When five little monkeys eat some ice cream and play in the mud, they become icky, sticky monkeys . . . and Mama says it’s time for a bath! But even after those silly little monkeys scrub themselves c
Lily is performing in her first gymnastics meet, and her routines begin well, but she falls off the balance beam--however she does not quit, but gets back up and finishes her performance.
Kangaroo is back! In this story he and his friends at camp divide into halves, thirds, and fourths to form teams at field day. Readers will cheer on this rowdy crew of Australian animals as they swim
Have you heard that the Moon is made of green cheese? Or that the appearance of the full moon can turn you into a wolf? And how about that Man on the Moon? If you believe any of these old Moon myths,
Where do stars go in the daytime? How far away are stars? What stories can they tell us? Marvel at the mythic stories of the constellations and try finding your own patterns in the sky. Think beyond o
What is sand? How is it formed? Where does sand come from? How does it get to the beach? Why is it different colors? Let the sandpiper sleuth show you the answers to these questions in this lively, co
A sweet, reassuring story about friendship for all young readers who have ever loved, and lost, a special toy.From the illustrator of Two Speckled Eggs comes a charming story of friends, old and new,
本書特色沒有障礙的人,只有障礙的環境 小牛出生15分鐘就得學會站立走路,相較之下人類生命的起點沒那麼殘酷群居的我們,從生到死,可以說就是一場依靠旁人,克服障礙努力且認真地自立生活的歷程。 從平等不歧視、無障礙及可及性、人身自由與安全、社區融合、自立生活、工作與就業、近用司法等面向,帶您認識身心障礙權利公約在台灣的真實案例故事! JUMP!人生關卡!JUMP!險阻障礙!JUMP!過時觀念!JUMP!歧視疏離!JUMP!讓我們一躍而上,邁向更加平等共好的未來社會! 作者簡介游婉琪自由撰稿人,英國約克大學應用人權碩士,關注新移民、性別等人權相關議題。曾任報社文字記者六年,後轉為獨立記者,合作媒體包含報導者、端傳媒、蘋果日報、聯合報等,致力於替弱勢發聲,讓社會朝公平正義邁進,盼有天歧視不再,多元族群都能在臺灣這片土地自由呼吸。 推薦序努力追尋CRPD的在地實踐黃嵩立 我國的身心障礙者權利保障基礎,從法制層面看來,雖然由1980年的「殘障福利法」於1997年修正為「身心障礙者保護法」,再於2007年修正為「身心障礙者權益保障法」,理論上應該已經注意到障礙者的權利,但國人(包括政府機關在內)對障礙者仍然多抱持福利與照顧的態度,以至於愛心、服務、關懷等字眼充斥在各種標語和文件之中。聯合國於2006年通過身心障礙者權利公約(Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 以下簡稱CRPD),在起草的過程中,許多障礙團體即以倡議者、起草者、立法者的角色,實質參與其中,使得CRPD涵容了從障礙者自身立場出發的權利意識和語彙,但從社會一般人眼光看來,無疑是革命性的主張。雖然聯合國人權公約常被稱為是人權的最低標準,是地板而非天花板,但CRPD所立下標竿,對世界各國政府而言,絕非一蹴可及的高標。CRPD對國內的障礙政策,也逐漸產生影響,而法律扶助基金會在其中扮演重要的角色。而這本障礙者權利專輯,即為印證此一角色的註腳。 CRPD是一部進步的人權法(請詳見導讀),而我國於2014年通過的CRPD施行法,也是一部積極的法律。與2009年通過的兩公約施行法相較,CRPD施行法增加了障礙者權利得以伸張的一些規定。例如,施行法第6條第1項規定「行政院為推動本公約相關工作,應邀集學者專家、身心障礙團體(機構)及各政府機關代表,成立身
Come along as little puppy goes out exploring in the world. Along the way he meets new friends, big and small, and sees amazing sites, but can't wait to get back home to mom. Told in simple yet lively