of all time!Reads R to L (Japanese Style), for audiences T Thanks to an impressive showing during a scrimmage between Shohoku's rookie and veteran players, Coa
定價:456 元, 優惠價:1 456
Slam Dunk, Vol. 17
作者:Takehiko Inoue  出版社:Viz  出版日:2011/08/02 裝訂:平裝
Get ready for the greatest sports manga of all time!Reads R to L (Japanese Style), for audiences T As the boys from Shohoku watch from the sidelines, the much-anticipated game between Ryonan High and
定價:456 元, 優惠價:1 456
Slam Dunk, Vol. 26
作者:Takehiko Inoue; Takehiko Inoue (ILT)  出版社:Viz  出版日:2013/02/05 裝訂:平裝
Get ready for the greatest sports manga of all time!Winning isn't everything in the game of basketball, but who wants to come in second? It takes dedication and discipline to be the best, and the Shohoku High hoops team wants to be just that. They have one last year to make their captain's dream of reaching the finals come true—will they do it?With a slight lead thanks to Mitsui, Shohoku has their hands full as the game against Sanno heats up. Sanno’s coach Domoto sends in Mikio, a player whose strength and size make up for his lack of experience. Coach Anzai counters by telling Shohoku to run their offense through Sakuragi, and the game becomes a battle between the two inexperienced power players. What Sanno thought would be an easy win for them is turning out to be a lot more than they bargained for—Shohoku’s here and they mean to go all the way to the top!Reads R to L (Japanese Style) for teen audiences.
定價:456 元, 優惠價:1 456
Slam Dunk, Vol. 27
作者:Takehiko Inoue; Takehiko Inoue (ILT)  出版社:Viz  出版日:2013/04/02 裝訂:平裝
Get ready for the greatest sports manga of all time!Winning isn't everything in the game of basketball, but who wants to come in second? It takes dedication and discipline to be the best, and the Shohoku High hoops team wants to be just that. They have one last year to make their captain's dream of reaching the finals come true—will they do it?As the game against Sannoh heads into the second half, Shohoku struggles to keep up. Sannoh’s coach Domoto isn’t about to let Shohoku think they can stage an upset and lets loose his team’s explosive offense. With Shohoku on the ropes and Sakuragi upset by a substitution, the players start feeling completely outmatched, and even Akagi begins having doubts. But Coach Anzai hasn’t given up yet, and he begins priming Sakuragi on the sidelines for a comeback!Reads R to L (Japanese Style) for teen audiences.
定價:456 元, 優惠價:1 456
Slam Dunk, Vol. 28
作者:Takehiko Inoue  出版社:Viz  出版日:2013/06/04 裝訂:平裝
The best-selling series from Eisner-nominated Takehiko Inoue, one of Japan’s greatest manga creators.Winning isn't everything in the game of basketball, but who wants to come in second? It takes dedication and discipline to be the best, and the Shohoku High hoops team wants to be just that. They have one last year to make their captain's dream of reaching the finals come true—will they do it?With Sannoh pulling away with a big lead on the scoreboard in the second half, Shohoku is looking clearly outmatched. With the team foundering, Sakuragi decides he’s got to get everyone fired up and boldly declares that he’s going to take Sannoh down. Shohoku still has a long way to go, and Akagi himself needs to find a way to overcome Kawata’s strong defense. But if Shohoku can find their rhythm, they just might get back in the game.Reads R to L (Japanese Style) for teen audiences.
定價:456 元, 優惠價:1 456
Slam Dunk, Vol. 22
作者:Takehiko Inoue  出版社:Viz  出版日:2012/06/05 裝訂:平裝
Get ready for the greatest sports manga of all time!Reads R to L (Japanese Style), for audiences rated teen.Winning isn't everything in the game of basketball, but who wants to come in second? It takes dedication and discipline to be the best, and the Shohoku High hoops team wants to be just that. They have one last year to make their captain's dream of reaching the finals come true—will they do it?For the Shohoku High players, the past echoes in the present as Rukawa learns something about Coach Anzai that leaves him determined to be the best high school player in Japan. With ten days remaining until the start of the national tournament, Coach Anzai sends the Shohoku High team to Shizuoka for a week of practice with another local team. But Sakuragi stays behind for a special practice session that will push him to the limit and improve his individual skills for the crucial games ahead.
定價:456 元, 優惠價:1 456
Slam Dunk, Vol. 24
作者:Takehiko Inoue; Takehiko Inoue (ILT)  出版社:Viz  出版日:2012/10/02 裝訂:平裝
Get ready for the greatest sports manga of all timReads R to L (Japanese Style). Winning isn't everything in the game of basketball, but who wants to come in second? It takes dedication and discipline to be the best, and the Shohoku High hoops team wants to be just that. They have one last year to make their captain's dream of reaching the finals come true—will they do it?It’s the second half of Shohoku’s debut game in the National Championship. Toyotama boasts the top three scorers from the Osaka regionals, and they’re bent on nothing less than crushing Shohoku! But Coach Anzai’s got a plan: steal the ball, run and score, facing Toyotama’s run-and-gun style head on! If Shohoku can’t beat Toyotama at their best game, what chance do they have of beating last year’s champion Sannoh in the next round?
定價:456 元, 優惠價:1 456
Slam Dunk, Vol. 25
作者:Takehiko Inoue; Takehiko Inoue (ILT)  出版社:Viz  出版日:2012/12/04 裝訂:平裝
Get ready for the greatest sports manga of all timReads R to L (Japanese Style). Winning isn't everything in the game of basketball, but who wants to come in second? It takes dedication and discipline to be the best, and the Shohoku High hoops team wants to be just that. They have one last year to make their captain's dream of reaching the finals come true—will they do it?After watching a video of Sannoh’s semifinal game from the previous year, the Shohoku players, except Sakuragi of course, are feeling nervous—three of Sannoh’s starters this year played on that championship team. To make things worse, the stands are filled with Sannoh supporters eager to see their favorite rack up an easy win against Shohoku. But Coach Anzai’s been here before and he knows his players, instructing them to lead off with a surprise attack that lets Sannoh know that Shohoku’s in the house, and they aren’t going out without a fight!
定價:456 元, 優惠價:1 456
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