阿曼是喜歡自由的流浪漢,不喜歡被拘束,更不愛小孩纏著他。沒想到聖誕節前幾天,他的地盤竟然被三個爸爸剛過世的孩子們佔據了,阿曼為了他們,慢慢改變自己,甚至還找了一份工作,幫他們達成擁有一棟房子的夢想The heartwarming and memorable Newbery Honor–winning book about finding family in the unlikeliest places—even under a bridge in Paris—featuring artwork by beloved illustrator Garth Williams.“A thoroughly delightful story of humor and sentiment. Garth Williams’s illustrations are perfect.” —School Library JournalArmand, an old man living on the streets of Paris, relishes his solitary life in the beautiful city. He is happy with his carefree existence, begging and doing odd jobs to keep himself warm and fed. With simple pleasures and no cares, what more could he need?Then one day, just before Christmas, Armand returns to his favorite spot beneath the bridge to find three cold and hungry children. Although he has no interest in children, Armand soon finds himself caring for the small family, happily sharing his food and his friendship with them. It does not take Armand very long to realize th
或許山並不在乎她們的性別,但人類社會在乎。 |詹偉雄 策畫・選書.導讀──臉譜出版meters山岳文學書系作品|山女孩Kit王迦嵐│健行筆記創辦人江秀真呂忠翰│世界公民兼探險家易思婷│旅美攀登探險家張元植│台灣新生代登山家劉崇鳳──推薦「喬登凸顯的不光是危險,更揭露在高海拔登山界中充斥性別歧視、忽視基本尊重與自戀的情況。」——《紐約時報書評》(New York Times Book Reviews)自一九五三年美國登山隊的一名成員在K2罹難後,這座滿是岩石、冰、風暴與深淵的「殘暴之巔」名聲遠播,並逾半世紀未曾改變。在多數為男性的職業登山界,卻有五名女子先峰打破性別的藩籬,先後登上這座八千公尺高、幾乎隔絕所有生命體的「死亡地帶」。這五名登山家分別是:汪妲・魯特凱維奇(Wanda Rutkiewicz,一九四三-一九九二),一九八六年登上K2頂峰莉莉安・巴哈德(Liliane Barrard,一九四八-一九八六),一九八六年從K2下撤時死亡茱莉・特利斯(Julie Tullis,一九三九-一九八六),一九八六年從K2下撤時死亡向黛兒・莫迪(Chantal Mauduit,一九六四-一九九八),一九九二年登上K2頂峰艾莉森・哈葛利夫(Alison Hargreaves,一九六二-一九九五)一九九五年從K2下撤時死亡一九九八年,一篇「最後一個活著離開K2的女人」逝世的文章,使得作者開始跟隨這些女性登山家的腳步來到K2。她迷戀上這陌異無情的高地,也好奇這些女性為何留下家人與孩子,選擇在死亡邊緣生活?在女兒、妻子、母親這些身分之外,如何克服社會觀感與體能的極限,在山上既要應付月事,還得和男性登山隊員、揹夫、嚮導與官員角力?本書記錄這五名女性登山家與父權體制纏鬥不休的身影,同時也向後人展示她們對攀登與高山的熱切嚮往,以及獻出生命也不足為惜的決心。
**NOW THE WINNER OF THE 2022 BEST DIRECTOR OSCAR AND TWO 2022 BAFTA AWARDS**Discover Thomas Savage's dark poetic tale of a small town in early 20th century America. Phil and George are brothers, more than partners, joint owners of the biggest ranch in their Montana valley. Phil is the bright one, George the plodder. Phil is tall and angular; George is stocky and silent.Phil is a brilliant chess player, a voracious reader, an eloquent storyteller; George learns slowly, and devotes himself to the business. Phil is a vicious sadist, with a seething contempt for weakness to match his thirst for dominance; George has a gentle, loving soul. They sleep in the room they shared as boys, and so it has been for forty years.When George unexpectedly marries a young widow and brings her to live at the ranch, Phil begins an relentless campaign to destroy his brother's new wife. But he reckons without an unlikely protector. From its visceral first paragraph to its devastating twist of an ending, The P
When the city is hit by a colossal snowstorm, only one superhero can save the day. But who is this mysterious hero, and why does he disappear once his job is done?Find out in this snowy tale about a l
Now a major Netflix film by Jane Camption, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Kirsten Dunst: Thomas Savage's acclaimed Western is "a pitch-perfect evocation of time and place" (Boston Globe) for fans of East of Eden and Brokeback Mountain. Set in the wide-open spaces of the American West, The Power of the Dog is a stunning story of domestic tyranny, brutal masculinity, and thrilling defiance from one of the most powerful and distinctive voices in American literature. The novel tells the story of two brothers -- one magnetic but cruel, the other gentle and quiet -- and of the woman and young boy, mother and son, whose arrival on the brothers' ranch shatters an already tenuous peace. From the novel's startling first paragraph to its very last word, Thomas Savage's voice -- and the intense passion of his characters -- holds readers in thrall. "Gripping and powerful...A work of literary art." --Annie Proulx, from her afterword
Will Franny ever prove to her dad that crows and kids can be friends?Franny has a new friend—a crow who brings her presents in its beak. Like a red button! And a silver heart! Franny’s dad doesn’t bel