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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:芭芭拉‧摩爾  出版社:橡實文化  出版日:2022/01/05 裝訂:平裝
愛情、工作、健康、靈性上,遇到問題時 如何使用最適合的牌陣,做出更進階的精準解讀 ★塔羅修習者的重要參考書 ★從牌陣布局的原理原則,到主題化的實用說明 ★線性牌陣╱十字牌陣╱三角牌陣╱圓形牌陣╱橋梁牌陣等,即刻就上手! 塔羅牌是連結顯意識和潛意識,小我與高我,靈魂與神性的橋梁。牌卡本身作為潛意識的象徵,牌陣則幫忙組織起這些由牌卡所呈現的訊息,使占卜師得以系統化地做出解釋,並回應到切身的情境當中。 牌陣提供了我們詮釋牌卡的結構。牌陣的形狀,牌卡的張數,串連的順序,讓眼睛和頭腦能找到解讀的切入點。在這個基礎上,進而構建起牌與牌之間的關係,讓解讀者可以把片段整合成一個連貫的訊息。 越是了解牌陣的功能屬性,在占卜時,就越能有效應用。任何牌陣都有其優缺點,針對不同的問題,可選用不同的牌陣,來預測事情的走向和可能的結果。透過本書的介紹與練習,你將有信心以嶄新且截然不同的方式來使用牌陣。 本書除了各式各樣的牌陣外,還提供了一些特殊技巧,使你可以增強自己解牌的深度和精準度,透過實際練習假以時日,你也可以建立起自己獨特的解牌風格,甚至可以發展出自己原創的牌陣。 【專業推薦】 Ricky Otis╱So Good 塔羅牌館 Mihos&Felina╱獅子與貓【塔羅、占星 、 心靈藝術】 于玥╱占星療癒心理師 丹尼爾╱塔羅教父 宇色╱「我在人間系列」作家、靈修、瑜伽士 孫正欣╱Alisa的豐饒角:用塔羅寫日記 張義平 (幽樹)╱對話式催眠創始人&塔羅講師 塔羅貓╱塔羅專欄作家 蔡昌雄╱南華大學生死學研究所助理教授 露曦安娜xLuciana╱直覺靈性心靈引導占卜師 (以上依姓氏筆畫排列) 「在塔羅占卜的整個過程中,占卜師如何藉由牌陣的使用,將牌意與牌陣融會貫通並解讀的引人入勝,也能讓個案聆聽解讀時清晰明瞭、參透其意,所以要達到如此行雲流水的分析不單單只是將牌意死背,一定要結合『適用的牌陣』來穿針引線,這樣才能達成完整的剖析,這本書從『如何選擇牌陣』到『76種牌陣』的架構,全部提供給大家參閱,值得推薦給喜歡塔羅的你!」 ――Ricky Otis╱So Good 塔羅牌館 「有趣又實用的牌陣書!幾乎各種形式的問題,都能在書裡找到對應的牌陣,某些牌陣還有延伸用法,擴展了占卜的視野,作者也從牌陣中詮釋解讀的觀點,讓此書不單純只是工具書,更提升了自我覺察的效用。」 ――Mihos&a
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
作者:莎夏.葛蘭姆  出版社:楓樹林  出版日:2023/07/01 裝訂:平裝
~一年365天,天天為重要人生選擇提供導航~★塔羅使用範疇大拓延!★美國亞馬遜4.8星至高好評! 「塔羅此刻需要的是莎夏‧葛蘭姆。」 ——《78度的智慧》暢銷書作者瑞秋·波拉克(Rachel Pollack) 塔羅占卜能夠為你人生最重大的疑問、最深層的渴望、以及最強烈的需求提供解答。 塔羅的力量就在問題之中。 現在,一年 365 天,天天你都能透過提問為生命找到美好且神奇的答案。 365天,365種牌陣,幫助你探索各式各樣的人生議題: .愛情與戀愛關係.金錢與事業.健康與平安 .家庭與家人.個人成長.占星與十二星座 .不同文化節慶假日.儀式與神祕學 .悲傷與突破.靈性修練 任何時間、任何情境,每一年你都能反覆使用這365個塔羅牌陣。 每一個牌陣都是依據當天發生的重要歷史事件設計出來的, 每一個牌陣都附有詳細解說與問題範例, 讓你在解牌時能有所聚焦。 願本書能夠陪伴你,在人生壯麗旅程中成為你的指引, 每天都從中得到新的領悟! 本書特色 ◎365天,一天一牌陣,塔羅師的日常操練手冊! ◎提供大量問題和概念,激發塔羅師的運用靈感與深度思考! ◎每日牌陣皆有「主題牌」,並配合當日重大歷史事件設定!
定價:680 元, 優惠價:9 612
作者:麗莎.錢伯倫  出版社:楓樹林  出版日:2023/04/12 裝訂:平裝
~力道直接的塔羅隨身手冊~★暢銷作家麗莎.錢伯倫(Lisa Chamberlain)塔羅力作!★美國亞馬遜4.7星,6200多則至高好評!【本書特色】◎塔羅占卜歷史演進、大小阿爾克那、宮廷牌的全方位解析。◎介紹塔羅史上最廣泛使用基本牌陣、塔羅占卜解牌的方法與詳盡步驟。◎簡要、精到,筆直揭露塔羅奧義、核心精神,入門者占卜應用最佳首選!數世紀以來,塔羅一直是許多想要從無形世界尋找答案的人用來求占問卜的工具。塔羅占卜確實能夠為人帶來力量,使困惑混亂的事情得到釐清,讓我們知道自己有能力從眼前各種可能性當中做出選擇,去塑造我們的未來。暢銷作家麗莎.錢伯倫在《初學者塔羅》中,以獨有的清晰與直白風格,為塔羅新手開啟了一扇大門。透過這本書,你將學會快速熟悉每一張牌的技巧策略、詳盡的解牌步驟、最適合個人風格的解牌方法,並學到如何為自己做出最精準的解牌。本書內容包括:.塔羅占卜技藝的起源與演變.大阿爾克那、小阿爾克那、以及宮廷牌的全方位解析.如何選擇你的第一副塔羅牌、如何跟你的牌卡成為親密戰友.塔羅解牌的初階技巧與練習.介紹當代塔羅史上最廣泛使用的兩種基本牌陣:3張牌牌陣和凱爾特十字牌陣.塔羅占卜解牌的方法與詳盡步驟.為自己解牌的具體建議.標準塔羅套牌之每一張牌的核心含義精湛的塔羅解牌技藝,需要靠時間和經驗累積來磨練,本書一大特色在於,書中所提出的牌義解釋皆適用於市面上任何一種塔羅套牌。無論你個人是使用哪一套塔羅牌,這些牌義訊息都能為你奠定扎實的基礎,讓你終身受用,為你的塔羅旅程奠定最扎實的根基!
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
作者:克莉絲朵.班納-文; 林德偉-編  出版社:生命潛能  出版日:2024/09/05 裝訂:平裝
中文世界第一本神諭卡專用牌陣書收錄牌陣多達111種!天空為限等知名牌卡專家好評推薦 選對牌陣,占卜就成功了一大半!111種全方位解決人生疑難的牌陣解鎖每副神諭卡的祕藏原力讓你無師自通,輕鬆躋身占卜大師之列 ²²專家聯手推薦²² 天空為限(翁子初)/塔羅牌專家孟小靖/塔羅事典館主星宿老師/占星協會會長查佳吟AMY/塔羅占卜師綠蒂亞/全意識溝通師紫粟老師/預馨緣塔羅老師Willow Mystic/克龍導師、星星藥女、薩滿靈巫Mika/蓋婭生活主理人 「這本書裡的牌陣,雖然靈性,但不會輕飄飄,還是抓得住它要怎麼實地執行。」 ──天空為限(翁子初)/塔羅牌專家 「本書中的牌陣,都是由作者實際演練與創作而來,以經驗來體會這些牌陣給予你我的建言,在眾多判斷下找到最佳決策。」 ──孟小靖/塔羅事典館主 「書中的111個牌陣本身的設計安排,就足以直接教導我們許多,豐富的題材兼具實用和內涵,囊括各種有趣的議題,更是學理的智慧結晶。」 ──星宿老師/占星協會會長 透過111種牌陣,為神諭卡注入新的生命力,進而找到通往宇宙智慧的路線圖。拿起本書,你就踏上了占卜大師之路。 「牌陣」是針對特殊情境而產生的結構,讓我們得以沿著路線前進,找到能回答當下疑惑的深度洞見。而牌陣的美妙之處就在於其多樣性,而且容易使用。依據問題的性質與問卜者的個人偏好,提供了五花八門的主題、問題與模式。 你使用牌陣的次數越多,就越能自在地選擇最符合自己需求的牌陣。本書的旨意在於為你擴展神諭卡之旅時,提供練習用的工具箱,甚至可以當作你為自己打造個人牌陣的靈感。 本書包含了多種獨特又充滿力量的牌陣:脈輪療癒牌陣、關係鍊金術牌陣、浴火鳳凰牌陣、與指導靈溝通牌陣、個人星座牌陣、水星逆行牌陣……。不同的牌陣都指向了各異的主題和問題──愛與關係、職涯與金錢、生命的重大轉變、家庭生活、靈性與神性、占星術與行星,好協助你思考自己與他人的疑問。 本書特色: ª 書中牌陣幾乎囊括了所有生活面向,可針對特定問題向神諭卡提問,以獲得具有層次的深度洞見,讓牌卡使用者擁有為所有人解惑的現成工具。ª 透過牌陣挖掘出手上現有神諭卡的隱藏力量,使其發揮出遠超
定價:420 元, 優惠價:79 331
作者:伊安‧羅伯森  出版社:平安文化  出版日:2022/09/05 裝訂:平裝
先相信自己,人生才會相信你。權威臨床心理醫師10年研究,最全面深入的「自信聖經」! 伴你度過低潮、專注目標,蛻變成為理想的自己! 「自信」不是與生俱來的氣質, 而是可經由後天培養的能力, 掌握內在運作的關鍵, 你也可以無所畏懼!不管是猶豫不決的你、平凡低調的你、害羞怕生的你, 都可以成為「自信的人」!「自信」是每位成功者的必備能力,可以使我們更勇敢、情緒更穩定、大腦運作更靈活,甚至可以讓人突破極限,發揮超常水準。然而,自信是天生的嗎?缺乏自信的我又該怎麼辦?權威心理醫師伊安.羅伯森歷經十餘年研究,用科學方法探究大腦運作,發現「信心」就像肌肉一樣可以訓練,每一次的挑戰,都會使信心肌肉更強健。當成功超出預期,大腦就會做出正向的反饋,這正是自信的來源,只要不斷挑戰自我,就能有效培養自信。挑戰看似困難,卻可以循序漸進。當你學會逐步擬定目標,專注執行每個計畫,在達成每個階段時都能從中獲得成就感,形成良性循環,系統化地累積信心,讓每一次挑戰,都成為超越自我的期待。自信,是人類面對未知的基礎,為不確定的未來確立方向,驅使我們克服萬難。從個人到社會,從政治到經濟,「信心」都時刻影響著我們的命運。只要用對方法,就能駕馭自信,掌握不斷前行的人生爆發力!
定價:420 元, 優惠價:9 378
作者:傑克.史瓦格; 馬克.艾茲康  出版社:寰宇  出版日:2018/04/02 裝訂:精裝
定價:1200 元, 優惠價:79 948
Sparrow Spreads Her Wings
作者:Gail Donovan  出版社:ATHENEUM BOOKS  出版日:2024/10/29 裝訂:精裝
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Combinatorics of Spreads and Parallelisms
作者:Norman Johnson  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2024/10/14 裝訂:平裝
定價:3704 元, 優惠價:95 3518
The Curated Board: Inspired Platters & Spreads for Any Occasion
作者:Bebe Black Carminito  出版社:CAMERON BOOKS  出版日:2024/09/03 裝訂:精裝
定價:950 元, 優惠價:1 950
Bravelands: Curse of the Sandtongue #2: The Venom Spreads
作者:Erin Hunter  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2022/10/04 裝訂:平裝
The brand-new arc of Erin Hunter's bestselling Bravelands series continues in the latest thrilling adventure!Friends and family are split as longtime allies turn on each other, and born foes form unlikely bonds. The very threat that led Bramble to leave the place he called home has ensnared the creatures who live on the mountain. As the mysterious poison begins to affect more and more animals, Chase struggles to determine where her loyalties should lie. And down on the plains, Prance prays that the Great Spirit will send Thorn a solution to the shadowy menace. But even the Great Father may not be able to save them this time. Full of epic adventure and thrilling intrigue, this new Bravelands adventure will thrill readers who love the Spirit Animals and Wings of Fire series, as well as the legion of dedicated fans who've made Erin Hunter a bestselling phenomenon.
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
Sauce Up Your Boards: More Than 250 Recipes for Condiments, Dips, Jams & Spreads
作者:Hillary Davis  出版社:GIBBS SMITH PUB  出版日:2024/10/22 裝訂:精裝
定價:950 元, 優惠價:79 750
The Selfish Crocodile Book of Numbers
作者:Faustin Charles; Michael Terry (ILT)  出版社:Bloomsbury Pub Plc USA  出版日:2012/05/22 裝訂:硬頁書
A case-bound, luxury edition of a story featuring the protagonist from the best-selling picture book, The Selfish Crocodile, invites youngsters to develop early counting skills with spreads that progr
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
By the Sea:Life Along the Coast
作者:Judith Homoki; Martin Haake  出版社:Prestel  出版日:2023/09/05 裝訂:精裝
Brimming with illustrations and information, this coast-to-coast journey through time and across continents introduces young readers to the historical and cultural importance of the world's seashores. Coasts have always been the starting point of discovery- whether by explorers searching for new lands or children sifting through the sand for beautiful shells. This trip around the world's oceans provides hours of fun and learning in a series of highly detailed double-page spreads that look at every aspect of critical coastal habitats, including the ebb and flow of tides; life in a coastal settlement; artistic depictions of seashores; native animals and plants; the whaling industry; tourism; and climate change.The book also provides a Twenty-First-Century corrective to Western-centric narratives about exploration and colonialism. Interspersed throughout are meticulously detailed maps of the world's largest oceans with historic events, figures and scientific facts highlighted. As fun as i
定價:1099 元, 優惠價:9 989
Wild Animals (TouchThinkLearn)
作者:Xavier Deneux  出版社:Chronicle Books Llc  出版日:2017/10/03 裝訂:硬頁書
Featuring spreads with raised shaped objects that fit into scooped cut-outs on their opposite page, this new TouchThinkLearn book offers the youngest learners an opportunity to explore in a hands-on,
定價:608 元, 優惠價:79 480
Where's Mrs Car? (Felt Flaps)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2021/03/04 裝訂:硬頁書
The original, award-winning Felt Flap series - perfect for babies and toddlers!Each title in this stylish series has five spreads with friendly characters to find behind colourful felt flaps. In Where's Mrs Car?, you're on the look out for Mr Train, Mrs Plane, Mr Boat and Mrs Car herself!Lift the final flap and there's a surprise mirror - always a hit with the little ones. Parents adore these books because they are beautiful but tough enough to withstand even the most enthusiastic of young readers.And children love them because they are just so much fun. Other titles in the series include, Felt Flaps Where's Mr Lion?, Felt Flaps Where's Mr Unicorn? and Felt Flaps Where's Mrs Ladybird?Felt Flaps Where's Mr Lion? won Sainsbury's Children's Book of the Year 2017The felt flaps in this sturdy board board are perfect for little ones to turn and tug, which means you can get even the tiniest tot into books and finding the activity fun. Ingela Arrhenius' illustrations are a real bonus.They are
定價:384 元, 優惠價:75 288
The Philosopher's Tarot
作者:Sereptie  出版社:Repeater  出版日:2022/11/08 裝訂:盒裝
The Philosopher’s Tarot is a mashup of the original classic Rider-Waite tarot with eminent philosophers, intellectuals, and revolutionaries of history. This deck infuses the mystery of cards with renowned archetypes of the intellect offering a confluence of contemplations.Let your love of fate go beyond the cards―and as far as the amor fati of Nietzsche! The Philosophers Tarot is chance’s tryst with reason: a marriage of philosophy’s conceptual creativity with the tarot’s path of intuition. Read your spreads in the traditional manner, or delve deeply into the rich philosophical implications that emerge with every draw. While every tarot deck seeks to lift the veil from the forces of the universe, The Philosopher’s Tarot does so by gesturing towards the wisdom of history’s most notable sages.The Philosopher’s Tarot is a tarot deck which infuses the classic 78 card Rider-Waite deck with popular philosophical figures and their theoretical creativity. With added flair and vibrance, The Phi
定價:948 元, 優惠價:79 749
Homes (TouchThinkLearn)
作者:Xavier Deneux  出版社:Chronicle Books Llc  出版日:2016/03/08 裝訂:硬頁書
Featuring spreads with raised, shaped objects that fit into scooped cutouts on their opposite page, these new TouchThinkLearn books offer the youngest learners an opportunity to explore in a hands-on,
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
Where's Mrs Doctor? (Felt Flaps)
作者:Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2021/04/29 裝訂:硬頁書
The original, award-winning Felt Flap series - perfect for babies and toddlers!Each title in this stylish series has five spreads with friendly characters to find behind colourful felt flaps. In Where's Mrs Doctor?, you're on the look out for Mr Nurse, Mrs Paramedic, Mr Porter and Mrs Doctor herself!Lift the final flap and there's a surprise mirror - always a hit with the little ones. Parents adore these books because they are beautiful but tough enough to withstand even the most enthusiastic of young readers.And children love them because they are just so much fun. Other titles in the series include, Felt Flaps Where's Mrs Queen?, Felt Flaps Where's Mr Astronaut? and Felt Flaps Where's Mrs Witch? Felt Flaps Where's Mr Lion? won Sainsbury's Children's Book of the Year 2017The felt flaps in this sturdy board board are perfect for little ones to turn and tug, which means you can get even the tiniest tot into books and finding the activity fun. Ingela Arrhenius' illustrations are a real b
庫存 > 10
定價:384 元, 優惠價:75 288
Where's Mrs Panda? (Felt Flaps)
作者:Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/01/12 裝訂:硬頁書
Chaos and mayhem reign as Izzy and her friends take on another hilarious (mis)adventure. There’s no such thing as an ordinary day at school when they’re around… Izzy and her friends overhear their head teacher talking about “missing treasure” and “running out of time”. They know this means there’s TREASURE buried in the school somewhere and that Mr Graves wants it all for himself. So Jodi says they’ve got to find it first, and they should start by searching the staffroom. After seeing things they will never forget, they head to the basement. Gary Petrie’s dad is working down there and he’s seen something SHINY! So they send Zach’s cat down with a camera strapped to her head and study the footage carefully. What they see is SHOCKING and CHANGES EVERYTHING. It’s not treasure in the basement, it’s a BEAST with SHINING EYES and it’s coming to get them! RUN!!!The original, award-winning Felt Flap series – perfect for babies and toddlers!Each title in this stylish series has five spreads wit
定價:384 元, 優惠價:75 288
5,000 Awesome Facts (About Everything!)
作者:National Geographic Kids  出版社:NATL GEOGRAPHIC SOC  出版日:2024/10/01 裝訂:精裝
"Filled with photographs, this beautifully designed book is organized into two-page spreads that each focus on a different topic, making it easy and fun to read." Presenting the next must-have, fun-filled gift book from the team that created Ultimate Weird But True, 5,000 Cool Facts About Everything treats kids to brain candy and eye candy all rolled into one treasure trove of high-interest fascinating facts. Lively and information-packed, this book is literally busting its covers with fascinating, fun-tastic facts on super, sensational topics that kids love. Who knew that there were so many sweet things to learn about chocolate or that a dozen delicious details about peanut butter would show up on a page with a few splotches of jelly to whet our appetites? Keep turning and a terrifyingly toothy shark tells you all about himself, while other spreads lay out tons of tips on toys and games, mysteries of history, robots and reptiles, sports and spies, wacky words, and so muc
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
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