More than a quarter of a million Muslims live and work in Hong Kong. Among them are descendants of families who have been in the city for generations, recent immigrants from around the world, and grow
2023年,香港中文大學迎來六十周年校慶。值此重要時刻,當反思大學使命—「結合傳統與現代,融會中國與西方」的歷史意蘊與時代價值。大學圖書館藉此難得機會,舉辦紀念展覽,展示館藏中日益豐富的西方漢學珍本。 本圖錄記錄了展出的藏書,並一一簡述概況,涵蓋從十五至十九世紀中葉的書籍、地圖和手稿。珍藏之中不乏最優秀的早期漢學著作。其中許多作品均由利瑪竇、湯若望等知名耶穌會教士撰寫,他們縱然人數不多,但在深入接觸近代早期中國社會與文化的過程中,一手創立了近代漢學,留下了近距離觀察中國的珍貴記錄。隨著這些傳教士的著作傳回歐洲,關於中國的歐洲書籍愈加準確詳細,歐洲人對中國的了解也與日俱增。本圖錄透過豐富的圖像,以及細緻的介紹和描述,呈現出一幅生動的早期歷史圖景,展現西方對中國持久而深入的興趣和理解,以及中西淵源的交疊與關聯。透過本圖錄,讀者亦可藉此思索如何更好地「結合傳統與現代,融會中國與西方」。 In 2023, The Chinese University of Hong Kong celebrates the sixtieth anniversary of its foundation. This occasion provides a moment for reflection on the historical and contemporary meanings of the university’s mission “to combine tradition with modernity and to bring together China and the West.” To this end, the celebrations include an exhibition of the University Library’s burgeoning collection of Western rare books about China, which is recorded and contextualized in this catalogue. This splendid volume features books, maps, and manuscripts from the fifteenth to the mid-ni