這真是一筆非常不尋常的借據條約。若安東尼歐無法及時償還他積欠的債務,他將欠貪婪的夏洛克一磅肉!一切看似無望了──直到聰明的年輕女子波西亞,大膽地在安東尼歐的法庭上假扮法官。“The devil can quote Scripture for his own purposes.”魔鬼會為了他自己的意圖而引述聖經文句。(Act I, Scene III) “All that glitters is n
十九世紀英國教育極重視莎翁作品,1806年英國作家高德溫(William Godwin)邀請了查爾斯.蘭姆(Charles Lamb)協助「少年圖書館」的出版計畫,查爾斯於是和姊姊共同合作,將莎翁的劇本改寫為適合青少年閱讀的故事,而出版了《莎士比亞戲劇故事集》(Tales from Shakespeare)。 本書採用蘭姆姊弟(Charles and Mary Lamb)改寫的故事,不同於莎翁的原
The Merchant of Venice is most associated not with its titular hero, Antonio, but with the complex, unforgettable figure of the money-lender, Shylock. It is Shylock who finances Antonio's friend Bassa
′The quality of mercy is not strain′d,It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven′Bassiano, a noble Venetian, hopes to woo the beautiful heiress Portia. However, he requires financial assistance from h
Edited, introduced and annotated by Cedric Watts, Professor of English Literature, University of Sussex. The Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakesp
Twodolls, 30 detailed period costumes from Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, The Tempest, The Merchant of Venice, Macbeth, Henry V, Richard III, and7 other great plays.
Edited, Introduced and Annotated by Cedric Watts, Research Professor of English Literature, University of Sussex. The Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series, with Henry V and The Merchant of Venice a
莎士比亞,為全世界所推崇的偉大作家,在他卓越的創作中所蘊含的人生智慧,啟發著世世代代的讀者。本書特別精選莎翁最著名的劇本,將之改寫為淺顯易懂的短篇故事,帶領你一探莎士比亞的文學殿堂。 本書收錄十六篇故事,內文附有重點字彙,加注英文註釋及IPA音標;精選莎翁原著的佳言錄;附中譯文;隨書並錄有MP3,完整收錄故事朗讀。 1 Hamlet 哈姆雷特 2 A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之夢 3 King Lear 李爾王 4 The Taming of The Shrew 馴悍記 5 The Tempest 暴風雨 6 Cymbeline 辛白林 7 As You Like It 皆大歡喜 8 The Comedy of Errors 連環錯 9 Romeo and Juliet 羅密歐與茱麗葉 10 The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人 11 Macbeth 馬克白 12 Twelfth Night 第十二夜 13 Othello 奧賽羅 14 The Winter's Tale 冬天的故事 15 Much Ado About Nothing 無事生非 16 Measure for Measure 一報還一報 ------------------------------------------------------ 搭配寂天雲APP聆聽訓練聽力最有效! 掃描書封QR Code下載「寂天雲」App,即能下載全書音檔,無論何時何地都能輕鬆聽取專業母語老師的正確道地示範發音,訓練您的聽力。 功能特色: ● 透過本App,可下載每本書的音檔,即點即播。 ● App 內建掃描器,掃描書本內頁QR Code ,可直接對應到書本內容,播放音檔。 ● 可根據自我學習狀況,設定循環播放、單曲重複播放、前進後退10秒播放。 ● 有多段語速可供選擇播放,可依學習情況調整快慢語速,逐步強化聽力訓練。 ● 可設定星號書籤,標示重點複習音檔,重複播放。 ● 提供背景播放,讓您無論開車、坐車通勤、跑步或行進間,訓練聽力不間斷。 ● 可設定播放時間,讓您睡前也能預設關閉時間,把握淺眠期的黃金學習時段。 透過「寂天雲」App,書本與聲音的連結更自由、更多元,讓您隨時隨地都能輕鬆學習,更方便!更有效率!
莎翁名劇《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)中,猶太人夏洛克的女兒潔西卡和基督徒羅倫佐私奔,而羅倫佐的朋友,威尼斯大商人安東尼奧則向夏洛克借貸,金援友人落魄貴族巴薩尼歐追求富貴千金波西亞,立下契約「若無法償還欠款,則割下一磅肉還債」。最終波西亞女扮男裝、化身法學博士,援引古老的威尼斯律法為安東尼奧解套,將了貪婪的猶太人夏洛克一軍。然而夏洛克真的是邪惡而貪婪的嗎?抑或他只是生活在威尼斯、受到歧視和壓迫的猶太人的縮影?如果基督徒羅倫佐實際上是個騙財騙色的渣男,而與他私奔的潔西卡看清自己受到拐騙,回頭幫助父親夏洛克對威尼斯商人們進行復仇,故事又會如何演變呢?《猴子的荒野》是美國加州大學洛杉磯分校戲劇系深具影響力的榮譽退休教授凱羅‧費雪‧索根芙瑞所構思創作,為接續莎士比亞名劇《威尼斯商人》的創新喜劇,添加以喬裝為男守衛的威尼斯女公爵角色所帶來的法律新解,融入16世紀風靡一時的鬱金香狂熱,並以21世紀的後現代女性主義視角,來重新解讀宗教、種族、性別的重要議題,顛覆莎翁的盎格魯撒克遜沙文主義,為猶太人平反歷史長久的冤屈。"
Includes the unabridged text of Shakespeare's classic play plus a complete study guide that helps readers gain a thorough understanding of the work's content and context. The comprehensive guide inclu
The Merchant of Venice is a collection of seventeen new essays that explore the concepts of anti-Semitism, the work of Christopher Marlowe, the politics of commerce and making the play palatable to a
In sooth, I know not why I am so sad:It wearies me; you say it wearies you;But how I caught it, found it, or came by it,What stuff 'tis made of, whereof it is born, I am to learn;And such a want-wit s
Romance and mystery merge in this suspenseful tale inspired by Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice.?Venice in 1602 is a vibrant and charming city. Yet beneath this splendor lies a sinister underworld
"Shylock of Venice" is a sequel to Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. While the trial scene in Shakespeare's play is crude, unrealistic and unbelievable, designed for the Christian riffraff, the la
The Merchant of Venice in the popular Oxford School Shakespeare series, updated with a fresh new look. The Merchant of Venice is a popular text for study by secondary students the world over. This edi
A gamble on trading ships at sea, a pound of flesh as the penalty, a contest to win the hand of a rich heiress, and the final rescue in a court of law--The Merchant of Venice has all the ingredients r