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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:里克.魯賓  出版社:大塊文化  出版日:2023/07/28 裝訂:平裝
一個不會任何樂器,也不懂得使用錄音控台的人, 卻能贏得八座葛萊美獎,被歐美音樂界的巨星視為「傳奇」。 如今,他公開分享自己的創造心法 引導大家探索與生俱來的創造力 無論貧富貴賤、身在何方,只要你願意,就可以掌握它 紐約時報暢銷書排行榜 第一名 亞馬遜暢銷書排行榜 創意類 第一名 亞馬遜暢銷書排行榜 大眾心理學類 第一名 亞馬遜暢銷書排行榜 全分類 第四名 蟬聯十六週 |天神級音樂製作人,公開自己窮極一生累積的心法| 我的初衷,是要寫一本如何創造偉大藝術的書。 然而它揭露了自己, 變成了一本關於如何「活著」的書。 其中有些想法可能引起共鳴, 也有一些可能不會。 有些可能喚醒你內心原本已遭遺忘的 某種認識。 有益的,加以利用。 至於其他,就放手。 如果世界上的萬事萬物,都是創作的「材料」,我們可以怎麼妥善地運用它們? 在橫跨四十年的音樂製作生涯裡,里克?魯賓不但是葛萊美獎的常勝軍,也是許多知名音樂人心中一等一的大師(guru)。然而,他之所以受到人們的推崇,並不單單因為他能製作風格千變萬化的專輯,而是他有辦法引領與之合作的音樂人,突破自己的界限,感受創作的「本質」。 透過觀察過各種創作者的工作方式與困境,以及他們感知世界的方式之後,里克?魯賓歸納出一種找回原始、純真創作狀態的「修行」──他以輕巧、睿智的筆觸,談論一個人的聽覺、耐性、感知、潛意識、觀察力??是如何與一個人的創造力息息相關,而那樣的創造力,又會如何形塑一個人的人生。 《創造力的修行:打開一切可能》是一本關乎創造力的書,卻也不止於此;里克?魯賓是在利用「創造力」這把鑰匙,開啟生命的可能性。 聯名推薦 小湛──Azure Mulo 《靈界運作》作者 小樹──Streetvoice音樂頻道總監 王昱辰──音樂製作人 血肉果汁機──樂團 吳柏蒼──回聲樂團主唱 美秀集團──樂團 陳君豪──音樂製作人 黃少雍──音樂製作人 雷擎──鼓手/創作歌手 韓立康──吉他手/音樂製作人 鐘穎──心理學作家/愛智者書窩主持人 (按照姓名筆畫排序) 各界盛讚 里克美妙地捕捉到了創造力的神聖但又普世的實踐。當有人將我們所知但可能不理解的東西賦予聲音或形狀時,我覺得非常有力量。來自任何領域的設計師都會發現里克的話深深鼓舞和激勵人心。 ────蘋果公司首席設計長 強尼?艾夫 對我來說,這本書真的像是一本稀有的長銷
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
作者:卡爾.羅傑斯  出版社:心靈工坊文化  出版日:2023/02/01 裝訂:平裝
只要能夠營造出真誠、肯定及理解的環境,無論個人或團體,都會由刻板轉為靈活,依賴轉為自主,抗拒轉為自我接納……體現人的實現傾向。──卡爾.羅傑斯一九五0年代興起的人本主義心理學改變了心理治療的面貌,創始者之一的卡爾.羅傑斯無疑是最關鍵的角色。他所倡議的「真誠一致、無條件接納、同理心」是當今助人工作者執業的圭臬,「以人為本」(Person-Centered)的工作取向更可說是美國版的存在主義哲學。人本心理學相信人內在自有成長、修復傷痛、實現自我的動能,這在今天看來毫不奇怪。然若回到羅傑斯的時代,他這「以人為本」的理念顯得極為基進,不僅交織著他生命的匱乏,更是經過不斷試驗、抗爭才得以成形、實踐的信念。在晚年文集《存在之道》裡,羅傑斯將這段歷程娓娓道來,他談孤獨、談關係、談同理心與心理治療,溫婉而犀利,使本書成為人本心理學最重要的文本。事實上,羅傑斯說,「我有個深信不疑的信念:我所提倡的人際關係哲學,可以應用到所有與人有關的情境。」因此,他懷抱全人教育的大願,推動校園教學的革新;他也將以人為本的方法實踐於政治、種族與文化衝突之調解。他憂慮人們執迷於物質科學、囚困於僵化體制,也鼓吹擁抱感性、靈性與大自然。《存在之道》裡,羅傑斯滿滿哲思,關懷整個地球,探索著以人為本的明日世界。他跨越了理性邏輯的高牆,將「以人為本」的內涵聯結了東方神祕的宇宙合一。一如羅傑斯說:「我相信我所發展出來的存在理念及方法將繼續好一段時間,因此如若我走到了生命終點,我的某些方面仍將以多種方式活著。」時至今日,我們會看見他所憂慮者仍在,但他所懷抱的理念更生意盎然地四處生根。哲人已遠,但他留在本書的睿智話語,於專業、於生活,仍指引著我們安身立命的存在之道。感恩,自年輕至今心中的專業大師能在這樣的時刻以這本《存在之道》再度引領我走向人生的最後一段旅程。 ──曹中瑋/資深諮商心理師、臺北教育大學退休副教授書裡提到「我們有勇氣揚棄專業心態嗎?」是我年輕至今所參的「公案」,也是如今實踐生命教育的源頭。上世紀八○年代曾遠遠地望見這位老先生的身影,ㄧ念三千! ──楊蓓/法鼓文理學院人文社會學群學群長這本書讓我們看到一個活生生的羅傑斯,誠摰、熱情、開放與無所畏懼——甚至有時會令人覺得不合時宜!而多年前他對美國心理學界的針貶,卻也鏡映著台灣心理學界的發展,值得我們深思。 ──李維倫/政治大學哲學系專任教授人
定價:650 元, 優惠價:9 585
A Year of Inner Peace:Find a Calmer and Happier Way of Being
作者:Kirsten Riddle  出版社:Ryland; Peters & Small Ltd  出版日:2024/09/10 裝訂:平裝
定價:824 元, 優惠價:95 782
How to Understand Your Kid Through Effective Parenting: A New Way of Being a Parent: Practical Advice for Today's Families from The Heart of Parenting
作者:Adegboye Aduragbemi  出版社:INDEPENDENT CAT  出版日:2024/05/31 裝訂:平裝
定價:585 元, 優惠價:1 585
Being Ecological
作者:Morton; Timothy  出版社:Pelican UK  出版日:2018/01/25 裝訂:平裝
Don't care about ecology? This book is for you. Morton sets out to show us that whether we know it or not, we already have the capacity and the will to change the way we understand the place of humans in the world, and our very understanding of the term 'ecology'. A cross-disciplinarian who has collaborated with everyone from Bjork to Hans Ulrich Obrist, Morton is also a member of the object-oriented philosophy movement, a group of forward-looking thinkers who are grappling with modern-day notions of subjectivity and objectivity, while also offering fascinating new understandings of Heidegger and Kant.Calling the volume a book containing 'no ecological facts', Morton confronts the 'information dump' fatigue of the digital age, and offers an invigorated approach to creating a liveable future.
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
Make Life Better: Feelings Showed Me the Way. 'Being born is the work of a lifetime.'
作者:Allan Schnarr M. DIV  出版社:Balboa Pr  出版日:2024/05/21 裝訂:平裝
定價:1035 元, 優惠價:1 1035
The Easy Way to Stop Being an Asshole: A practical guide program with a touch of humor
作者:Lucky Willis  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/05/16 裝訂:平裝
定價:440 元, 優惠價:1 440
Being a Sanctuary: The Radical Way for the Body of Christ to Be Sacred, Soft, and Safe
作者:Pricelis Perreaux-Dominguez  出版社:Brazos Pr  出版日:2024/09/10 裝訂:精裝
定價:2199 元, 優惠價:1 2199
Being a Sanctuary: The Radical Way for the Body of Christ to Be Sacred, Soft, and Safe
作者:Pricelis Perreaux-Dominguez  出版社:Brazos Pr  出版日:2024/09/10 裝訂:平裝
定價:700 元, 優惠價:1 700
Way Up High In A Tall Green Tree
作者:Jan Peck; Valeria Petrone (ILT)  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2005/06/21 裝訂:精裝
After falling into a peaceful slumber, an imaginative girl dreams of being transported to a lush rain forest filled with bright insects, dancing sloths, slithering boas, and rich flora, in a tale from
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
Be Your Own Brand ─ Achieve More of What You Want by Being More of Who You Are
作者:DAVID MCNALLY; KARL D. SPEAK  出版社:Berrett-Koehler  裝訂:平裝
McNally, an author, speaker, and consultant in leadership and brands, and Speak, an author, speaker, and specialist in brand building, explain the concept of developing a personal brand as a process of discovering one's self and aspirations, arguing that the best way to establish a strong, memorable brand is to make a positive difference in the lives of others through lasting impressions that build trusting relationships. They describe how to identify key components of a brand, convey it to the world, see if it aligns with important relationships, and assess progress. This edition has been revised and updated to incorporate new material on how to use social media to build a personal brand and case studies of individuals whose personal brands have impacted the world, such as Temple Grandin and Terry Fox. Annotation c2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
定價:803 元, 優惠價:79 634
A Little History of Poetry
作者:John Carey  出版社:Yale University Press  出版日:2021/02/09 裝訂:平裝
A vital, engaging, and hugely enjoyable guide to poetry, from ancient times to the present, by one of our greatest champions of literature--selected as the literature book of the year by the London Times “[A] fizzing, exhilarating book.”—Sebastian Faulks, Sunday Times, London“Delightful.’”—New York Times Book Review What is poetry? If music is sound organized in a particular way, poetry is a way of organizing language. It is language made special so that it will be remembered and valued. It does not always work—over the centuries countless thousands of poems have been forgotten. But this Little History is about some that have not. John Carey tells the stories behind the world’s greatest poems, from the oldest surviving one written nearly four thousand years ago to those being written today. Carey looks at poets whose works shape our views of the world, such as Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Whitman, and Yeats. He also looks at more recent poets, like De
定價:525 元, 優惠價:79 414
Roman and Iris: A Story of Bullying (A Helping Hand)
作者:Nancy Loewen; Elisa Paganelli  出版社:QED Publishing UK  出版日:2020/05/19 裝訂:平裝
Roman was having a great time at summer camp … until he accidentally bumped into Iris. Every day Iris found a new way to trouble Roman until eventually Roman dreaded going to camp. Why is Iris being s
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
I Am Me: A Book of Authenticity
作者:Susan Verde; Peter H. Reynolds  出版社:Abrams Books for Young Readers  出版日:2022/09/27 裝訂:精裝
Embrace individuality and being your authentic self in this companion to New York Times bestsellers I Am Human and I Am Love!Sometimes I stand out in a crowd.Sometimes I am not seen at all, and I feel alone.I start to ask myself, why can’t I blend in? Fit the mold?But when I stop and look, I see nothing in this world is exactly the same.Sometimes we hide who we really are to conform to the way we think we are supposed to be in the world. Sometimes we compare ourselves to others and feel we don’t fit in. But when we realize we are something to be celebrated, and we proudly live out loud as our true selves, we can make our unique mark on the world―and share our joy!From the New York Times bestselling team behind the I Am series comes a bighearted celebration of individuality, of being comfortable in our own skin, respecting others for who they are, living authentically, and loving ourselves. For anyone who’s ever felt like too much or not enough, I Am Me is an affirming reminder that dif
定價:560 元, 優惠價:79 442
A Hero Like Me
作者:Jen Reid; Angela Joy  出版社:Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd  出版日:2023/06/08 裝訂:平裝
Empower children to stand up for what is right with this picture book inspired by the real-life events around the statue of a slave trader, its toppling and heroic replacement. They call him 'HERO', but he's no HERO - not to me. A Hero Like Me is inspired by the events of 7 June 2020, when a statue of seventeenth-century slave trader Edward Colston was pulled down and thrown into Bristol Harbour during an anti-racism protest.Co-author Jen Reid was one of the protesters that day, and despite being afraid of heights, she spontaneously climbed onto the empty plinth and raised her fist high above her head - a moment that was captured on camera and shared around the world. On the morning of 15 July, a statue of Jen by Marc Quinn was added to the empty plinth. It was called A Surge of Power and it gained national attention for the 24 hours it was in place, and beyond.This inspiring picture book tells the story of these events through the eyes of a little girl who, every day, on her way to sc
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
If I had a unicorn
作者:Gabby Dawnay; Alex Barrow  出版社:Thames & Hudson Ltd  出版日:2022/10/20 裝訂:硬頁書
A boardbook edition of this magical book in the award-winning If I had a... series. Have you ever imagined what it would be like to have a unicorn for a pet? Besides being much less angry than a troll and far more conveniently sized than a giant, unicorns only ever eat ice-cream for breakfast AND...every time you get upset they feed you candyfloss! In this humorous, energetically rhyming tale, a little girl experiences exactly what life would be like with a magical creature for a pet - from sprinkling stardust on grumpy parents to sliding into football practice on a rainbow. This book celebrates the magic of unicorns in a way that will appeal to children who are allergic to pink.
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
My Life As a Joke
作者:Janet Tashjian; Jake Tashjian (ILT)  出版社:Square Fish  出版日:2017/04/11 裝訂:平裝
Derek Fallon discovers all the angst that comes with being twelve—he just wants to feel grown up, but life gets in the way with a series of mishaps that make him look like a baby. He passes out during
定價:315 元, 優惠價:79 249
Not a Cat In Sight
作者:Frances Stickley; Eamonn O'Neill  出版社:Simon & Schuster Ltd  出版日:2022/04/28 裝訂:精裝
A fast, funny 'It's behind you!' tale with a rollicking rhyming text and bold, bright illustrations. Mouse was feeling fabulous. The sky was blue and bright.The day was warm and wonderful, with not a cat in sight... Mouse sets off on his perfect day blissfully unaware (in the tradition of all the best cat-and-mouse capers) that he is being followed every step of the way. He imagines he's at the circus, skydiving, discovering priceless treasure...And the best bit? There's not a cat in sight. Or is there...? Children will delight at being one step ahead of all the characters in this riotous tale, featuring an irresistible refrain, delightfully skilful rhyming text by Frances Stickley, and the debut picture book illustrations from exciting new artist Eamonn O'Neill.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
I Talk Like a River (平裝本)
作者:Jordan Scott; Sydney Smith  出版社:Walker Books Ltd  出版日:2022/01/06 裝訂:平裝
What if words got stuck in the back of your mouth whenever you tried to speak?After a day of being unable to speak when asked, and of being stared at, a boy and his father go to the river for some quiet time. "It's just a bad speech day," says Dad. But the boy can't stop thinking about all the eyes watching his lips twisting and twirling.When his father points to the river bubbling, churning, whirling and crashing, the boy finds a way to think about how he speaks. Even the river stutters. Like him."I talk like a river," he says. An incredibly moving picture book that offers understanding rather than a solution, and which will resonate with all readers, young and old. Masterfully illustrated by Sydney Smith, winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Hong Bao Goes on a Diet: A Story about Eating Disorders(精)
作者:Carolyn Kee  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2023/11/28 裝訂:精裝
Hong Bao''s father is the biggest hippo in the clan. Her entire family is heavily built, with rounded trunks and thick limbs. Fed up with being so large, Hong Bao decides to go on a diet. As she strives to achieve her ideal body shape, Hong Bao learns that losing too much weight can lead to many undesirable consequences. With the help of her family and friends, can she learn to accept and love herself just the way she is?The I Am Healthy series comprises children''s picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything from digital addiction to eating disorders. Using a story-based approach, each book contains a relatable story that will help children understand themselves better, and be able to take practical steps to gr
定價:405 元, 優惠價:9 365
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