Originally published by Yale University Press in 1944, Bureaucracy is a classic fundamental examination of the nature of bureaucracies and free markets in juxtaposition to various political systems. B
Schooling, Childhood, and Bureaucracy uses sociological explanations to describe how the school system in the United States developed, and why reform is a constant. The American public school system i
One of the US Congress's central efforts to maintain its own power in the face of the rise of the federal bureaucracy has been the attempt to limit the public voice of the bureaucracy, whether said vo
This special volume brings together leading scholars in the field of organisation studies to reflect on the universal phenomena of hierarchy (vertical organisation of tasks) and bureaucracy (rule-boun
Focusing on the genesis of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, this hard-hitting analysis of the war on poverty charges that since FDR's New Deal, the U.S. government has introduced many public poli
In imperial China, workers drawn from the local populace performed many of the basic functions of local administration. Standing between the rulers and the ruled, these men mediated in both directions
One of the major dilemmas facing the administrative state in the United States today is discerning how best to harness for public purposes the dynamism of markets, the passion and commitment of nonpro
☆本書聚焦在一個對所有人來說影響重大,卻又被遺忘的重點:科層制(官僚制度)對於人類整體的壓迫。☆2011年時代雜誌評選年度百大風雲人物之一。☆美國占領華爾街運動的發起人之一,《美國商業週刊》稱他為華爾街占領運動的重要領袖。他的論述將這場被視為擾人的街頭抗爭,變成全球矚目的抗議運動。格雷伯共同發表的運動口號:「我們是99%。」(We are the 99 percent),撼動了長期由極富人口壟斷社
Originally published by Yale University Press in 1944, Bureaucracy is a classic fundamental examination of the nature of bureaucracies and free markets in juxtaposition to various political systems. B