不需任何道具,不需出生時辰,善用生命中的數字,認識自己,瞭解他人,精準道破眼前難題,隨時化解危機、創造契機。*簡單、有趣、神準──任誰都學得會的人際破冰術!*生命靈數軟體開發專家漢斯‧德寇茲 Hans Decoz暢銷力作※數字是認識自己的起點,也是與他人連結的關鍵。⊙怎麼樣才能得出我的數字命盤?⊙瞭解生命靈數對我有什麼好處?⊙我需要什麼資料,才能算出自己的生命靈數?⊙生命靈數能否預測健康、財務、意
The Inner Child lives within all of us, it's the part of us that feels emotions and is playful intuitive and creative. Usually hidden under our grown-up personas, the Inner Child holds the key to inti
The most renowned, complete course in astrology ever to appear, the Alan Leo Astrologer's Library is the undisputed source for self-instruction in astrology. Here is the master astrologer's easy to fo
From Annabel Gat, the author of The Astrology of Love & Sex, comes a fascinating guide that provides a deeper look at Moon signs―the zodiac sign the moon occupied at one's birth.Most casual fans of astrology are familiar with their Sun sign, but your Moon sign is just as essential to your astrological profile. While the Sun sign symbolizes your ego and will, your Moon sign represents your inner world, your emotional landscape―your feelings, memories, and subconscious; your fears, needs, and desires.Organized into twelve chapters, one for each Moon sign, The Moon Sign Guide details the characteristics and personality traits for each sign in relation to key aspects of life, including self-care, home, family, work, friendship, love, and compatibility. The book also includes a glimpse into progressed moons because as you age, your Moon sign changes, providing new emotional perspectives.Illustrated throughout and packaged as a lovely hardcover with foil-stamping and gilded edges, The Moon S
Here is a key to personal revolution, a remarkable guide to discovering and exploiting your own creative birthright. The author has written a helpful, hopeful book about her own experience with self-a
Gain research-backed tools to upgrade your mind’s OS―your inner narrator―to lead with more confidence, resilience, and vision.Write a new chapter in your leadership storyEvery leadership journey has moments when the path forward suddenly feels unclear. When it happens, your sense of self, and your clarity of purpose, get out of balance. It’s like you’re no longer the hero in your own story; at times like these, you need a rewrite.A growing body of research suggests we are guided by a core narrative that acts as a key source of personal motivation, drive and action. What holds you back as a senior leader isn’t a lack of skills or knowledge, but a narrative that is frozen in time. When your leadership stalls, it’s a sign that your story has taken you as far as it can―and it’s time to write a new one.In this transformative guide to leadership development, executive coaches and leadership experts Rick Lash and Christine Miners illuminate how your internal narrator acts as the operating sys
Your dreams are unique and hold a key to your inner self. Learn how to read the language of your dreams to uncover your secret thoughts and feelings. And find out how understanding your dreams can he