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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:高樂‧谷巴‧達斯  出版社:方智  出版日:2024/02/01 裝訂:平裝
【內容簡介】―― 印度靈性導師的四輪平衡幸福課 ――★ 全球暢銷超過80萬本,長踞印度書市多年的必讀經典!★ 特別收錄〈寬恕工作表〉與〈生之意義工作表〉,找出自己的幸福關鍵!★ 讀者盛讚:「本書以淺顯易懂的文字傳達複雜的概念,提供解決人生難題的簡單方法,讓人愛不釋手!」全球2,000多萬人的人生導師,帶你掌握平衡生命四大關鍵領域的祕密,在騷動不安中找到方向,穩健前行。幸福不會不請自來,你必須主動選擇,航向你想活出的美好人生!高樂‧谷巴‧達斯是世界知名的印度僧人、人生教練和激勵講師,粉絲眾多。曾與達賴喇嘛對談的他,尚未出版中文著作,就有眾多中文讀者主動翻譯他的影片。現在,他的經典著作終於在臺推出!在本書中,他要告訴讀者,想獲得幸福,活出美好人生,必須有意識地進行選擇,動態調整個人生活、人際關係、工作職場與社會貢獻這四個「人生之輪」的平衡。故事始於他受邀至年輕富翁哈利夫婦家中用餐。擁有名聲、財富、社會地位與恩愛妻子的哈利先生,開著百萬名車載這位印度僧人返回道場的路上,遇上了孟買惡名昭彰的嚴重塞車。外在環境往往呼應了內在情緒。困在車上動彈不得時,看似擁有一切的哈利,忍不住向他的僧人朋友傾吐了光鮮亮麗生活背後,內心的痛苦糾結……在大學以第一名畢業的哈利,其實一點也不喜歡自己就讀的科系,決定去美國哈佛大學讀MBA,也只是為了逃離原生家庭。雖然現在看似有人人稱羨的工作和身為醫生的妻子,但彼此的生活壓力,卻讓他們之間爭吵不斷……哈利面臨的困境,正是現代許多人生命失衡的縮影。無論你是正在尋求圓滿的關係、發掘自身潛能,或是希望在職場上有所發揮,作者在書中給哈利的建議,都能幫助你同樣踏上四輪平衡的幸福人生路。各界觸動推薦(依姓氏筆畫排列)吳若權 | 作家 / 廣播主持 / 企管顧問周介偉|光中心創辦人讀者美好體驗推薦‧人人必讀。這本書以非常簡單的語言寫成,卻蘊含著深刻的哲理,告訴我們如何以另一種眼光看待任何事情。相信任何能掌握其中一些策略的讀者,都能讓生活變得更輕鬆、快樂。‧我很喜歡這本書,它為我們如何處理日常事務提供了非常好的建議和想法。我想終生珍藏這本書,這樣我就可以反覆閱讀,並真誠地遵循它。‧這真是一本好書。這本書將我們生活的各方面聯繫在一起……從自愛到愛人、生之意義、人際關係、成功的意義、如何獲得幸福,我喜歡這本書。‧語言流暢、比喻貼切、故事精彩,最重要的是,它為人生提供了很好
定價:340 元, 優惠價:9 306
作者:悉瓦南達瑜伽吠檀多中心  出版社:楓樹林  出版日:2023/04/12 裝訂:平裝
~源自古印度的性靈與療癒傳統~★美國亞馬遜4.7星至高好評!★繁體版由「Sonia Gitanjali/甘乃夏空間阿育吠陀執行師」專業審定!【專文推薦】◎《阿育吠陀實作入門》提供了一個很棒的指南,讓讀者認識這門跟最佳健康和更高層次的意識有關的古老藝術與科學。──《瑜伽與阿育吠陀》(Yoga and Ayurveda)作者和美國吠陀研究協會(American Institute of Vedic Studies)的會長大衛‧弗勞利博士(Dr. David Frawley)◎身心靈的發展是在一次又一次反覆地自我覺察中獲得提升,阿育吠陀的生活哲學是提供我們生活實踐的一則方便法門,它引領我們邁向生命智慧成長的喜悅大道:本書中提到勝王瑜珈,它是吠陀哲學中三種屬性之一,三屬性包括:悅性、激性(變性)、惰性,激性(變性)就是變化的屬性,善用「變化」轉化成「改變」,這是一種讓我們可以適切地因應世界各種變化,和諧前進的力量,是吠陀哲學中強調的重要概念,這股力量能引領我們反思自身內外,身心成長成我們希望的那樣---一切隨順心靈、自由自在。閱讀本書讓我感到豐盛,感謝作者及編審的用心及專業。Namaskar──島嶼芳療師/Fanna ◎阿育吠陀是阿育(ayus)和吠陀(veda)兩個字根的組合,阿育(ayus)意指生命,吠陀(veda)意指學問,阿育吠陀即是生命之學。建立這門學問的古印度醫師和聖哲們,強調的是「透過完整、全面的生活方式,預防疾病的發生」。很開心這本《阿育吠陀實作入門》繁體中文版能在台灣出版。書裡提供了大量具體、而且在生活中可以讓讀者自行覺察的資訊,期待每個讀者都能透過本書,進入人體本自俱足的內在自由,以及超越痛苦的智慧。──自然醒工作室/Teen(張庭穎)◎本書內容優美且帶有豐富色彩,讓任何願意了解自身獨特之處的人都能夠好好消化吸收。特別推薦給所有瑜伽與阿育吠陀的練習者。本書作者很精確並有趣地講述了所有主題,藉此教導我們了解身體組成(督夏)的重要性、正確的食物選擇、遵守時間戒律等等能夠促進我們的健康生活。──涅槃瑜伽學苑/小P老師◎以簡潔美麗的圖文,組織與歸納阿育吠陀這個深刻而繁複的療癒傳統,依照書中推薦方式,就可以在日常中實作瑜珈與食療靜修。本書可以作為認識阿育吠陀的開端,也可以是持續翻閱實踐的人生指南。──芳療與香草生活保健作家/女巫阿娥◎英國DK出版品一向圖文並茂,淺
定價:750 元, 優惠價:9 675
作者:伊蓮.N.艾倫  出版社:方言文化  出版日:2023/12/29 裝訂:平裝
高敏感人格、親密關係首席權威伊蓮.艾倫博士的暢銷經典 每個人的內心角落都住著一個自卑怪認定自己一無是處,因膽怯而躊躇不前…… 身體的創口會自行癒合,心靈受傷了也有自動復原的能力,而這本書存在的目的就是幫助你黏合破碎的自己。 ★自卑因何而來?原來是愛與權力失衡了地位比較的社會本能驅使著我們追尋權力和公平對待,而自我低估藉由降低整體自我價值感,來避免面對失敗引起的自覺情緒,諸如羞愧、沮喪等。若是遭受創傷的沉重打擊,自我低估的傾向便會加劇。在日常生活中,為了箝制地位比較失利而導致的羞愧感,我們會自我低估並下意識運用自我保護機制將心中的自卑怪藏匿起來,絲毫沒有發現自己落入了比較心態的圈套中,再難跳脫自貶的惡性循環。 ★改變令你裹足不前的內在聲音當痛苦超出生命所能承受之重時,大腦會將創傷的記憶與情緒分離出去,將自我一分為三。 純真我是當初那個受了傷、凍結在時間裡最脆弱的你,背負並重溫著原初的創傷,在暗處靜靜渴望著愛與支持。 內在判官是過分批評自己的你,總是覺得你還不夠格,嚴厲地鞭策你努力向上,卻又因過分苛刻而分散你的注意力。 保護者–迫害者是因為害怕而故步自封的你,有著雙重屬性,以幻想與成癮織出看似安全的繭來保護你,卻又在你想離開去看看外面的世界時迫害你,讓你無法脫離現狀。 將潛意識的三個內在自我帶入意識之中,與他們展開對話將幫助你治癒自卑心態。 ★發掘真實的自我價值真正的自我價值源於愛與權力的健康平衡。當我們過度關注權力而忽略愛,便會感到羞愧、失敗和沮喪,被低估的自我此時會跳出來接管一切。而解決自我低估的不二法門是情感連結,這個社會本能驅使著我們追求愛和親密關係、建立共依共存的群體。只有當地位比較和情感連結之間達到完美平衡──以愛為引線,你才能走出比較心態的假想迷宮,擺脫與現實不符的自我低估和輕視。 艾倫博士以清晰、富於同理心的訊息結合非凡的科學和人文洞察力,寫下這本簡單而有效的自助書,從意識和潛意識雙管齊下,直搗自我低估的心理根源,透過一系列的諮商實例、自我檢測、模擬練習,引導讀者消除人際關系中的自我輕視與潛在敵意,恢復愛與權力的平衡、培養健康而令人滿足的人際關係,並且找到真正的自我價值。 看完本書,你將──‧ &nb
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定價:420 元, 優惠價:79 331
The Teenage Guide to Digital Wellbeing: Find the Balance to Live Your Best Life
作者:Tanya Goodin  出版社:Collins  出版日:2024/09/03 裝訂:平裝
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
The Mindfulness and Meditation Workbook for Anxiety and Depression: Balance Emotions, Overcome Intrusive Thoughts, and Find Peace Using Mindfulness-In
作者:Andrea D. Grabovac  出版社:NEW HARBINGER PUBN  出版日:2024/10/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:986 元, 優惠價:1 986
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Cptsd: Heal from Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Find Emotional Balance, and Take Back Yo
作者:Sheri Van Dijk  出版社:NEW HARBINGER PUBN  出版日:2024/12/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:1024 元, 優惠價:1 1024
Harriet's Reflections
作者:Marion Kadi  出版社:Eerdmans Books  出版日:2024/02/13 裝訂:精裝
An imaginative tale about a rambunctious lion reflection and the fierce little girl he decides to mirror.One day the reflection of a lion decides to reflect someone different. He picks a little girl named Harriet, who eagerly accepts the new face staring back at her. Harriet loves how ferocious she is now at school: she's not afraid to speak up in class, and she can romp around the playground like a wild beast. But soon Harriet starts to miss the reflection she had before, the one who looked like her. Can Harriet find a way to balance her old reflection and her new one? This whimsical story explores themes of confidence and identity with colorful illustrations and a sly sense of humor. Delightful and unconventional, Harriet's Reflections is the perfect read-aloud for anyone who's ever wondered about the face on the other side of the mirror--and what they might do next.
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Awesomely Austen - Illustrated and Retold: Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility
作者:Jane Austen; Joanna Nadin  出版社:Hachette Children's Group  出版日:2022/07/07 裝訂:平裝
經典名著不再令人呵欠連連!幽默文字搭配趣味十足的插圖,輕鬆將初識珍奧斯汀的小讀者們領進門,其筆下人物鮮明的價值觀與道德觀,更適合與孩子一同討論,在共享閱讀樂趣的同時融入品格教育。A fresh, funny and accessible retelling of Jane Austen’s classic story, with witty black and white illustrations throughout.When Elinor and Marianne Dashwood’s father dies, they are forced to leave their home behind and move far away to a tiny cottage. Their lives look set to change for ever, in ways neither had expected.Elinor must leave behind the man she loves, whereas Marianne falls for their charming – but entirely unsuitable – new neighbour.The sisters will need each other’s support if they are to find happiness, but will they ever find the right balance of sense and sensibility?Joanna Nadin is a winner of the Fantastic Book Award, the Surrey Book Award, Blue Peter ‘Book of the Month’ and Radio 4 Open Book ‘Book of the Year’. She has recently fallen head over heels for Austen’s books and wants new readers to feel the same.Eglantine Ceulemans captures all of Austen’s satire and wit, bringing h
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定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Pass the Plate:Everyday Comfort Cooking to Savour and Share
作者:Carolina Gelen  出版社:Ebury Publishing  出版日:2024/10/10 裝訂:精裝
‘Every recipe strikes the perfect balance between comfort and excitement’ - Ixta BelfrageIn her debut cookbook, Carolina Gelen shares 100 comforting recipes that emphasise big flavour with minimal effort. No matter the mood or your skill level, you’ll find crowd-pleasing recipes for creative dishes using approachable, everyday ingredients. Including influences from Carolina's Romanian upbringing, Pass the Plate will bring comfort to your kitchen and have everyone asking for seconds.
定價:1485 元, 優惠價:79 1173
Nicky & Vera: A Quiet Hero of the Holocaust and the Children He Rescued (NYT Best Children's Books of 2021)
作者:Peter Sis  出版社:Norton Young Readers  出版日:2021/01/26 裝訂:精裝
A Finalist for the 2022 Jane Addams Children's Book AwardAn NPR Best Book of 2021A New York Times Best Children's Book of 2021A Washington Post Best Book of 2021A Kirkus Reviews Best Children's Book of 2021A Horn Book Fanfare Best Book of 2021In 1938, twenty-nine-year-old Nicholas Winton saved the lives of almost 700 children trapped in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia--a story he never told and that remained unknown until an unforgettable TV appearance in the 1980s reunited him with some of the children he saved.Czech-American artist, MacArthur Fellow, and Andersen Award winner Peter S s dramatizes Winton's story in this distinctive and deeply personal picture book. He intertwines Nicky's efforts with the story of one of the children he saved--a young girl named Vera, whose family enlisted Nicky's aid when the Germans occupied their country. As the war passes and Vera grows up, she must find balance in her dual identities--one her birthright, the other her choice.Nicky & Vera is a mas
定價:758 元, 優惠價:79 599
Bea's Bad Day:A Big Bright Feelings Book
作者:Tom Percival  出版社:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC  出版日:2024/07/04 裝訂:平裝
Bea is REALLY looking forward to her birthday … until things begin to go wrong. A book about managing disappointment, from the bestselling author of the Big Bright Feelings series.Be open, be honest, be you! Big Bright Feelings for little people.Bea CAN'T WAIT for her birthday. There are only three days to go, and everything is going to be PERFECT! Then snow begins to block the roads … and everything begins to go wrong. With no party, no cards, and maybe even no cake, can Bea find a way to be OK – even in the middle of a really BAD day?This reassuring and funny book is the perfect springboard for talking to children about setting expectations and finding balance amidst disappointment.Tom Percival's Big Bright Feelings series is the ideal starting point for discussions about mental and emotional health, positive self-image, building self-confidence and managing feelings. Every child's bookshelf should contain his books.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Awesomely Austen (平裝版) (共6本)
經典名著不再令人呵欠連連!幽默文字搭配趣味十足的插圖,輕鬆將初識珍奧斯汀的小讀者們領進門,其筆下人物鮮明的價值觀與道德觀,更適合與孩子一同討論,在共享閱讀樂趣的同時融入品格教育。A fresh, funny and accessible retelling of Jane Austen’s classic story, with witty black and white illustrations throughout.9781444962680 Sense and SensibilityWhen Elinor and Marianne Dashwood’s father dies, they are forced to leave their home behind and move far away to a tiny cottage. Their lives look set to change for ever, in ways neither had expected.Elinor must leave behind the man she loves, whereas Marianne falls for their charming – but entirely unsuitable – new neighbour.The sisters will need each other’s support if they are to find happiness, but will they ever find the right balance of sense and sensibility?Joanna Nadin is a winner of the Fantastic Book Award, the Surrey Book Award, Blue Peter ‘Book of the Month’ and Radio 4 Open Book ‘Book of the Year’. She has recently fallen head over heels for Austen’s books and wants new readers to feel the same.Eglantine Ceulemans captures all of
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定價:2524 元, 優惠價:79 1994
20,000 Cows!:An Almost Impossible Word Search
作者:Alex Cheddar  出版社:Octopus Publishing Group  出版日:2024/10/24 裝訂:平裝
128,000 letters. Over 20,000 cows. Can you find them all?Welcome to the word search that tests just how much you really like cows.From the first page to the last, the cows multiply, starting with a single 'COW' on page one, two on page two, and so forth, leading up to a staggering 200 cows on page 200. In total, over 20,000 cows are hidden within this legendairy puzzle challenge. Part unclimbable mountain, part mindful word search, this book offers a unique way to blend cognitive exercise with relaxation.Craving a serene but stimulating getaway from life's chaos? 20,000 Cows provides just the right balance of calm and complexity. 200 Pages of Puzzles: Each page increases the cows you need to find, making each puzzle progressively more challenging. Fun for All Ages: Perfect for kids, adults, and seniors looking to enhance their pattern recognition and concentration skills.Unleash your Cow-petitive Side: Compete with friends and family to see who can spot the most cows. It's an un-bull-i
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Portal of Chaos
作者:Simon Tudhope; Tom Knight  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2024/11/07 裝訂:平裝
You are the hero in this epic, illustrated gamebook adventure.This magically illustrated gamebook plunges you into a story with a difference - one where the hero is YOU.Not that you have any interest in being a hero. You're a bounty hunter, and in your line of work heroes don't last long. But now you've been given a mission you can't refuse. Make it out alive, and you'll never need to work again. Fail, and, well... you'll never need to work again.And so, staring up at the stars from the cockpit of your spaceship, you blast off on an epic adventure where every choice is yours, and your survival depends upon the decisions you make. Who to fight? Who to trust? In a book where nothing is as it seems, you find yourself grappling with forces beyond your darkest dreams. And you realise it's not just your fate hanging in the balance. No, the universe needs a hero - and like it or not, that hero is you!Bringing together a thrilling story, beautifully illustrated picture puzzles and an exciting
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
作者:蓋爾・布爾斯坦・格羅斯曼  出版社:高寶國際  出版日:2018/09/27 裝訂:平裝
★第一本專為你調和身心靈的修復瑜伽全書★6種呼吸法教學x 6種冥想方式x 61種體位法教學★脈輪概念詳解,幫助了解自己體質,身體、心靈同時回歸平衡 你因為長時間坐在電腦前而覺得全身縮成一團嗎?你因為工作、生活壓力而全身緊繃嗎?你常常感覺到各部位的僵硬疼痛嗎?給久坐上班族、忙於家務、或是不停勞動的你。修復瑜伽幫你進入深度放鬆,擺脫忙碌生活造成的各種病痛,撫平情緒,由內而外找回活力。 根據自己狀況挑選
定價:399 元, 優惠價:9 359
作者:Elizabeth Michael  出版社:Createspace Independent Pub  出版日:2011/10/04 裝訂:平裝
It's a fact, abstinence doesn't work for everyone. Whether you want to stop drinking, stop binge drinking, or simply drink less, you will find the tools, tips and strategies to help you control your
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作者:Gold's Gym (COR)  出版社:Enslow Pub Inc  出版日:2019/01/15 裝訂:平裝
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AI & Privacy: How To Find Balance
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Balance: 10 Strategies to Find Balance in Life
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My Pocket Tai Chi ─ Improve Focus - Reduce Stress - Find Balance.
作者:Adams Media (COR)  出版社:Adams Media Corp  出版日:2018/04/03 裝訂:平裝
This essential take-anywhere guide explains the numerous mindfulness benefits of tai chi and shows how to use this ancient martial art to reduce stress and improve overall wellness.Often called “movin
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