A fresh new look to celebrate 25 years of Katie making art an adventure!Katie leaps through the frames of five famous paintings by Van Gogh, Gauguin and Cézanne! Katie tries to pick the sunflower seed
This is a semi-autobiographical novella about artistic pursuit and discovery. During the beginning of the 20th century, the possible connection between Paul Cézanne’s art and Henri Bergson’s philosophy was once a legend. However nowadays, few people mention this anymore. When our protagonist left his former career and returned to school in the 1990s, he fell into the world of art. While studying Western art theory, he was fascinated by the parallels between Bergson and the art he researched. Our main character followed the spiritual guidance of Cézanne and his successors, Matisse and Picasso, and devoted himself to tracing the prospect of this century-old legend. Through many struggles and endless toil, he resolved the mystery in Cézanne’s various paintings (e.g., cardplayers, smokers, still-lifes, mountains, portraits, bathers, etc.). He rediscovered Cézanne’s paintings in detail and found that Cézanne incorporated three Bergsonian figures (vertical and hor
「我想要畫到死為止。」――保羅.塞尚詩人里爾克(Rainer Maria Rilke)說:「大師離世之後,我到處追隨他的蹤跡。」塞尚是世界公認的偉大畫家,他的藝術成就在於挑戰繪畫傳統,並開創了繪畫藝術的新世界。他筆下的日常景觀,跳脫常人所感,獨具洞見。我們可以在塞尚成熟期的作品中看見他以驚人的手法結合色彩與線條,畫出具有動態張力又寧靜祥和的世界。塞尚的作品驅使人去創作,去追尋「自己最渴望的目標」。
《This is 高更》讀來輕鬆,內容豐富,並且非常有趣。整本書中的插畫,也讓這本非小說的紀實類書籍讀起來像故事書般,讓任何人都能容易進入,即使是從未閱讀過藝術類書籍的讀者也不會有門檻。聚焦於高更繪畫生涯中重要作品,並且詳細的分析與討論畫作主題與靈感,對原先可能不太認識高更的人來說,相當具有洞見與啟發。--插畫家協會(Association of illustrators)「我很清楚,我是偉大的藝
A major new study of the portraiture of one of the most important artists of the nineteenth centuryPaul Cézanne (1839-1906) may be best known for his landscapes, but he also painted some 160 portraits