如果你是一個珍惜時間的人,那麼你一定要花點時間閱讀這本書!──蒂姆.肯德爾 (Tim Kendall),Pinterest應用程式前總裁頼龧澳洲收聽率第一、下載量超過300萬次的『我如何工作』(How I Work)Podcast主持人阿曼莎.伊姆貝爾最新重磅力作!★紐約時報暢銷書《逆思維》作者亞當.葛蘭特(Adam Grant)大力推薦!★每章提供「實際演練」與「方法複習」,讓你過目不忘、輕鬆上手智慧用時心法!每個人都有待辦事項要做,都嚮往著在每次工作、學習中高效進行,甚至達到心流。但是在資源越來越多、資訊隨手可得,一切看起來更容易的世代中,我們真的學會「智慧地運用時間」了嗎?為了解答了多數人的工作與學習弊病,澳洲收聽率第一、下載量超過300萬的『我如何工作』(How I Work)Podcast主持人阿曼莎.伊姆貝爾,在本書網羅了過去和超過150位暢銷作家、音樂家、企業家的對談精華,帶領讀者重新審視如何高效運用時間,多點成就,放大快樂。本書以「優先項目」、「架構」、「效率」、「專注」、「反思」、「連結」以及「精力」為主題,帶著讀者對許多我們早已行之有年的工作模式或內心習慣提出疑問,探討下列人們討論多年,但終無解答,或我們未曾想過的問題:☞如何對待你的電子郵件,猶如對待你的洗衣事務?☞如何不再忘記那些曾讀過的事物?☞如何在一天的開始就迅速進入最佳狀態? ☞為何你應該追求工作與生活的「不」平衡?☞為何要試著不去當群體裡那個最聰明的人?本書於章節間與章節後提供「實際演練」與「方法複習」,讓你過目不忘、輕鬆上手智慧用時心法;對所有嘗試在工作、休閒領域達到更高成就的人而言,無疑是一部事半功倍的秘密武器!
A picture book biography of the mother of Emmett Till, and how she channeled grief over her son's death into a call to action for the civil rights movement.Mamie Till-Mobley is the mother of Emmett Till, the 14-year-old boy who was brutally murdered while visiting the South in 1955. His death became a rallying point for the civil rights movement, but few know that it was his mother who was the catalyst for bringing his name to the forefront of history. In Choosing Brave, Angela Joy and Janelle Washington offer a testament to the power of love, the bond of motherhood, and one woman's unwavering advocacy for justice. It is a poised, moving work about a woman who refocused her unimaginable grief into action for the greater good. Mamie fearlessly refused to allow America to turn away from what happened to her only child. She turned pain into change that ensured her son's life mattered. Timely, powerful, and beautifully told, this thorough and moving story has been masterfully crafted to be
To answer the many letters that Michael and Debi Pearl received after writing To Train Up a Child, they started the No GreaterJoy magazine. No GreaterJoy Volume Three contains articles from the No G
Many today search for paths to greater peace and fulfillment in their lives. "Joy Awaits "offers readers a myriad of spiritual understandings and approaches to living a life of greater serenity, love,
To respond to the many letters that Michael and Debi Pearl received after publishing their first book, To Train Up a Child, they started the No GreaterJoy magazine. No GreaterJoy Volume Two includes
In 1994 Michael and Debi Pearl published To Train Up a Child. The book has sold over 625,000 copies, becoming "the handbook on child training" for many families. The Pearls received so many child t
Everyone loves to receive a gift. The more elaborate the wrapping and package, the greater the anticipation and excitement to unwrap the package and see what's inside. This year, readers can experienc
Can gratitude really make a difference in your life?Yes! With gratitude affirmations taken daily, you change your thinking and feelings and experience a richer life, greaterjoy, harmony and sense of
Don't worry about family dinner. Let your kids pick their punishments. Ditch the sex talk. Cancel date night.These are just a few of the surprising innovations in this bold first-of-its-kind playbo
Thirty Reflective Devotions for Time-Pressed Women provides the reader with tools for experiencing greater personal intimacy with God. The book contains devotions with Scripture verses, poetic reflect
In these fascinating pages, author Luanne Zurlo shows that, contrary to popular opinion, single life is often a holy, joyful vocation lived out, sometimes in a hidden way, by souls who have had an aut
Colonial Voices explores the role of language in the greater 'civilising' project of the British Empire through the dissemination and reception of, and challenge to, British English in Australia during the period from the 1840s to the 1940s. This was a period in which the art of oratory, eloquence and elocution was of great importance in the empire and Joy Damousi offers an innovative study of the relationship between language and empire. She shows the ways in which this relationship moved from dependency to independence and how, during that transition, definitions of the meaning and place of oratory, eloquence and elocution shifted. Her findings reveal the central role of voice and pronunciation in informing and defining both individual and collective identity, as well as wider cultural views of class, race, nation and gender. The result is a pioneering contribution to cultural history and the history of English within the British Empire.
After sixteen years of marriage, Mattie Hart discovers that her husband, Jake -- a high-profile Chicago attorney -- is involved in yet another love affair. But a far greater crisis descends upon the
Release the negative thoughts and feelings that are weighing you down and make room for the good things you should have in your life with #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen.You were crea