The Cam Jansen series is perfect for young readers who are making the transition to chapter books. The first fifteen books in the series have received updated covers, and the series redesign continue
The Cam Jansen series is perfect for young readers who are making the transition to chapter books. The first fifteen books in the series have received updated covers, and the series redesign continue
The Cam Jansen series is perfect for young readers who are making the transition to chapter books. The first fifteen books in the series have received updated covers, and the series redesign continue
The Cam Jansen series is perfect for young readers who are making the transition to chapter books. The first fifteen books in the series have received updated covers, and the series redesign continues
The Cam Jansen series is perfect for young readers who are making the transition to chapter books. The first fifteen books in the series have received updated covers, and the series redesign continues
The Cam Jansen series is perfect for young readers who are making the transition to chapter books. The first fifteen books in the series have received updated covers, and the series redesign continue
【AI時代的教育工程藍圖】當今世界,身為人的意義何在?AI迫使我們思考這個世代的核心問題而教育是最根本的解方「如果工作部分或全面自動化,教育哪些部分還具有意義呢?」「為什麼 AI 使得學生的動機、目的、個人化更加重要?」「如何將 AI 工具融入課程之中,更貼近學習者的未來?」CCR專家深入梳理AI時代人類最迫切的關鍵能力擘劃21世紀的教育藍圖,期望每個孩子都能──有智慧因應變動、能站穩自我價值、活出生命熱情「當智慧不再八股與虛幻,我們將更有信心堅持著教育的根本。」──藍偉瑩導讀★前芬蘭教育部長、哈佛教育研究所、多倫多大學、OECD等國外專家好評推薦★★李怡志、呂冠緯、林怡辰、胡筱薇、唐鳳、陳伶志、程世嘉、溫怡玲、楊逸帆、楊斯棓、鄭同僚、蔡炎龍、蔡依橙、蔡祈岩、蔡淇華等國內專家一致推薦★★圖表辨析「人類能力」與「AI能力」之間的互補與替代★★以「智慧」為教育終極目標,奠定「四維能力」與「四大驅動力」基石 2016年,DeepMind與圍棋世界冠軍李世乭對弈時,想出一步人類棋手無法理解的「天才」走法贏得比賽。2022年,Midjourney的畫作在國際比賽中擊敗了眾多專業藝術家,奪得冠軍。現今的 ChatGPT能寫出A級作文、寫程式、在醫學和法律領域展現能力,一些企業已經開始使用這類AI來代替部分人力。 AI技術的驚人進步正在改變我們生活,意味著下一代孩子將面臨與我們成長時截然不同的世界。傳統的學習模式和知識結構,還能保證他們在未來立足嗎?當AI不斷在各個領域中嶄露頭角時,教育如何確保孩子不僅能跟上時代的步伐,還能站穩自己的價值,這已經成為每個家長和教育者都無法忽視的問題。 同時擁有教育和技術專長的「課程重新設計中心」(Center for Curriculum Redesign)機構專家,採取前瞻視角對科技影響進行深入分析,並提出改革的創新之法,重新思考在AI時代裡,教育的目標為何?該用什麼方法進行?為教育工作者、政策制定者、任何對AI時代人類前景感興趣者的必讀指引。▌本書重點|釐清AI的優勢與侷限「未來哪些工作會繼續存在?又會冒出哪些工作?」短時間之內,AI並「不會」取代多數工作,但可以確定的是:擁有AI的人,能夠打敗沒有AI的人。掌握如同大腦「外骨骼」的AI,理解AI的現階段發展,以及跟人類協作的能力互補,是銜接未來就業的重點能力。▌本書重點|找出教育的最終
Disruptive technology is an innovation that undermines conventional processes in an industry, not necessarily one that damages the natural or social environment, though it might. Contributors in busin
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A comprehensive guide for all sizes of libraries, this book guides you through the entire process of effectively redesigning your library's website—from evaluating your current site and understanding