Charlotte is different from all the other sheep. She likes to explore the world around her, climbing up trees and wandering near the dangerous road while the wary old sheep “tsk, tsk.” But when danger
你們覺得世界上最勇敢的事物是什麼?絕對是勇敢的小熊!而是誰幫助小熊變勇敢呢?也就是熊爸爸囉!熱浪來襲,讓熊爸爸與小熊感受到無比的火熱,於是熊爸爸決定帶著小熊去河邊玩水,清涼一下。去河邊的路上,小熊為了讓爸爸驚豔,於是想從石頭上來了個大跳躍,殊不知重重跌了一跤,這時熊爸爸在小熊感到挫折時,告訴牠「你知道這世界上最勇敢的事物是什麼嗎?就是勇敢的熊!」,並且陪伴牠繼續前往河流的道路上。本書以溫柔的字句配上手繪精緻的插畫,來培養孩子勇敢挑戰新事物的勇氣,就算在過程中跌倒了也沒關係,拍拍身子,繼續往前達成目標。而書中熊爸爸的陪伴也呼應了全天下的父母,會是孩子學習過程中最有愛也是最棒的後盾。What is the bravest thing in the world? A brave bear, of course! And who is the best at helping a little bear feel brave? His dad.It is a hot, hot day. Dad Bear says, “I think a pair of hot bears is probably the hottest thing in the world.” So Little Bear suggests they go to the river to cool down. It's a long way. Little Bear tries to impress his Dad by doing a big jump from one rock to another, but he falls over. When he picks himself up and keeps going, his dad says, “I think a brave bear is probably the bravest thing in the world.” For very young children just beginning to dare to do new things and their supportive and loving parents, this gentle read-aloud just might be the best thin
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The #1 New York Times bestselling series is hotter than ever, and this thrilling conclusion to the Lost Continent Prophecy arc is a must-read!With talons united . . .Luna has always wanted to change the world -- to fix it, to free it -- even if she’s never actually known how. Now that all of dragon - and humankind are in mortal danger, Luna is flying back home to Pantala with a team of dragons on a rescue mission, determined to be brave and useful.But saving a continent isn’t as easy as a prophecy makes it sound, and “facing a great evil” definitely requires more than the fiery silk that Luna is uniquely able to create. As she fights her way to the abyss that hides the dark roots poisoning Pantala, Luna must uncover a long-buried secret and unite her friends, her enemies, and her own powers. If she doesn’t, she won’t get to change the world. She’ll have to say goodbye to it -- forever.