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Ai Weiwei;艾未未 (1)
艾未未 (1)

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時報文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:艾未未  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2022/07/05 裝訂:平裝
當今世上最有創意的反抗者回憶父親艾青,觀照自己的人生與藝術以三代歷程透視當代中國記述祕密監禁81天的經過卡夫卡式的荒謬情境真實上演作者親繪封面及55幅內頁素描父親翻開《辭海》,閉上他的眼睛,他的手指摁在了「未」字上,說:就叫「未未」吧。艾未未,對著中國權力中心比中指的藝術家,他的藝術行動總是切中社會脈動,用大膽的創意挑釁強權,解構文化,為弱勢發聲。其實,他的身世與中國近百年的歷史有著千絲萬縷的關係。他的父親艾青是中國的大詩人,在延安與中共第一代領導人有過來往,還參與了中華人民共和國建國時的國旗和國徽設計,也是智利詩人聶魯達的好友。但在共產黨接二連三的運動中,他被標籤為右派,流放到北大荒和新疆等偏遠地區。艾未未的人生有近二十年的時間,跟著在農場接受勞動改造的父親一起生活。青年時期對現狀的不滿,刺激他離開這個國家,遠赴美國學藝術。在紐約,生活中要面對貧窮,精神上卻連連受到激盪──杜象的啟發、安迪•沃荷帶給他的震撼、民主示威運動的驚奇。跟艾倫•金斯伯格往來讓他更擴展了視野。艾未未的藝術從早期就充滿反叛精神。回到中國後,他讓種種不公與荒謬的現象公諸於世,引起中國人民的廣大迴響,更成為了國際級藝術巨星。他是北京奧林匹克體育場「鳥巢」的設計者之一。《金融時報》將他譽為「當世最重要的藝術家」,《紐約時報》稱他「雄辯且拒絕沉默的自由之聲」。然而,中國當局卻越來越視他為眼中釘,限縮他的人身自由。艾未未日日處在監視器和國安探員的窺伺下,甚至遭到當局祕密監禁。這是一部含有多重意義的回憶錄,不僅縱觀艾未未的創作歷程,顯示這位藝術家如何透過作品和行動跟社會對話,也呈現中國百年發展的縮影,從中日戰爭、國共內戰到反右運動及文化大革命,從天安門事件到COVID-19爆發,甚至述及現在全球關注的難民潮。個人史、家史、國史環環相扣,刻畫入微的紀實文字蘊含對人權、人道關懷及言論自由的奮戰精神。「美和理性是不屈服的,無論它們以何種形式消失,一定會再以反叛的形式釋放出來。」──艾未未各界人士讚佩推薦愛德華•史諾頓 (Edward Snowden)艾爾頓•強 (Elton John)安德魯•所羅門 (Andrew Solomon)角谷美智子 (Michiko Kakutani)歐逸文 (Evan Osnos)百靈果NEWS(Podcaster)房慧真(作家)林昶佐(立法委員)范琪斐(資深媒體人)張雍(攝影師)
定價:520 元, 優惠價:9 468
1000 Years Of Joys And Sorrows
作者:Ai Weiwei  出版社:Crown Pub  出版日:2021/11/02 裝訂:平裝
In his widely anticipated memoir, Ai Weiwei―one of the world’s most famous artists and activists―tells a century-long epic tale of China through the story of his own extraordinary life and the legacy
定價:779 元, 優惠價:79 615
1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows
作者:Ai Weiwei; 艾未未  出版社:Vintage UK  出版日:2021/11/02 裝訂:平裝
Through the sweeping, extraordinary story of his own and his father's lives, Ai Weiwei - one of the world's most famous artists and activists - tells an epic tale of China over the last 100 years.Ai Weiwei's sculptures and installations have been viewed by millions around the globe, and his architectural achievements include helping to design Beijing's iconic Bird's Nest Olympic Stadium. But his political activism has long made him a target of the Chinese authorities, which culminated in months of secret detention without charge in 2011. Here, for the first time, Ai Weiwei explores the origins of his exceptional creativity and passionate political beliefs through his own life story and that of his father, whose own creativity was stifled.Once an intimate of Mao Zedong, Ai Weiwei's father was branded a rightist during the Cultural Revolution, and he and his family were banished to a desolate place known as 'Little Siberia', where Ai Qing was sentenced to hard labour cleaning public toil
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
1000 Years Of Joys And Sorrows
作者:Ai Weiwei  出版社:Crown Pub  出版日:2022/09/13 裝訂:平裝
NEW YORK TIMES EDITORS’ CHOICE • In Ai Weiwei’s memoir, “one of the most important artists working in the world today” (Financial Times) tells a century-long epic tale of China through the story of his own extraordinary life and the legacy of his father, the nation’s most celebrated poet.Hailed as “an eloquent and seemingly unsilenceable voice of freedom” by The New York Times, Ai Weiwei has written a sweeping memoir that presents a remarkable history of China over the last hundred years while also illuminating his artistic process. Once an intimate of Mao Zedong and the nation’s most celebrated poet, Ai Weiwei’s father, Ai Qing, was branded a rightist during the Cultural Revolution, and he and his family were banished to a desolate place known as “Little Siberia,” where Ai Qing was sentenced to hard labor cleaning public toilets. Ai Weiwei recounts his childhood in exile, and his difficult decision to leave his family to study art in America, where he befriended Allen Ginsberg and was
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows: A Memoir
作者:Ai Weiwei  出版社:Crown Pub  出版日:2021/11/02 裝訂:精裝
In his widely anticipated memoir, Ai Weiwei--one of the world's most famous artists and activists--tells a century-long epic tale of China through the story of his own extraordinary life and the legacy of his father, Ai Qing, the nation's most celebrated poet.Hailed as "the most important artist working today" by the Financial Times and as "an eloquent and unsilenceable voice of freedom" by The New York Times, Ai Weiwei has written a sweeping memoir that presents a remarkable history of China over the last 100 years while illuminating his artistic process. Once an intimate of Mao Zedong, Ai Weiwei's father was branded a rightist during the Cultural Revolution, and he and his family were banished to a desolate place known as "Little Siberia," where Ai Qing was sentenced to hard labor cleaning public toilets. Ai Weiwei recounts his childhood in exile, and his difficult decision to leave his family to study art in America, where he befriended Allen Ginsberg and was inspired by Andy Warhol
定價:1216 元, 優惠價:79 961
1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows:A Memoir
作者:Ai Weiwei  出版社:Vintage Publishing  出版日:2021/11/02 裝訂:精裝
定價:1375 元, 優惠價:95 1306
1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows:The story of two lives, one nation, and a century of art under tyranny
作者:Ai Weiwei  出版社:Vintage Publishing  出版日:2022/09/13 裝訂:平裝
定價:604 元, 優惠價:95 574



