自 IBM (國際商業機器公司) 以近乎拼裝的方式,設計組裝出首部平民價位的 PC (個人電腦) 之後,從此開啟了突發猛進的數位時代。時至今日,數位運算平台與相關套裝軟體的應用發展更不可同日而語,而 2010 年正是一個極具代表性的時間點。 多核心運算硬體平台的出現,使得 64 位元作業系統得以順利運作。服役多年的 Windows XP 作業系統,終於有了得到使用者認同的 Window 7 作業
本書 Computers Are Your Future 中文版自 2010 年發行,廣受國內外各界好評後。2012年原文版已全新上市,中文版也已幾近同步的速度完成編譯。除了更新了當今最新、最快的科技知識與未來趨勢,並編寫了適合於中文讀者的各種所需知識,對於舊雨新知們來說更是千萬不可錯過。 為了讓讀者能輕鬆面對未來多變的數位課程與生活,進而活用各種工具解決問題與完成任務。本書除了闡述基本且必知的
Discover the Most Comprehensible Beginner's Guide to Coding for Children, Packed with Fun Coding Activities and Games All Kids Will LoveDear friend, Do you have a little smartypants running around your home? Would you like to ensure the brightest possible future for your child? If so, then this book is a perfect choice for both of you.This bundle is an excellent choice for all children who are interested in the world of computers, programming, and coding. It is specially made for kids aged from 8 to 12 that have no prior knowledge of coding.Here is what this bundle can teach your child: Game-based learning - there's no better way for kids to learn than through playing and fun activities that will capture your child's attention.40+ fun coding activities and games - this bundle is packed with more than 40 fun activities that will introduce coding to your child and help them grasp the basic skills from a very young age.Easy-to-follow guidance - Straightforward directions and tips keep you
For fans of Gordon Korman comes a ';funny and original' (Kirkus Reviews) middle grade adventure about a school club whose members stumble across video footage of themselves from five years in the future.What if a school club changed your life forever? In the second week of seventh grade, Jason Sloan signs up for the brand-new HAIR Club. He and his friends have no idea what it's about, but since they're the first to sign up they figure they'll be in charge in no time. The club turns out to be super weird: using fancy new equipment donated by a mysterious benefactor, the members are supposed to monitor school security footage. Their first assignment: find out what is stealing the cafeteria's croutons. Instead of the expected dark cafeteria, the computers show the club members something else entirely: actual footage of themselves as high school seniors, five years in the future! What on earth could be happening? Is it some kind of time warp or alternate reality? Or is it just an unfunny p