"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your golden hair!" First Stories: Rapunzel is the perfect introduction for young children to this classic fairy tale. Push, pull and turn mechanisms bring the story to li
Book Three in the New York Times-bestselling Lunar Chronicles, now with new cover art!Prepare to see the New York Times-bestselling series like you’ve never seen it before, now with new cover art
From the classic tale by the Brothers Grimm. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your long hair!” A witch keeps Rapunzel in a tall tower without a door or stairs – but she isn’t the only one visiting the lo
從陪伴孩子親子共讀,到讓他們自己唸故事透過閱讀培養家庭幸福感,也給予孩子自主與表達的學習機會初試啼聲之作《我的粉蠟筆》入選2019Openbook年度童書、第二本創作《四季》入選2022德國白烏鴉獎,台灣繪本作家許智偉最新童趣之作《誰來陪我唸故事書?》,將帶給家長和孩子歡樂滿足的共讀體驗!誰來陪我唸故事書?小小想要爸爸媽媽唸故事書給他聽,但爸媽都太忙了。失望的小小看著手中的書,突然小飛俠彼得潘跑了出來,兩人決定找其他人一起辦說故事派對。不過小紅帽不能來,因為外婆生病了;三隻小豬不能來,因為要趕快蓋房子;長髮公主也不能來,因為她還在洗頭。正當小小覺得好難過,大家都不能參加時,小木偶、小飛象、青蛙王子、噴火龍、拇指公主、睡美人都趕來了!這一場說故事派對會發生什麼樣的有趣的事呢?本書特色‧美國3X3 插畫獎 Professional Show 優選‧溫柔提醒大人陪伴孩子成長,享受親子共讀時光‧鼓勵孩子表達自我,培養閱讀好習慣‧經典童話角色登場,來一場趣味滿點的說故事派對!