The most effective method used to influence children to read is to incorporate the information that interests them the most. National Geographic Readers are educational, high-interest, and comprehensive for children. In this title, readers will learn about the fascinating life and legacy civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In this level two biography, difficult concepts are made understandable and transitioned into a more approachable manner. This includes the use of sidebars, timetables, diagrams and fun facts to hold the interest of the young reader. The colorful design and educational illustrations round out this text as an exemplary book for their young minds to explore.
★ 榮獲北極光書獎(Northern Lights Book Award)!★ 榮獲全球社會著名著作(Notable Books for a Global Society)!★ 美國亞馬遜5顆星滿分好評!馬丁.路德.金與安妮.法蘭克,兩人之間有什麼關聯呢?他們似乎來自不同的世界,經歷不同的遭遇,但同樣生於1929年。面對相似的種族仇恨和暴力,他們依然相信善良的力量,堅持以愛的言語化解仇恨,以諒解代替分化。馬丁與安妮用自己的言詞,訴說自己的故事,激勵我們無論在哪種境況下,都擇善而行。好評推薦:「作者透過馬丁與安妮這兩位現實生活中的英雄受迫害與壓抑的對照經歷來說故事,是何等強烈的表達手法。他倆居於不同的陸地,素未謀面,卻抱有激勵人心的願望,儘管活在二十世紀最可怕、最悲慘的時代。假若過往我教八年級的人權文學單元時,可以將這個發人深省的故事,與《安妮日記》和其他美國民權運動的文學作品連結起來的話,那會很不錯。」──珍妮花.莫爾 美國德克薩斯女子大學圖書館與資訊研究學院副教授「多麼動人心魄的繪本!故事和插畫均鼓舞人心,把馬丁與安妮關於盼望和社會公義的信息美麗地播送到不同年齡的讀者心中,令人振奮。」──裘蒂.路德維希 著名作家、暢銷書《隱形男孩》作者「妮柏格的插圖和卓靈簡潔的信息互相平衡,令這兩個恆久不變的樂觀故事更具深度,並得出一個結論:『愛比恨的力量更大, 善良可以治癒世界。』」──艾米麗.施耐德 猶太圖書理事會※ 適讀年齡:4歲以上
Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the most prominent leaders of the civil rights movement, is best known for his dedication to nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience. He received the Nobel Peace P
Mrs. Connor's students at Robin Hill School share their dreams for the future after learning about the day that celebrates the life and dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.