A detailed look at how to apply clinical theories to socialwork practice Thinking through real-life cases to make connections between theory and practice is a crucial element of socialwork educatio
One of the most striking aspects of the epidemiology of depressive disorders is the rapid rise in incidence observed between the ages of 11 and 14. This book explores the developmental changes occurring during the transition from childhood into early adolescence in order to understand how vulnerability to depression develops. The focus is on emotional development, which serves to encapsulate the cognitive, sexual, interpersonal and familial changes that are occurring during this life stage. This will be an essential read for practising psychiatrists and psychologists who work with early adolescents, along with academics and researchers interested in affective science or developmental psychology and psychopathology. Other professionals working with children andadolescents, including teachers, socialworkers, counsellors andfamily practice physicians will also find this a useful summary of scientific developments that are shedding light on the vulnerabilities and opportunities particul
One of the most striking aspects of the epidemiology of depressive disorders is the rapid rise in incidence observed between the ages of 11 and 14. This book explores the developmental changes occurring during the transition from childhood into early adolescence in order to understand how vulnerability to depression develops. The focus is on emotional development, which serves to encapsulate the cognitive, sexual, interpersonal and familial changes that are occurring during this life stage. This will be an essential read for practising psychiatrists and psychologists who work with early adolescents, along with academics and researchers interested in affective science or developmental psychology and psychopathology. Other professionals working with children andadolescents, including teachers, socialworkers, counsellors andfamily practice physicians will also find this a useful summary of scientific developments that are shedding light on the vulnerabilities and opportunities particul
This book, which draws together contributions from specialists in child, adolescentandfamily psychiatry, child psychotherapy, socialwork, community psychiatric nursing, educational therapy, special
During middle childhood, the period between ages 5 and 12, children gain the basic tools, skills and motivations to become productive members of their society. Failure to acquire these basic tools can lead to long-term consequences for children's future education, workandfamily life. In this book, first published in 2006, the editors assemble contributions from fifteen longitudinal studies representing diverse groups in the United States, Canada, New Zealandand the United Kingdom to learn what developmental patterns and experiences in middle childhood contexts forecast the directions children take when they reach adolescence and adulthood. The editors conclude that, although lasting individual differences are evident by the end of the preschool years, a child's developmental path in middle childhood contributes significantly to the adolescentand adult that he or she becomes. Families, peers and the broader socialand economic environment all make a difference for young people's fut
During middle childhood, the period between ages 5 and 12, children gain the basic tools, skills and motivations to become productive members of their society. Failure to acquire these basic tools can lead to long-term consequences for children's future education, workandfamily life. In this book, first published in 2006, the editors assemble contributions from fifteen longitudinal studies representing diverse groups in the United States, Canada, New Zealandand the United Kingdom to learn what developmental patterns and experiences in middle childhood contexts forecast the directions children take when they reach adolescence and adulthood. The editors conclude that, although lasting individual differences are evident by the end of the preschool years, a child's developmental path in middle childhood contributes significantly to the adolescentand adult that he or she becomes. Families, peers and the broader socialand economic environment all make a difference for young people's fut