Marie Curie was a brilliant scientist who coined the term 'radioactivity', discovered polonium and radium, and helped develop treatments for cancer. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, but h
Born in Warsaw, Poland, on November 7, 1867, Marie Curie was forbidden to attend the male-only University of Warsaw, so she enrolled at the Sorbonne in Paris to study physics and mathematics. There sh
★★★獲獎無數的女力科學家繪本★★★★★★開啟小學生生涯探索視野的科學家人物傳記★★★吳健雄 X 海蒂.拉瑪 X 葛麗絲.霍普聚焦實驗物理、祕密通訊、程式語言三大領域傾注熱情投入創新研究、運用專業戰勝性別偏見她們是改變世界的女力科學家她是有東方瑪麗.居禮之稱的吳健雄,找到了原子核的祕密,還推翻人們相信已久的宇宙定律。她是身兼好萊塢影星與斜槓發明家的海蒂.拉瑪,創造了得以維護無線網路與藍芽通訊私密性