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無法訂購商品 (5)

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無庫存 (126)

$199以下 (3)
$200~$399 (18)
$400~$599 (22)
$600~$799 (22)
$800以上 (79)

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2016年以前 (73)

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有聲書 (11)
硬頁書 (7)

嬰幼兒 (5)
學齡前 (16)
小學中年級 (2)
小學 (2)

Gunilla Denton-cook/ Mary Morris (13)
Audrey Wood (10)
Roderick Hunt, Annemarie Young; Alex Brychta (5)
Campbell Books; Emilie Lapeyre (4)
Gunilla Denton-cook (3)
Inc. Dorling Kindersley (COR) (3)
David Peplow (2)
Dawan Coombs (2)
Elizabeth Long (2)
Hilary Cooper (EDT) (2)
Jeff Kinney (2)
Jess Stockham (2)
Mariana Souto-Manning (2)
Mariana Souto-manning/ Jessica Martell (2)
Nimko Ali (2)
Robert J. Sternberg (2)
Sali A. Tagliamonte (2)
Sarah Daynes (2)
Sophie Davies (2)
Steven Wilf (2)

Createspace Independent Pub (17)
Cambridge Univ Pr (15)
JY Books Kr (6)
Teachers College Pr (6)
UK Childs Play (6)
Independently published (5)
Campbell Books UK (4)
DK Pub (3)
Heinemann (3)
Lightning Source Inc (3)
Univ of Chicago Pr (3)
Bloomsbury USA Academic (2)
Dk Pub (2)
Libraries Unltd Inc (2)
Stenhouse Pub (2)
Taylor & Francis (2)
Advantage Media Group (1)
Anchor Books (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:艾登‧錢伯斯  出版社:小魯文化  出版日:2022/06/01 裝訂:平裝
●親師生建構核心素養的第一首選 當代探討「閱讀素養」之經典優質教學力作,理論與實例並重,一起來成為「有指導能力的師長」!✔三種分享:分享熱情、分享困惑、分享關聯性✔四種表述方式:說給自己聽、說給別人聽、大家一起來發言、聊出新點子 國際安徒生大獎得主艾登.錢伯斯專為推廣兒童閱讀活動所寫的實用手冊,提供家長、老師或相關專業人士具體可行的指導方法,引導孩子如何進行閱讀和團體討論,如何讓「閱讀」產生有意義的運作,怎麼「讀書」,怎麼「與他人討論」所讀的書,從中激盪並演繹不同角度的看法。【本書關鍵字】核心素養、閱讀策略、討論、語文發展、說故事、分享、讀書會、自主思考、終身閱讀【本書資料】無注音適讀年齡:教師、家長、閱讀推廣者 【本書特色】1.教師增能教學的最佳工具書 國際安徒生大獎得主、兒童文學評論者暨推廣者艾登.錢伯斯專為推廣兒童閱讀活動所寫的實用手冊,為教學現場教師統整「十二年國教核心素養」理念的最佳工具書。2.理論與實作並重,搭建教學鷹架 四版特別增列台灣前瞻閱讀發展協會理事長、悅讀學堂執行長──葛琦霞的「閱讀與實例」分享;書中還有收錄班級讀書會實例,讓讀者輕鬆了解閱讀討論的意義和脈絡。得獎紀錄★臺北市教育入口網「好書推薦線上讀書會」選書★國際安徒生大獎得主艾登.錢伯斯之經典優質教學力作專業推薦吳敏而/前國家教育研究院研究員林芳如/臺北市新湖國小校長林怡辰/圖書館推動教師林彥佑/國語文輔導員、高雄市Super教師徐永康/臺灣兒童閱讀學會常務理事許慧貞/花蓮縣閱讀推動教師許育健/國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系教授陳麗雲/閱讀推廣人、新北市修德國小退休教師黃淑貞/小兔子書坊店主楊裕貿/國立臺中教育大學語文教育學系副教授、國立臺中教育大學圖書館館長葛琦霞∕/台灣前瞻閱讀發展協會理事長、悅讀學堂執行長劉鳳芯/中興大學外國語文學系副教授鄒敦伶/兒童文學作家、資深閱讀推廣人
定價:350 元, 優惠價:79 277
作者:Mariana Souto-Manning  出版社:Teachers College Pr  出版日:2024/11/22 裝訂:平裝
定價:2217 元, 優惠價:1 2217
作者:Mariana Souto-Manning  出版社:Teachers College Pr  出版日:2024/11/22 裝訂:精裝
Teaching Reading and Literature with Classroom Talk:Dialogical Approaches and Practical Strategies in the Secondary ELA Classroom
作者:Dawan Coombs  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2024/11/26 裝訂:平裝
定價:1754 元, 優惠價:95 1666
作者:Dawan Coombs  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2024/11/26 裝訂:精裝
Pizza and Taco: Coolest Club Ever! (精裝本)(Book 9)(grahic novel)
作者:Stephen Shaskan  出版社:Random House USA Inc  出版日:2025/01/07 裝訂:精裝
Join Pizza and Taco's afterschool club in the next installment of this hilarious graphic novel chapter book series! What happens when these foodie besties have to compete with a video game club for members ?Pizza and Taco are serving up more awesomeness with a cool new club! They can't wait to talk about all their favorite interests...including making comic books. Lots of people signed up, so they know it's going to be popular! Then why does everyone go to Cheeseburger's video game club instead?! Pizza and Taco have no choice but to check it out. They just might learn that kids want to make comics just as much as they want to play video games! This hilarious young graphic novel series—with chapters—will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5-8 and bolster their reading confidence. It's the perfect stepping stone for those who are transitioning to longer chapter books and graphic novels.Readers will be hungry to read all eight books in the series! Here are just a few:Who's the Best?Super
庫存 > 10
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
Presto Change-O (1平裝+1CD) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第2年第1週
作者:Audrey Wood  出版社:UK Childs Play  出版日:2005/03/01 裝訂:有聲書
CD內容包含:1. Story Reading with Narration (故事口述旁白版)2. Presto Change-O's Song (唱遊版)3. Matthew and Jessica's Pillow Talk (Matthew 與 Jessica 的床邊細語)Matthew and Jessica learn at last the value of co-oper
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
作者:Jess Stockham  出版社:UK Childs Play  出版日:2011/02/03 裝訂:平裝
What will happen? Will it hurt? Will you stay with me? Reading Dentist with your child is the perfect opportunity to talk about these questions, and many more! Young children’s lives are full of new e
定價:329 元, 優惠價:79 260
My First Clock Book:Learn to Tell the Time
作者:Campbell Books; Yujin Shin  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2023/01/26 裝訂:硬頁書
Preschoolers will love learning to tell the time in My First Clock Book from Campbell Books. With a mounted clock face and real clicking clock hands, this book is perfect for hands-on learning. Little ones will have fun reading the relatable rhyming story about Tommy, who goes about his day from breakfast to bedtime.On every page, children can change the time on the mounted clock face to match the story. With extra time-telling practice at the end of the book, preschoolers will learn about the passing of time, discover new vocabulary and develop their numeracy skills! Vibrant illustrations by Yujin Shin bring the book to life, with plenty to spot and talk about in the pictures. Children can have more learning fun in My First Body Book!
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
Magic Shoelaces (1平裝+1CD) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第2年第2週
作者:Audrey Wood  出版社:UK Childs Play  出版日:2005/03/01 裝訂:有聲書
CD內容包含:1. Story Reading with Narration (故事口述旁白版)2. Magic Shoelaces' Song (唱遊版)3. Matthew and Jessica's Pillow Talk (Matthew 與 Jessica 的床邊細語)Matthew just can't keep his shoelaces tied and is
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Balloonia (1平裝+1CD) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第2年第1週
作者:Audrey Wood  出版社:UK Childs Play  出版日:2005/03/01 裝訂:有聲書
CD內容包含:1. Story Reading with Narration (故事口述旁白版)2. Balloonia's Song (唱遊版)3. Matthew and Jessica's Pillow Talk (Matthew 與 Jessica 的床邊細語)Where do balloons go at bedtime? Matthew has the answer but,
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Tooth Fairy (1平裝+1CD) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第2年第1週
作者:Audrey Wood  出版社:UK Childs Play  出版日:2003/09/15 裝訂:有聲書
CD內含:1. Story Reading with Narration (故事口述旁白版)2. The Tooth Fairy's Song(唱遊版)3. Matthew and Jessica's Pillow Talk (Matthew 與 Jessica 的床邊細語)When Matthew loses a tooth, Jessica decides to make the T
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
絕對攻略TOEFL iBT新托福聽力+口說(附QR Code線上音檔)
作者:Collins  出版社:EZ叢書館(日月文化)  出版日:2024/07/04 裝訂:平裝
全球知名英文學習書出版社Collins授權出版 本書完全符合2023年7月開始實施的托福考試新制 Collins《絕對攻略托福系列》 幫助考生克服備考時會遇到的所有難點, 完整拆解聽力、口說各類題型的應考技巧! 短期突破托福100+必備! 本書特色 1. 專業托福教師團隊編寫 Collins《絕對攻略托福系列》是專為準備TOEFL iBT所設計的教材,本系列教材自2012年出版以來受到考生好評。本書的作者群是編寫托福教材經驗豐富的教師團隊,團隊深入研究考試內容,並因應托福考試規則變化而更新教材。 2. 完全依據考試題型設計 本書詳細拆解托福各類題型的結構,幫助考生快速掌握考試方向,並針對考生備考時遇到的困難提供多種解題技巧及練習。 托福聽力題型概述 主旨題(Main idea)→理解講述內容的主旨 細節題(Detail)→詢問課堂╱對話中出現的資訊 目的題(Purpose)→詢問整個對話的目的 推論題(Inference)→根據課堂╱對話中的資訊導出結論 句子功能題(Function)→為什麼題目中特別提到某件事? 態度題(Attitude)→詢問說話者的觀點 結構題(Organization)→詢問講述內容的組織方式,是比較事物不同?敘述事物利弊?還是描述因果關係? 信息關聯題(Connecting content)→利用課堂╱對話資訊來完成表格 托福口說題型概述 選擇題(Paired Choice)→在兩個選擇之間表達偏好 校園事務題(Campus Matters)→概述短文大意以及學生對校園事務的意見 學術閱讀和講座題(Academic Reading and Lecture)→整合閱讀和講座中的資訊 學術摘要題(Academic Summary)→概述講座的重點 3. 由淺入深的多元題目練習 針對托福設計一套循序漸進的試題練習,讓考生預先熟悉托福的實際測驗方式,並且廣泛接觸各主題的學術英文內容。 本書的題型練習步驟如下: 題型範例→預先熟悉考試中可能會看到的問題類型、段落文章和回答。 題型練習→熟悉考試時做筆記的方式,題目皆會附上中譯及答案解析。 綜合演練→該章節的題型綜合練習,這裡的答案解析不依照選項順序,讀者需要自己判斷各選項為何正確或錯誤?並且找出該選項所對應的解析為何。 實戰演練→提供幾題仿真測驗 模擬試題→提供一回模擬試
定價:420 元, 優惠價:9 378
Magic Shoelaces (1CD only)(韓國JY Books版) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第2年第2週
作者:Audrey Wood  出版社:JY Books Kr  裝訂:有聲書
CD內含:1. JYbooks' Company Song (JY公司引言歌曲)2. Story Reading (故事配樂版)3. Story Reading with Narration (故事口述旁白版)4. Magic Shoelaces' Song (唱遊版)5. Matthew and Jessica's Pillow Talk (Matthew 與 Jessica 的床邊細
庫存 > 10
定價:190 元, 優惠價:79 150
Tooth Fairy (1 CD only)(韓國JY Books版) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第2年第1週
作者:Audrey Wood  出版社:JY Books Kr  裝訂:有聲書
CD內含:1. JYbooks' Company Song (JY公司引言歌曲)2. Story Reading (故事配樂版)3. Story Reading with Narration (故事口述旁白版)4. The Tooth Fairy's Song(唱遊版)5. Matthew and Jessica's Pillow Talk (Matthew 與 Jessica 的床邊細
定價:190 元, 優惠價:79 150
Presto Change-O (1平裝+1CD)(韓國JY Books版) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第2年第1週
作者:Audrey Wood  出版社:JY Books Kr  裝訂:有聲書
CD內含:1. JYbooks' Company Song (JY公司引言歌曲)2. Story Reading (故事配樂版)3. Story Reading with Narration (故事口述旁白版)4. Presto Change-O's Song(唱遊版)5. Matthew and Jessica's Pillow Talk (Matthew 與 Jessica 的床邊細語)Mat
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
Presto Change-O (1平裝+1CD)(韓國JY Books版) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第2年第1週
作者:Audrey Wood  出版社:JY Books Kr  裝訂:有聲書
CD內含:1. JYbooks' Company Song (JY公司引言歌曲)2. Story Reading (故事配樂版)3. Story Reading with Narration (故事口述旁白版)4. Presto Change-O's Song(唱遊版)5. Matthew and Jessica's Pillow Talk (Matthew 與 Jessica 的床邊細語)Mat
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
English for Everyone Course Book Level 3 ― Intermediate (with Online Audio)(平裝本)(美國版)
作者:Inc. Dorling Kindersley (COR)  出版社:DK Pub  出版日:2016/06/28 裝訂:平裝
Are you learning English as a second language?Everything you need is included in English for Everyone: Level 3: Intermediate, Course Book — it's a grammar book, vocabulary builder, and exercise course all in one. Build your conversation skills by learning to introduce yourself and others, tell stories, talk about future possibilities, and more. This course book also covers narrative tenses and reported speech.English for Everyone: Level 3: Intermediate, Course Book covers the skills and topics needed for the major global English-language exams, including TOEFL, and uses the same testing methods so you can practice your skills and measure your success.Series Overview: English for Everyone series teaches all levels of English, from beginner to advanced, to speakers of English as a second language. Innovative visual learning methods introduce key language skills, grammar, and vocabulary, which are reinforced with a variety of speaking, reading, and writing exercises to make the English la
定價:836 元, 優惠價:79 660
Can you see Little Elephant? (Magic Changing Pictures)(百葉窗書)
作者:Campbell Books; Emilie Lapeyre  出版社:Campbell Books UK  出版日:2022/01/20 裝訂:硬頁書
A humorous search-and-find book – enjoy the magic changing pictures on every page as you search for Little Elephant!Can You See Little Elephant? is perfect for sharing with young children. With rhyming text and lots to spot, have fun exploring the busy scenes together - and pull the tabs to see them magically transform!With bright and humorous illustrations by Émilie Lapeyre, Can You See Little Elephant? has plenty for children to talk about, encouraging early reading and story-telling skills and introducing early learning concepts.Enjoy more search-and-find fun in Can You See Little Dog?
庫存 > 10
定價:384 元, 優惠價:52 199
Colours (硬頁操作書)
作者:Julie Mercier (illustrator)  出版社:Auzou Books  出版日:2018/05/01 裝訂:硬頁書
What's your favourite colour Discover all the colours of the rainbow with this chunky, interactive board book. Very young children will enjoy seeing familiar animals and objects of all different colours and interacting with the mechanisms and flaps. A book that makes reading feel fun and provides plenty to talk about together!商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
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