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Stephen P. Blake (2)
洪萬生-主編;英家銘-協編;蘇惠玉、蘇俊鴻、陳彥宏;于靖、林炎全、單維彰-審訂 (2)
Amit Hagar (1)
David Marshall Miller (1)
Katharine Park (1)
Katherine Ellison (EDT)/ Susan Kim (EDT) (1)
Peter Damerow (EDT)/ Gideon Freudenthal/ Peter McLaughlin/ Jurgen Renn (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (7)
三民書局 (2)
Springer Verlag (1)
Taylor & Francis (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:洪萬生-主編; 英家銘-協編; 蘇惠玉; 蘇俊鴻; 陳彥宏; 于靖; 林炎全; 單維彰-審訂  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2024/05/29 裝訂:平裝
臺灣數學界的《史記》,臺灣數學史研究第一人洪萬生心血之作柏拉圖將五元素連結五種正多面體的圖形,讓古希臘宇宙論有了最自然的「數學歸宿」。以五元素中的四個古典元素為靈感,《數之軌跡》將深入探索數學的歷史、發展和奧祕。每本書都是一個獨特的元素,象徵不同的數學主題,並呈現數學在文化、科學和藝術中的深遠影響。無論你是一位數學愛好者、學生還是對數學歷史感興趣的讀者,《數之軌跡》都將為你打開數學的大門,啟發你對這一古老而美麗的學科有新見解。─本書特色─●數學史大師洪萬生與HPM團隊共同打造最全面的數學歷史●多元歷史題材,對比不同文明之間有關同一知識內容的研究●深入探討文化差異,參悟不同命題與證明的數學風格─數學與近代科學─火象徵著數學的革命和現代奇蹟,也是最銳利的正四面體這本書將進入近代數學發展的時期。深入研究西方數學的嶄新發展,了解文藝復興時期,以及科學革命所帶來的影響。探索微積分、數論等各大數學領域如何塑造當今的世界,見證數學家們如何改變了我們的生活。─閱讀歷史,體會數學─在文藝復興時期,藝術家們為追求更為逼真的藝術作品而興起了透視學。這股潮流不僅激發了數學家對此深入研究,甚至回饋到數學領域之中,從而誕生新的數學分支。牛頓與萊布尼茲的微積分之戰至今一直是人們喜愛討論的話題,而微積分的誕生,究竟誰才是第一人,這場爭端後續又造就了怎麼樣的歷史?將完整帶給讀者最詳盡的內容!─通往數學思維的大門─不僅僅是闡述數學歷史,更能幫助讀者理解數學的抽象概念,理解數學背後的邏輯推演。內容探索各種古代人的智慧,無論是否喜歡數學,都能從中發現數學的樂趣以及實用性,對學習數學將會有非常大的幫助!─全數推薦─ (依首字筆劃排序)冬陽|央廣.名偵探科普男節目主持人呂治鴻|數學愛好者、大學數學管理員 、臺灣大學數學所博士候選人李政憲|教育部師鐸獎得主、新北市林口國中數學科教師洪進益|澎湖縣石泉國小教師、教育部師鐸獎得主崔茂培|臺灣大學數學系教授、MRPC科學推展中心數學組主任張旭 (張舜為)|張旭無限教室線上課程平台創辦人、數學老師莊惟棟|明道大學助理教授、數學博物館館長彭良禎|師大附中數學科教師趙國欽|臺北市立大學數學系副教授這是一套貫徹世界各地,古今中外的數學大成。《數之軌跡系列》詳盡地整理過去的故事、將近代的數學用大家可以懂的方式撰寫,讓數學之美持續傳播。──數學老師張旭 (張舜為)
庫存 > 10
定價:420 元, 優惠價:79 331
作者:洪萬生-主編; 英家銘-協編; 蘇惠玉; 蘇俊鴻; 陳彥宏; 于靖; 林炎全; 單維彰-審訂  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2024/05/29 裝訂:平裝
臺灣數學界的《史記》,臺灣數學史研究第一人洪萬生心血之作柏拉圖將五元素連結五種正多面體的圖形,讓古希臘宇宙論有了最自然的「數學歸宿」。以五元素中的四個古典元素為靈感,《數之軌跡》將深入探索數學的歷史、發展和奧祕。每本書都是一個獨特的元素,象徵不同的數學主題,並呈現數學在文化、科學和藝術中的深遠影響。無論你是一位數學愛好者、學生還是對數學歷史感興趣的讀者,《數之軌跡》都將為你打開數學的大門,啟發你對這一古老而美麗的學科有新見解。─本書特色─●數學史大師洪萬生與HPM團隊共同打造最全面的數學歷史●多元歷史題材,對比不同文明之間有關同一知識內容的研究●深入探討文化差異,參悟不同命題與證明的數學風格─數學與近代科學─火象徵著數學的革命和現代奇蹟,也是最銳利的正四面體這本書將進入近代數學發展的時期。深入研究西方數學的嶄新發展,了解文藝復興時期,以及科學革命所帶來的影響。探索微積分、數論等各大數學領域如何塑造當今的世界,見證數學家們如何改變了我們的生活。─閱讀歷史,體會數學─在文藝復興時期,藝術家們為追求更為逼真的藝術作品而興起了透視學。這股潮流不僅激發了數學家對此深入研究,甚至回饋到數學領域之中,從而誕生新的數學分支。牛頓與萊布尼茲的微積分之戰至今一直是人們喜愛討論的話題,而微積分的誕生,究竟誰才是第一人,這場爭端後續又造就了怎麼樣的歷史?將完整帶給讀者最詳盡的內容!─通往數學思維的大門─不僅僅是闡述數學歷史,更能幫助讀者理解數學的抽象概念,理解數學背後的邏輯推演。內容探索各種古代人的智慧,無論是否喜歡數學,都能從中發現數學的樂趣以及實用性,對學習數學將會有非常大的幫助!─全數推薦─ (依首字筆劃排序)冬陽|央廣.名偵探科普男節目主持人呂治鴻|數學愛好者、大學數學管理員 、臺灣大學數學所博士候選人李政憲|教育部師鐸獎得主、新北市林口國中數學科教師洪進益|澎湖縣石泉國小教師、教育部師鐸獎得主崔茂培|臺灣大學數學系教授、MRPC科學推展中心數學組主任張旭 (張舜為)|張旭無限教室線上課程平台創辦人、數學老師莊惟棟|明道大學助理教授、數學博物館館長彭良禎|師大附中數學科教師趙國欽|臺北市立大學數學系副教授這是一套貫徹世界各地,古今中外的數學大成。《數之軌跡系列》詳盡地整理過去的故事、將近代的數學用大家可以懂的方式撰寫,讓數學之美持續傳播。──數學老師張旭 (張舜為)
庫存 > 10
定價:420 元, 優惠價:79 331
作者:Stephen P. Blake  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2013/02/28 裝訂:精裝
The prophet Muhammad and the early Islamic community radically redefined the concept of time that they had inherited from earlier religions' beliefs and practices. This new temporal system, based on a lunar calendar and era, was complex and required sophistication and accuracy. From the ninth to the sixteenth centuries, it was the Muslim astronomers of the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires who were responsible for the major advances in mathematics, astronomy and astrology. This fascinating study compares the Islamic concept of time, and its historical and cultural significance, across these three great empires. Each empire, while mindful of earlier models, created a new temporal system, fashioning a new solar calendar and era and a new round of rituals and ceremonies from the cultural resources at hand. This book contributes to our understanding of the Muslim temporal system and our appreciation of the influence of Islamic science on the Western world.
作者:Katherine Ellison (EDT); Susan Kim (EDT)  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2017/06/01 裝訂:精裝
The first cultural history of early modern cryptography, this collection brings together scholars in history, literature, music, the arts, mathematics, and computer science who study ciphering and dec
作者:Peter Damerow (EDT); Gideon Freudenthal; Peter McLaughlin; Jurgen Renn  出版社:Springer Verlag  出版日:2004/03/30 裝訂:精裝
The question of when and how the basic concepts that characterize modern science arose in Western Europe has long been central to the history of science. This book examines the transition from Renaiss
Time in Early Modern Islam ― Calendar, Ceremony, and Chronology in the Safavid, Mughal and Ottoman Empires
作者:Stephen P. Blake  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2017/08/31 裝訂:平裝
The prophet Muhammad and the early Islamic community radically redefined the concept of time that they had inherited from earlier religions' beliefs and practices. This new temporal system, based on a lunar calendar and era, was complex and required sophistication and accuracy. From the ninth to the sixteenth centuries, it was the Muslim astronomers of the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires who were responsible for the major advances in mathematics, astronomy and astrology. This fascinating study compares the Islamic concept of time, and its historical and cultural significance, across these three great empires. Each empire, while mindful of earlier models, created a new temporal system, fashioning a new solar calendar and era and a new round of rituals and ceremonies from the cultural resources at hand. This book contributes to our understanding of the Muslim temporal system and our appreciation of the influence of Islamic science on the Western world.
定價:1859 元, 優惠價:9 1673
作者:Reviel Netz  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2004/06/10 裝訂:精裝
The transformation of mathematics from ancient Greece to the medieval Arab-speaking world is here approached by focusing on a single problem proposed by Archimedes and the many solutions offered. In this trajectory Reviel Netz follows the change in the task from solving a geometrical problem to its expression as an equation, still formulated geometrically, and then on to an algebraic problem, now handled by procedures that are more like rules of manipulation. From a practice of mathematics based on the localized solution (and grounded in the polemical practices of early Greek science) we see a transition to a practice of mathematics based on the systematic approach (and grounded in the deuteronomic practices of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages). With three chapters ranging chronologically from Hellenistic mathematics, through late Antiquity, to the medieval world, Reviel Netz offers an alternate interpretation of the historical journey of pre-modern mathematics.
The Transformation of Mathematics in the Early Mediterranean World:From Problems to Equations
作者:Reviel Netz  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2007/10/18 裝訂:平裝
The transformation of mathematics from ancient Greece to the medieval Arab-speaking world is here approached by focusing on a single problem proposed by Archimedes and the many solutions offered. In this trajectory Reviel Netz follows the change in the task from solving a geometrical problem to its expression as an equation, still formulated geometrically, and then on to an algebraic problem, now handled by procedures that are more like rules of manipulation. From a practice of mathematics based on the localized solution (and grounded in the polemical practices of early Greek science) we see a transition to a practice of mathematics based on the systematic approach (and grounded in the deuteronomic practices of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages). With three chapters ranging chronologically from Hellenistic mathematics, through late Antiquity, to the medieval world, Reviel Netz offers an alternate interpretation of the historical journey of pre-modern mathematics.
定價:2274 元, 優惠價:9 2047
The Cambridge History of Science
作者:Katharine Park  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/09/22 裝訂:平裝
This book provides a comprehensive account of knowledge of the natural world in Europe, c.1500–1700. Often referred to as the Scientific Revolution, this period saw major transformations in fields as diverse as anatomy and astronomy, natural history and mathematics. Articles by leading specialists describe in clear, accessible prose supplemented by extensive bibliographies, how new ideas, discoveries, and institutions shaped the ways in which nature came to be studied, understood, and used. Part I frames the study of 'The New Nature' in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Part II surveys the 'Personae and Sites of Natural Knowledge'. Part III treats the study of nature by discipline, following the classification of the sciences current in early modern Europe. Part IV takes up the implications of the new natural knowledge for religion, literature, art, gender, and European identity.
定價:2210 元, 優惠價:9 1989
作者:Amit Hagar  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2014/05/31 裝訂:精裝
The idea of infinity plays a crucial role in our understanding of the universe, with the infinite spacetime continuum perhaps the best-known example - but is spacetime really continuous? Throughout the history of science, many have felt that the continuum model is an unphysical idealization, and that spacetime should be thought of as 'quantized' at the smallest of scales. Combining novel conceptual analysis, a fresh historical perspective, and concrete physical examples, this unique book tells the story of the search for the fundamental unit of length in modern physics, from early classical electrodynamics to current approaches to quantum gravity. Novel philosophical theses, with direct implications for theoretical physics research, are presented and defended in an accessible format that avoids complex mathematics. Blending history, philosophy, and theoretical physics, this refreshing outlook on the nature of spacetime sheds light on one of the most thought-provoking topics in modern p
作者:David Marshall Miller  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/12/31 裝訂:精裝
The early modern era produced the Scientific Revolution, which originated our present understanding of the natural world. Concurrently, philosophers established the conceptual foundations of modernity. This rich and comprehensive volume surveys and illuminates the numerous and complicated interconnections between philosophical and scientific thought as both were radically transformed from the late sixteenth to the mid-eighteenth century. The chapters explore reciprocal influences between philosophy and physics, astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and other disciplines, and show how thinkers responded to an immense range of intellectual, material, and institutional influences. The volume offers a unique perspicuity, viewing the entire landscape of early modern philosophy and science, and also marks an epoch in contemporary scholarship, surveying recent contributions and suggesting future investigations for the next generation of scholars and students.



