活在當下,才是最積極的態度。從今年開始,念念新生,步步高陞!◆ 量大福大,隨遇而安。◆ 一念之間,平安幸福。2025年法鼓山桌暦《一念》,取景於農禪寺水月道場。天光雲影、晨昏四季,只要用心體會,每一個當下,都是最美的一念、最好的因緣。‧ 收錄聖嚴法師法語精選(中英對照) ‧ 實用標記佛菩薩聖誕、六齋日及農曆‧ 附2025、2026完整年曆【聖嚴法師法語摘錄】1月不管是成功或失敗,過去的已經過去了,從今年開始,是念念新生、步步高陞。Whether there is success or failure, the past is the past. From this year on, let us constantly renew our thinking and make progress with each step we take.3月當一個階段的任務達成後,就要有轉換下一階段跑道的心理準備,如此才能不斷地欣賞到一個接一個的人生好風光。Once the tasks in a phase have been completed, we should mentally prepare ourselves to move onto the next stage. This enables us to continue to appreciate the beautiful scenes of life, one after another.12月很多的人經常期待著貴人相助,但是沒有想到自己就是其他的人的貴人,自己就可以付出溫度和熱度來幫助人!Many people often expect a benefactor to help them, but hardly ever reflect on how they can be a benefactor to others, by giving of their warmth and enthusiasm to help people.