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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:本傑明‧莫瑟  出版社:衛城  出版日:2022/03/03 裝訂:平裝
★二○二○年普立茲傳記文學獎 得獎鉅著★☆蘇珊.桑塔格生平最完整重要傳記☆她的著述,犀利而挑釁,引領思辨,永遠地改變了我們「看見」事物的方式。然而在這背後,卻是桑塔格為「看見」事物、「看見」自我真貌而掙扎的一生。「從一生深刻而漫長地接觸美學所獲得的智慧,是不能被任何其他種類的嚴肅性所複製的。」──蘇珊.桑塔格「……我們現在比任何時候都更需要〔桑塔格〕,而這本傳記讓她繼續挑釁地活著……」──《衛報》書評蘇珊.桑塔格出生在一九三三年的紐約。父母是立陶宛與波蘭猶太人的後裔,兩人婚後曾經短暫居住在中國,但父親在中國時死於肺結核病,使得母親因而必須孤身踏上漫長的旅途回到美國。桑塔格的母親美麗優雅,但一生深受不安全感所苦。桑塔格非常早就展現出不凡的聰穎天賦。生活在如她母親這般受困的大人當中,她憑藉超齡早熟的閱讀,讓自己進入到文學、藝術、哲學的世界。十八歲就從芝加哥大學畢業,並被選為學術菁英團體Phi Beta Kappa的一員。大學畢業後,桑塔格首先在學院從事教學,但很快地,她便重新定義了二十世紀「作家」所能發揮的巨大文化影響力。一九六○年代起,桑塔格陸續發表小說、評論。她以一種全新的語言、全新的光芒照亮了當時文化界的天空。對於美國高雅文化圈的圈內人而言,桑塔格是一股嶄新的源頭活水。經她介紹的歐洲作者、小眾藝術家的名字,與經她描述的作品與現象,幾乎一定會引起關注與討論,成為下一波潮流。彷彿她總能看見醞釀中的、尚未成形的風暴,指認那還未有名字的事物。她的目光超越高雅文化的圈內與圈外,看見事物的價值,將旁人未能理解的人物或作品帶入文化圈內。很長時間她就是高雅文化的象徵,她的評論代表著支撐起高雅文化的嚴格標準。不僅如此,從《反詮釋》、《論攝影》、《疾病的隱喻》,到《旁觀他人之痛苦》,桑塔格一本又一本觀點精闢的評論集,擴大了人們「看見」的範疇,改變人們「看見」事物的方式。然而少有人知的是,外人眼中聰明絕頂的桑塔格,私下深受焦慮所苦。她經常感到自己身心分離,羨慕更加憑藉身體與直覺行動的人。經常恐懼自己「看不見」真正重要的事物。★ 她的一生中有過許多情人,同性和異性都有,當中不乏政治、藝術、文學、電影各界的名人,當中有些人與她維繫了終其一生獨特的關係。然而,也有不少失戀令她陷入痛苦深淵。★ 她對「看不見」真相的恐懼,也包括對被冷戰意識形態、被國家宣傳所遮蔽的事物。這使得她走到歷史現場。親自
定價:1000 元, 優惠價:9 900
作者:Gene Stratton-Porter  出版社:WLC  出版日:2025/02/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:450 元, 優惠價:1 450
Frida Kahlo and Her Animalitos (精裝本)
作者:Monica Brown; John Parra (ILT)  出版社:North South Books  出版日:2017/09/05 裝訂:精裝
Frida and Her Animalitos, written by Monica Brown and illustrated by John Parra, is based on the life of one of the world's most influential painters, Frida Kahlo, and the animals that inspired her art and life. The fascinating Mexican artist Frida Kahlo is remembered for her self-portraits, her dramatic works featuring bold and vibrant colors. Her work brought attention to Mexican and indigenous culture and she is also renowned for her works celebrating the female form.Brown's story recounts Frida's beloved pets—two monkeys, a parrot, three dogs, two turkeys, an eagle, a black cat, and a fawn—and playfully considers how Frida embodied many wonderful characteristics of each animal.商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
定價:720 元, 優惠價:79 569
The Art and Life of Hilma af Klint
作者:Ylva Hillstroem; Karin Eklund  出版社:Thames & Hudson Ltd  出版日:2022/09/29 裝訂:精裝
Tells the story of Hilma af Klint, who created the first-ever abstract paintings, showing people an invisible worldThe first children's picture book on Hilma af Klint and her pioneering work.Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) began painting her abstract and highly symbolic images as early as 1906, long before Kandinsky and Malevich arrived at what is generally regarded as the birth of modern abstract art. She was heavily influenced by spiritual ideologies and claimed that she painted on instruction from the spirit world, for the future. Until recently overlooked by art historians, she is now lauded around the world, and will be the subject of a major exhibition at Tate Modern in 2023.This book is not only about Hilma af Klint's art, but also about the magic that surrounded her. Brimming with quality reproductions of the artist's work and with illustrations by Karin Eklund, it will appeal to all children wanting to learn more about the thrilling life and work of this groundbreaking artist.
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
The Alcock Album: Scenes of China Consular Life 1843–1853
作者:Andrew Hillier  出版社:香港城市大學出版社  出版日:2024/05/01 裝訂:平裝
Following the ending of the First Opium War and the signing of the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842, Britain opened five treaty ports on the Chinese mainland in the cities now known as Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Ningbo, Shanghai, and Xiamen. Foreigners were allowed for the first time to live and work normally in these cities under the eyes of their state’s consul. In establishing this presence, consular staff and their families faced numerous challenges, including unsuitable accommodation, illness, hostile local authorities, attacks from militias and pirates, while at the same time adjusting to an unfamiliar language and culture.Henrietta Alcock (1812–1853), the first wife of the British Consul, Rutherford Alcock, was little-known until an album of sketches and watercolours depicting her life in China came to light. Acquired by the Martyn Gregory Gallery, London in the early 1990s, the works in the Alcock Album feature picturesque natural landscapes, traditional Chinese architecture, and scenes of co
庫存 > 10
定價:1930 元, 優惠價:85 1640
Sarah Morton's Day ─ A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl
作者:Kate Waters; Russ Kendall (PHT)  出版社:Scholastic Inc.  出版日:2008/10/01 裝訂:平裝
At sunup when the cockerel crows, young Sarah Morton's day begins. Come and join her as she goes about her work and play in an early American settlement in the year 1627. There's a fire to build, bre
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
Dinosaur Girl: A Canvas Filled with Courage and Dreams
作者:黃憶婷 ET Huang繪者:張瓊文 Iris Chang  出版社:財團法人享翔葉克膜教育基金會  出版日:2025/01/01 裝訂:精裝
Dinosaur Girl is a 10-year-old girl who loves drawing and dinosaurs.She came into this world with her "special mission."Facing challenge after challenge, She was brave and fearless, even when scared.On the canvas of her life, she fills it with bold, bright colors of strength. Her journey of resilience touches the hearts of readers, bringing courage and strength to those who may be facing the valleys of life!◎Features of this Book:The story is written by Chi-Chi’s mother and illustrated by the renowned healing illustrator, Iris Chang.《Dinosaur Girl, a canvas filled with courage and dreams》 is a creation that transcends time and space. Iris Chang's warm and delicate illustrations seamlessly incorporate Chi-Chi's past drawings, making this picture book a collaborative work between the two.In the picture book, the illustrator designed various styles of scenes based on the storyline. Each double-page spread becomes a beautiful piece of art in itself. When these illustrations are connected t
定價:780 元, 優惠價:79 616
作者:Jane Gallop  出版社:Duke Univ Pr  出版日:2019/01/11 裝訂:平裝
Drawing on her own experiences with late-onset disability and its impact on her sex life, along with her expertise as a cultural critic, Jane Gallop explores how disability and aging work to undermine
定價:1497 元, 優惠價:1 1497
The Wrong Way Home (Newbery Honor Award Winner)
作者:Kate O'Shaughnessy  出版社:Penguin Publishing Group  出版日:2025/04/01 裝訂:平裝
Twelve-year-old Fern believes she's living a noble life--but what if everything she's been told is a lie? This is a huge-hearted story about a girl learning to question everything—and to trust in herself.Fern’s lived at the Ranch, an off-the-grid, sustainable community in upstate New York, since she was six. The work is hard, but Fern admires the Ranch's leader, Dr. Ben. So when Fern’s mother sneaks them away in the middle of the night and says Dr. Ben is dangerous, Fern doesn't believe it. She wants desperately to go back, but her mom just keeps driving.Suddenly thrust into the treacherous, toxic, outside world, Fern can think only of how to get home. She has a plan, but it will take time. As that time goes by, though, Fern realizes there are things she will miss from this place—the library, a friend from school, the ocean—and there are things she learned at the Ranch that are just...not true.Now Fern will have to decide. How much is she willing to give up to return to the Ranch
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Isadora Moon系列成長橋梁書#9-15 (雙色印刷平裝本)(共7本)
作者:Harriet Muncaster  出版社:Oxford University Press  出版日:2022/06/02 裝訂:平裝
9780192772572 #9 Isadora Moon Makes Winter MagicIsadora loves playing in the snow, especially when her creations come to life! But snow magic can't last forever. Will she be able to save her new friends before they melt away?9780192771643 #10 Isadora Moon Goes on HolidayWhen Isadora wins an amazing holiday for her whole family she's ready for sun, sea, and sand! But there's work to be done when she and her mermaid friend Marina discover a baby turtle in trouble. Can Isadora help the turtle find a way home?9780192777188 #11 Isadora Moon Puts on a ShowIt's almost time for the vampire ball, and Isadora can't wait! There's just one problem: she's got to compete in a talent show with the other vampire children. Isadora's talents aren't very vampire-y, what if the audience laugh at her? The show must go on, but will Isadora be brave enough to perform. . . ?9780192773548 #12 Isadora Moon Meets the Tooth FairyIsadora has a wobbly tooth. Should she give her fang to her dad s
定價:2688 元, 優惠價:7 1881
The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady Colouring Book
作者:Edith Holden  出版社:Penguin Uk  出版日:2016/09/22 裝訂:平裝
A stunning new colouring book that will take you through a year in the life of the English countryside. Nearly 40 years ago, a rediscovered diary enchanted the nation. Edith Holden's 'Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady' from 1906 captured her observations on the English countryside's changing seasons, accompanied by exquisite illustrations of its flora and fauna. Now, for the first time, Edith's work been turned into an beautiful colouring book. Featuring black & white ink illustrations based on her paintings, alongside the original handwriting from the lost journal, this is a captivating colouring book that guides you through a year in the world of this truly remarkable Edwardian lady.
定價:1044 元, 優惠價:79 825
Latitudes of Longing
作者:Shubhangi Swarup  出版社:One World  出版日:2021/06/01 裝訂:平裝
A sweeping, lyrical debut about the love and longing between humanity and the earth itself, by a major new literary talent from India“A marvel of magical realism.”—O: The Oprah MagazineA spellbinding work of literature, Latitudes of Longing follows the interconnected lives of characters searching for true intimacy. The novel sweeps across India, from an island, to a valley, a city, and a snow desert, to tell a love story of epic proportions. We follow a scientist who studies trees and a clairvoyant who speaks to them; a geologist working to end futile wars over a glacier; octogenarian lovers; a mother struggling to free her revolutionary son; a yeti who seeks human companionship; a turtle who transforms first into a boat and then a woman; and the ghost of an evaporated ocean as restless as the continents. Binding them all together is a vision of life as vast as the universe itself. A young writer awarded one of the most prestigious prizes in India for this novel, Shubhangi Swarup is a
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
Ellie Engle Saves Herself
作者:Leah Johnson  出版社:Disney Pr  出版日:2025/01/28 裝訂:平裝
Now in paperback! From award-winning YA author Leah Johnson comes her magical middle grade debut: a laugh-until-you-cry, cry-until-you-laugh story about an ordinary girl whose life is turned upside down by some extraordinary powers. Kirkus Best of 2023 Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best Books of 2023 Named a Best Book of 2023 by School Library Journal Shortlisted for the 2024 LGBTQ+ Middle Grade Lambda Literary Award The Bank Street Best Books of the Year List, 2024 (Star for Outstanding Merit) Selected for the ALA Booklist Rainbow List, 2024Ellie Engle doesn't stand out. Not at home, where she's alone with her pet fish since her dad moved away and her mom has to work around the clock . Not at the bakery, where she helps out old Mr. Walker on the weekends. And definitely not at school, where her best friend Abby--the coolest, boldest, most talented girl in the world--drags Ellie along on her never-ending quest to "make her mark." To someone else, a life in the shadows might seem
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The Burnout:The hilarious new romantic comedy from the No. 1 Sunday Times bestselling author
作者:Sophie Kinsella  出版社:Transworld  出版日:2023/10/12 裝訂:平裝
The irresistible new romantic comedy from the number one bestselling author.Discover the joy that awaits when you set yourself free...Sasha is well and truly over it all: work (all-consuming), friendships (on the back burner), sex-life (non-existent).Sasha has hit a brick wall (literally).Armed with good intentions to drink kale smoothies, try yoga and find solitude, she heads to the Devon resort she loved as a child. But it's off-season, the hotel is falling apart and now she has to share the beach with someone else: a grumpy, stressed-out guy called Finn. How can she commune with nature when he's sitting on a rock, watching her? Especially when they don't agree on burnout cures.(Sasha: manifesting, wild swimming, secret chocolate bars; Finn: drinking whisky.)But when curious messages start appearing on the beach, Sasha and Finn are forced to begin talking - about everything. What's the mystery? Why are they both burned out? What exactly is 'manifesting', anyway?They might discover th
定價:879 元, 優惠價:79 694
Rainbow Grey: Eye of the Storm (Book 2)(Sainsbury's Children's Book Awards 2021)
作者:Laura Ellen Anderson  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2022/03/03 裝訂:平裝
Sainsbury's Children's Book Awards 2021The second book in a magical new series from best-selling author and illustrator, Laura Ellen Anderson! Ray is getting used to life as Rainbow Grey - she now has ALL the magical weather powers at her fingertips, although she hasn't quite mastered them yet! When all of the cloud creatures start disappearing - including Ray's own beloved cloud cat, Nim - Ray and her friends have a mystery to solve. Ray is sure that a dark magic is behind the disappearances. Can she work out what is going on before cloud magic is lost forever and Earth is destroyed by the ultimate storm .. .?
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
China Room
作者:Sunjeev Sahota  出版社:Random House  出版日:2021/05/06 裝訂:平裝
Mehar, a young bride in rural 1929 Punjab, is trying to discover the identity of her new husband. She and her sisters-in-law, married to three brothers in a single ceremony, spend their days hard at work in the family's 'china room', sequestered from contact with the men. When Mehar develops a theory as to which of them is hers, a passion is ignited that will put more than one life at risk.Spiralling around Mehar's story is that of a young man who in 1999 travels from England to the now-deserted farm, its 'china room' locked and barred.In enforced flight from the traumas of his adolescence - his experiences of addiction, racism, and estrangement from the culture of his birth - he spends a summer in painful contemplation and recovery, before finally finding the strength to return 'home'.
定價:769 元, 優惠價:79 608
101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think (CD only)
作者:Brianna Wiest; Abby Craden  出版社:TANTOR AUDIO  出版日:2021/03/01 裝訂:有聲書
Over the past few years, Brianna Wiest has gained renown for her deeply moving, philosophical writing. This new compilation of her published work features pieces on why you should pursue purpose over passion, embrace negative thinking, see the wisdom in daily routine, and become aware of the cognitive biases that are creating the way you see your life. Some of these pieces have never been seen; others have been read by millions of people around the world. Regardless, each will leave you thinking: this idea changed my life.
定價:1596 元, 優惠價:1 1596
Parks for the People: How Frederick Law Olmsted Designed America
作者:Elizabeth Partridge; Becca Stadtlander  出版社:Viking Books for Young Readers  出版日:2022/03/22 裝訂:精裝
National Book Award finalist Elizabeth Partridge reveals the life and work of Frederick Law Olmsted, the designer of Central Park, the United States Capitol building's landscape, and more. Nobody could get Frederick Law Olmsted to sit still. He was filled with energy, adventure, and dreams of changing the world. As a boy, he found refuge in the peace and calm of nature, and later as an adult, he dreamed of designing and creating access to parks for a growing and changing America. When New York City held a contest for the best park design for what would become Central Park, Olmsted won and became the father of landscape architecture. He went on to design parks across America, including Yosemite National Park and even the grounds for the United States Capitol. This scenic biography is lavishly illustrated by Becca Stadtlander, and National Book Award finalist Elizabeth Partridge brings her renowned lyricism and meticulous research to the visionary who brought parks to the people.
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
The Secret Garden
作者:Frances Hodgson Burnett  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2023/11/09 裝訂:精裝
When young Mary Lennox suddenly loses her parents, she moves into her uncle''s manor. Lonely and sad, the only comfort Mary has is exploring the manor''s grounds. Then, she discovers an old, abandoned garden. With two unexpected friends, Mary gets to work. Is everything in the garden dead, or can Mary bring it back to life?Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.Series features:當年輕的瑪麗·倫諾克斯突然失去父母時,她搬進了叔叔的莊園。 瑪麗孤獨而悲傷,唯一的安慰就是探索莊園的土地。 然後,她發現了一個古老的、廢棄的花園。 瑪麗和兩個意想不到的朋友一起開始工作。 花園裡的一切都死了嗎,或者瑪麗能讓它復活嗎?取材自亞洲與西方的經典故事,《Pop! Lit for Kids》將它們重新想像成易於閱讀的故事,為經典故事提供了完美的介紹。 來自世界各地最受歡迎的故事已被改編成能夠讓世界各地的孩子們興奮和娛樂的形式。系列特點:增強詞彙量:我們的兒童讀物旨在以有趣且引人入勝的方式提高詞彙技能,幫助孩子擴大詞彙庫並提高語言能力。文化多樣性:潛入世界各地永恆的故事和民間傳說的世界! 我們的書籍以深受喜愛的經典作品和傳統民間故事為特色,向孩子們介紹經得起時間考驗的故事。
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
The Secret Garden
作者:Frances Hodgson Burnett  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2023/11/09 裝訂:平裝
When young Mary Lennox suddenly loses her parents, she moves into her uncle''s manor. Lonely and sad, the only comfort Mary has is exploring the manor''s grounds. Then, she discovers an old, abandoned garden. With two unexpected friends, Mary gets to work. Is everything in the garden dead, or can Mary bring it back to life?Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.Series features:當年輕的瑪麗·倫諾克斯突然失去父母時,她搬進了叔叔的莊園。 瑪麗孤獨而悲傷,唯一的安慰就是探索莊園的土地。 然後,她發現了一個古老的、廢棄的花園。 瑪麗和兩個意想不到的朋友一起開始工作。 花園裡的一切都死了嗎,或者瑪麗能讓它復活嗎?取材自亞洲與西方的經典故事,《Pop! Lit for Kids》將它們重新想像成易於閱讀的故事,為經典故事提供了完美的介紹。 來自世界各地最受歡迎的故事已被改編成能夠讓世界各地的孩子們興奮和娛樂的形式。系列特點:增強詞彙量:我們的兒童讀物旨在以有趣且引人入勝的方式提高詞彙技能,幫助孩子擴大詞彙庫並提高語言能力。文化多樣性:潛入世界各地永恆的故事和民間傳說的世界! 我們的書籍以深受喜愛的經典作品和傳統民間故事為特色,向孩子們介紹經得起時間考驗的故事。
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
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