This book is the factual account of the life, up to now, of William Stanly Milligan, the first person in U.S. history to be found not guilty of major crimes, by reason of insanity, because he possessed multiple personalitiesUnlike other multiple personalities in psychiatric and popular literature who were kept anonymous at the outset by the use of fictional names, Milligan became a controversial public figure from the moment he was arrested and indicted. His face appeared on the front pages of newspapers and on the covers of magazines. Results of his mental examinations made evening television news programs and newspaper headlines around the world. He is also the first multiple personality patient to have been carefully examined around the clock as an inpatient in a hospital setting, with findings of multiplicity attested to in sworn testimony by four psychiatrists and a psychologist
多重人格分裂紀實小說《24個比利》續作,全美封禁,不得出版 全球僅有中文、日文、法文版 比利是美國歷史上犯下重罪但因多重人格分裂而被判無罪的嫌疑犯 只要閉上眼睛,所有難以承擔的痛苦都會過去 奧斯卡影帝萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧一人挑戰24個人格 詹姆斯·卡梅隆主動改編原著欲執導不被允許 邀請大衛·芬奇 x 索德伯格 x 格斯·范·桑特依然不得執導 馬修·麥康納 x 約翰尼·德
特製厚磅透明粉紅色PE袋+網印,裝載聶永真五年來的精選作品…… 林宥嘉/感官世界、五月天/第二人生、女孩與機器人/平行宇宙、曹格/荷里活的動物園、潘瑋柏/24個比利、田馥甄/ 渺小、李宗盛/山丘、蔡依林/Myself、吉田修一/再見溪谷、馬世芳/歌物件、陳俊志/臺北爸爸紐約媽媽、Eiki Mori/ tokyo boy alone、編号223/編号223、遺憾先生遺憾的包裹掉進了遺憾的海:黎煥雄劇