本書的目標是讓大家又快又好地打包學透 Spring 技術棧,內容將涉及 Spring Framework、Spring Boot、 Spring Cloud 等 Spring 家族成員。 本書分為四部分:第一部分“Spring 入門”,先學習基本的 Spring IoC、AOP,隨後過渡到當下熱門的 Spring Boot ;第二部分“Spring 中的數據操作”,其中既有常規的 SQL、NoSQL 數據操作,也有進階的數據源配置和緩存抽象;第三部分“使用 Spring 開發 Web 應用”,講述 Spring MVC 細節的同時,也不放過 Web 安全與 REST ;第四部分“使用 Spring 開發微服務”,除了常規的 Spring Cloud 模塊,也會講解 Spring Cloud Alibaba。在講解具體內容的基本示例之外,書中還設計了一個貫穿主要章節的實戰案例,帶大家一步步從零開始實現一個靈活運用全書內容的項目“二進制奶茶店”。 本書重實戰、重工程現實,是業內專業人員丁雪豐親歷的有效學習路徑,彙集了作者多年的實戰經驗。跟著兔子書,只要具備 Java 基礎知識,就可以快速上手 Spring,並落地實戰項目和生產環境。
2014年9月19日,阿里巴巴在紐約交易所上市,創下史上最大IPO,市值高達2,314億美元,超越Facebook、Amazon等網路巨擘,從一家企業,改變世界遊戲規則,成長為難以動搖的阿里巴巴帝國! 阿里巴巴模式,不是一家企業的成功,不是馬雲的成就,而是中國經濟、更是世界經濟的未來模式! ★諾貝爾經濟學獎得主菲爾普斯 Edmund S. Phelps、紐約大學普林斯頓大學名譽教授鮑莫爾 Will
From a long-time Alibaba executive and former special assistant to Jack Ma, this is the first book to articulate how Alibaba's unique culture and “tai chi” management principles are providing a business and economic development model for the rest of the world.If you took the economic might of Amazon, and added the penetration of Facebook, the ubiquity of Google, and the cultural significance of YouTube, you might have something starting to resemble Alibaba. Commonly mischaracterized as a kind of Chinese eBay for businesses, Alibaba and its interlinked network of products and services have exploded into global markets, disrupting conventional businesses and creating previously unimaginable opportunities for millions of small businesses worldwide. This book reveals the Tao of Alibaba―the company’s “secret sauce”―a consciously cultivated ethos and spirit that has enabled Alibaba to weather tough times (including its recent setbacks with the Chinese government) and persist toward a common
An engrossing, insider’s account of how a teacher built one of the world’s most valuable companies—rivaling Walmart and Amazon—and forever reshaped the global economyIn just a decade and a half, Jack
An engrossing, insider’s account of how a teacher built one of the world’s most valuable companies—rivaling Walmart & Amazon—and forever reshaped the global economy. In just a decade and half
Traces the founding of Alibaba, the world's second largest Internet company, by an English teacher from humble origins, drawing on exclusive interviews to explore how the company and Jack Ma have beco