Fabulous flap book that demonstrates basic scientific ideas in a simple and engaging way.Each double page shows key ideas from a different branch of science, including astronomy, ecology, chemistry an
Includes double page spreads on mountains, deserts, the oceans, the atmosphere and icy landscapes such as Antarctica, each one with flaps to lift to reveal scientific and natural history information.
6 years+What’s the universe made of? Where did everything come from? Lift the flaps in this fascinating book to reveal some of the amazing discoveries that astronomers and physicists have made in thei
Get ready to swing through the treetops, creep along the forest floor and meet some of the most exotic animals on earth. Children can take a virtual tour through the world's jungles in this detailed l
榮獲The Royal Society Young People's Book Prize 2013年度大獎 專為學齡前兒童設計,旅行太空的基礎必備知識,從第一個翻頁啟程。 絕地救援的行前訓練,開始! 「超級吸引人的奇幻太空童書!整本有非常多的翻頁機關,讓人沉浸在探索和發現宇宙大祕密的驚喜心情裡。」-RS大獎評選小組 快來跟著這本迷人的翻翻書一起前進太空,認識月球如何形成、恆星為什麼會發光,以
這是一本色彩鮮明的農場立體書,很多翻頁翻開裡面都還有小翻頁,那些翻翻小機關,都是說明每個農場小知識,加深小朋友對農場生活還有農場裡小動物的認識。There’s lots of fun to be had on the farm with this interactive flap book, full of surprises to keep enquiring minds entertained
Explore every corner of a museum – from grand exhibition galleries to cavernous storerooms and dusty back offices. With stylish illustrations and flaps to lift, this book is packed with fascinating information about how museums work, how they look after precious exhibits and what goes on behind closed doors. Includes website links to virtual tours.